The risk management of producers can only be improved through cooperation

By: STA Date: 2024. 06. 21. 09:30

On June 20, 2024, the Agricultural Economics Institute (AKI) hosted the workshop entitled “Experiences of the agricultural risk management system in 2023” for the tenth time.

(Photo: AKI PÁIR)

After presenting the results and experiences of 2023, Deputy State Secretary Dr. Anikó Juhász (AM) and dr.Dániel Seffer, head of the ministerial commissioner’s secretariat (NGM), spoke about the current situation of the agricultural insurance market, the future challenges and their solution options. In addition to the host, the main actors of the agricultural insurance market at the event included the Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), the Ministry of Public Administration and Territorial Development, some county government offices, the Hungarian National Bank, as well as organizations responsible for the agricultural risk management system (Hungarian State Treasury, Representatives of the National Food Chain Safety Office, Chamber of Agriculture) participated. In the second part of the event, the nearly 50 attendees were able to take part in a workshop, the topic of which was the possibility of coordinating the damage reporting and inspection process of the greyhound damage mitigation system and market insurers. During the active professional discourse, it was possible to take into account the advantages and hindering factors resulting from the unification of the processes of the two systems with completely different approaches, as well as the tasks to be solved in the future. The importance of the professional meeting was that, in addition to the professional exchange of ideas, it provided a starting point for the representatives of the organizations responsible for the operation of the agricultural risk management system and those participating in it, to determine the directions for further development.


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