Facts and misconceptions in animal husbandry – the national chamber of agriculture is launching a new video series
Who is fueling the anti-meat narrative? What would a world without livestock be like? What role does animal husbandry play in rural farming and the functioning of ecosystems? These and similar questions are answered in the videos produced by the European Livestock Voice group. Available on the website of the National Chamber of Agriculture, in the subcategory Facts/Misconceptions – Animal Husbandry, new interviews with international experts – translated into Hungarian – appear every week.
A new category has been added to the professional videos sub-page available on the website of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy. In the Facts/Misconceptions – Livestock subcategory, there are interviews with international experts who signed the Dublin Declaration, published by European Livestock Voice, a group of like-minded EU partners active in the livestock food chain.
Animal breeders deserve respect
The National Chamber of Agriculture considers it a priority task to inform its members, the public and decision-makers as widely as possible, based on authentic information, and to restore the respect of farmers active in the livestock sector. The Hungarian translations of the thought-provoking interviews published by the group called the Voice of European Animal Husbandry also serve this purpose. The most important goal of the organization founded in 2019 is to inform the public and decision-makers based on scientific facts about the social, economic and cultural value of animal husbandry, the issues affecting animal product production and the sector’s contribution to global challenges, thereby offering another perspective in the ongoing debates. in addition to complying with environmental protection and animal health and welfare regulations – the advance of civil organizations with extreme views and the so-called “green issues” they represent pose more and more challenges.
Half-truths and bias plague the sector
The attacks on the sector – which in many cases reflect a one-sided approach, lack any scientific basis or are based on half-truths – fundamentally influence the opinion of European consumers about farmers, animal breeding, animal husbandry, and the production of animal products. In the Facts/Misconceptions – Animal Husbandry subcategory, new video interviews with internationally recognized experts in the topics of animal husbandry, animal husbandry and animal product production appear on a weekly basis. – According to our hopes, our constantly expanding content interface broadens the knowledge related to animal husbandry and animal product production, provides a more diverse perspective for society as a whole and thus contributes to creating the widest possible acceptance of the sector. – NAK wrote on its website.
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