Keeping cookout season alive

By: Kátai Ildikó Date: 2020. 04. 27. 23:08

Owner of Kraft Heinz brand Oscar Mayer is running a social media campaign that encourages people to have front yard barbecues that still respect social distancing guidelines during the coronavirus pandemic in the US. Having great barbecue traditions Oscar Mayer incorporates an also traditional element, the charity into the campaign on 2.May.

Grillezésre buzdító aktivitás az USA-ban

Grillezésre buzdító aktivitást indított a Kraft Heinz az USA-ban

The push by Kraft Heinz’s hot dog brand illustrates what a front yard cookout could look like, with each household safely grilling in their own driveway and waving to neighbors across the street. The effort includes a 10-second digital ad and 30-second TV spot. The ads illustrate how communities can still gather for regular activity while practicing safe social distancing, including by standing “12 hot dogs apart.” Wash your hands with soap, top your hot dogs with mustard, never the other way around. Thank the grill master with a thumbs up, or an air high five. Don’t touch your face unless it’s with a hot dog.

Grillezési tanácsok hotdog nyelven

Grillezési tanácsok koronavírus helyzetre, “hotdog nyelven”.

The campaign also calls people to come out for a Front Yard Cookout on May 2, the same day Oscar Mayer plans to donate 1 million meals to the nonprofit Feeding America. The brand will share up to 1 million additional meals if fans post photos of their outdoor setups on Twitter with the hashtag #FrontYardCookout throughout May.

Grillezésre és jótékonysági játékra buzdít az Oscar Mayer

1 millió adag ételt adományoz a Kraft Heinz tulajdonosa a rászorulókna az USA-banés ugyanennyit ad a Twitteren elindított fotófeltöltős játékhoz kapcsolódva

Kraft Heinz, in particular, is experiencing a resurgence during the health crisis as people stock up on comfort foods and non-perishables. The hot dog brand could position itself as socially aware at a time when consumers are demanding practical solutions from companies addressing the coronavirus.

Ildikó Kátai

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