Tag "zöldség"

All seasonal fruits are cheaper than they were at this time last year

According to the report of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, seasonal fruits are cheaper compared to last year, and the majority of vegetables did not increase in price based on...

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AKI: seasonal fruits are cheaper compared to last year

Seasonal fruits are cheaper compared to last year, most of the vegetables did not become more expensive based on wholesale market prices – read the latest report of the Agricultural...

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Green pea growers are ending a difficult year

This year brought a particularly bad season for green pea producers. The green pea production area was halved compared to previous years, and due to the mild, dry spring, the...

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From autumn, MATE will start specialized further training for fruit and vegetable processing engineers and consultants

In September, the Institute of Food Science and Technology, located on the Buda Campus of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, welcomes those interested in fruit and vegetable...

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Nine out of ten Hungarians do not eat enough vegetables and fruits

Only 10% of us eat the amount of vegetables and fruit recommended by the World Health Organization, i.e. at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruit per day, according to...

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Endless radish fields – Video of the day

Whoops, a pack of radishes! Whoops, a hundred packs of radishes! Whoops…...

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Spinach has gained new momentum

The cultivation of spinach in Hungary gained momentum again as soon as the season started. This vegetable is grown on more than 540 hectares, and according to last year’s data,...

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With the spread of health-conscious nutrition, the popularity of spinach is also increasing in our country

Due to its outstanding protein and mineral content, spinach is one of the vegetables with the highest nutritional value. According to the map of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and...

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The foreign trade balance of fresh spinach was negative in 2023

In Hungary, spinach is one of the earliest outdoor vegetables. According to KSH data, the spinach harvest was 12.1 thousand tons in 2022, which was 32 percent higher than the average...

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Vegetables on the grill – or as a side dish

The barbecue season kicks off with the arrival of really good weather, when a wide range of fresh Hungarian peppers and tomatoes become available. This article is available for reading...

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This year’s fruit crop is in danger because of the frosts

Temperatures corresponding to the first half of April will remain, and at night, weak frosts will threaten the fruit harvest in the frost-prone areas, HungaroMet Zrt. wrote in its agrometeorological...

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European fruit and vegetable growers joined together for European products

European fruit and vegetable growers joined together and launched a campaign to protect the internal markets of the European Union. The main goal of the initiative is to encourage customers...

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Are there really many chemicals in Hungarian food?

Consumers have always demanded cheap, high-quality and preferably chemical-free vegetables and fruits. However, this is often a challenge for agribusiness actors: creating a balance between increasing production efficiency, keeping prices...

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NAK: as spring approaches, more and more domestic vegetables are available in stores

Starting from the early spring period, more and more domestic vegetables are entering the shops and Hungarian goods are taking the place of imports – it is clear from the...

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Vegetable growers can expect a difficult period

Due to the massive influx of Ukrainian crops, those Hungarian vegetable producers who cannot irrigate and are faced with a serious price drop on the market are in danger. According...

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Tomatoes have become more expensive

Based on recent data from the KSH, it was revealed that the price of tomatoes and peppers rose significantly in January 2024, and the price of red onions also rose....

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Syngenta presents virus-resistant vegetable varieties at Fruit Logistic

In addition to several award-winning vegetable varieties, Syngenta’s Vegetable Seeds division is waiting for the audience with a number of innovative new products at the 2024 Fruit Logistica exhibition, which...

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Vegetables without packaging play a leading role

In the spirit of the fight against food waste and plastic waste, changes are expected on the shelves of grocery stores in the United Kingdom. According to the plans of...

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Gyarapodó kihívások, felsejlő kilátások

A hazai zöldség-gyümölcs ágazat szereplőit az elmúlt időszakban az egyre inkább szélsőségessé váló időjárás, valamint a fokozódó munkaerőhiány mellett számos más gazdasági és politikai tényező is kíméletlenül sújtotta. A drasztikus...

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This new type of broccoli is becoming more and more popular at home as well

The new type of Bimi broccoli is hugely popular in restaurants and shops in Europe and is spreading almost unbelievably fast. In the past year, demand has increased by 99...

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The tomato, or fruit, is among the vegetables

Tomatoes are the sweetest vegetables. So much so that it’s fruit. We still call it a vegetable, because we treat it as such in the kitchen. We use it for salty...

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The price of carrots doubled in one month

In the past month, the price of carrots in Hungary has skyrocketed, nearly doubling compared to previous months – according to information from RTL News. Currently, a kilogram of carrots...

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Vegetables for breakfast too! – Spring breakfast tips from the European Fresh Team

We often hear that breakfast is the most important meal, as it starts the day and affects our performance and our well-being throughout the day. In the spring, we can...

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Vegetables for breakfast too! – Spring breakfast tips from the European Fresh Team

We often hear that breakfast is the most important meal, as it starts the day and affects our performance and our well-being throughout the day. In the spring, we can...

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The main driving force behind the sharp rise in British food prices is the rise in the price of vegetables

Contrary to expectations, annual British inflation accelerated and thus remained above ten percent in February. The primary reason for the unexpected acceleration was food prices rising at a pace not...

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Frutti and Veggi tasted more than a ton of vegetables and fruits last year

The European Fresh Team program, the educational campaign promoting the consumption of vegetables and fruits by the National Chamber of Agricultural Economy, continues this year and is also entering its...

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A new type of cabbage is trendy now in Europe, the demand for it is huge

The new, pointy and purple type of cabbage referred to as “violetti” was created a few years ago by Dutch breeders by crossing the traditional pointed cabbage and a red...

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Nutritious vegetable recipes for weight loss after the holidays

Now that Christmas is over and we’ve eaten the last bagel, it’s worth opening a new page and trying healthier recipes. We Hungarians famously consume little vegetables, even though according...

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Lidl is introducing another food saving measure

Lidl Hungary launched “Save it! food rescue action, which further expands the range of measures taken to reduce food waste. It offers its customers fruits and vegetables that are no...

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Lidl is introducing another food saving measure

Lidl Hungary launched “Save it! food rescue action, which further expands the range of measures taken to reduce food waste. It offers its customers fruits and vegetables that are no...

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