Tag "világgazdaság"

EY: Acquisitions can bring significant profits

The corporate acquisition market has also been pushed back by the coronavirus, but the transactions could bring significant gains in the long run, EY told MTI on Wednesday. The international...

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Credit insurance: coronavirus is causing the most serious crisis in the world economy in the last 40 years

The global economy is down 5.1 percent this year, among other things, according to Atradius’s credit insurance analysis. According to the study, global trade is down 15 percent. The GDP...

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Consumer price inflation slowed in OECD countries in May

In the member states of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the annual growth rate of consumer prices slowed to 0.7 percent in May from 0.9 percent in...

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Coronavirus: trade is still needed

One of the lessons of the coronavirus crisis so far has been that long supply chains make countries around the world dangerously vulnerable, because if there is a problem in...

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Fidelity: sustainable capitalism

In the summer of 2019, the Business Roundtable, made up of key U.S. business leaders, questioned the decades-old dogma that a company is solely accountable to its shareholders and advocated...

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Morgan Stanley expects a rapid economic recovery

the performance of the world economy has entered a new phase of growth and by the fourth quarter it will return to pre-coronavirus levels – according to Morgan Stanley. Economists...

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The OECD expects the strongest economic downturn in peacetime in the last century

The world economy will suffer its strongest decline in peacetime this year as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, before returning to a growth trajectory next year, according to the...

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The World Bank expects global GDP to decline 5.2 percent this year

The World Bank expects the global economy to shrink by 5.2 percent this year, the biggest decline since World War II. The World Bank’s half-yearly Global Economic Outlook report, released...

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Fitch: global fiscal stimulus on unprecedented levels

Budgetary stimulus programs to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the world economy are on an unprecedented scale in modern economic history, and their value already far exceeds...

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Fitch: we must prepare for this year’s deeper-than-expected global recession

This year’s global economic recession will be much deeper than previously expected, including the still deepening crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic in large emerging economies, including Russia, Brazil and...

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What will happen after the epidemic

In the coming years, three trends will shape the world economy. A new balance will emerge in the relationship between the markets and the state, in favor of the latter....

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Credit insurer: the pandemic causes a brutal wave of bankruptcies in the global economy

Despite rescue packages in individual countries, the number of bankruptcies is growing at a record rate worldwide, among other things, according to Atradius’ credit insurance analysis. According to the study,...

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FAO: food prices are falling constantly

Since February, the prices of the most important food products have been steadily declining due to the significant drop in demand generated by the economic and transport effects of the...

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More and more countries are loosening on anti-pandemic measures

More and more countries are loosening the strict rules implemented to curb the coronavirus pandemic. Spain In Spain particularly severe restrictions were introduced, as the country was one of the...

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London analysts expect deep recession

According to recent macroeconomic analysts in London, a recession similar to the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, or much deeper, is expected this year due to the economic impact of...

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Deloitte: That is how the world’s factories protecting themselves from the effects of the corona virus

The drastic measures (quarantine, border lock, curfew, etc.) introduced worldwide due to the coronavirus epidemic have put the manufacturing sector in the affected countries in a difficult situation. Several plants...

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Huge losses are expected in world trade

Coronavirus will cause 320 billion USD quarterly losses in global trade, with European tourism losing 53 billion USD, the situation could improve in the second half of the year, predicts...

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Economic growth in the OECD slowed down

The combined economic growth of the OECD member countries slowed in the fourth quarter compared with the previous quarter. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) website,...

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Moody’s is sure that the epidemic will slow down the growth even in the second quarter

It now seems certain that the negative global growth effects of the new type of coronavirus epidemic will extend to the second quarter, even if it does manage to stopthe...

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Global sales of smartphones have declined

In the last quarter of last year, 406.64 million smartphones were sold worldwide, which is a decrease of 0.4 percent, compared to the same period in 2018. Gartner, a US...

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The OECD has lowered its global growth forecast

Since the economic and financial crisis, the world economy is expected to suffer the biggest decline due to the outbreak of the coronavirus – according to the Paris-based Organization for...

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The world economy may lose more than 1,000 billion USD this year

While China’s economic growth will be hard pressed by the effects of the corona virus, Oxford Economics analysts say the entire world economy may lose more than 1,000 billion USD...

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Unemployment rate is unchanged in the OECD member countries

Unemployment remained unchanged in December, with unemployment averaging 5.1 percent in OECD member countries. According to the OECD website, there were 32 million 563,000 unemployed in the OECD area in...

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The IMF has further worsened its global economic outlook

The IMF has further downgraded its forecast for global growth this year and next year, and revised downwards its GDP growth estimate for 2019, as revised by the International Monetary...

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GDP growth of the G20 was 0.7 percent in the third quarter

Similarly to the second quarter, the gross domestic product (GDP) of the G20, which comprises the 19 largest economies and the European Union, grew by 0.7 percent in the third...

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China is preparing to exempt certain US agricultural products from additional duties

China is preparing to exempt a certain amount of US soybeans and pork from surcharges imposed during the trade war between the two countries – the Xinhua State News Agency...

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OECD: global economy is slowing faster than expected this year

The Paris-based Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has worsened its forecast for global economic growth this year. According to the OECD’s biannual forecast, this year’s global economic growth...

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The OECD’s economic growth slowed in the third quarter

The combined economic growth of the OECD member countries slowed down in the third quarter, compared to the previous quarter. According to tentative data posted on the Organization for Economic...

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Moody’s: there will be no global recession, but the escalation of trade wars is a big risk

The global economy is not expected to sink into recession in the next two years, but the biggest global growth risk remains the escalation of trade wars – according to...

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Investor survey: trade war is the biggest global economic risk

According to a recent survey, the global institutional investor community continues to view trade wars as the greatest risk to the global economy and also considers the risk of a...

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