Tag "vetőmag"

There may be a shortage of domestic seed in case of some arable crops

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (VSZT) warns of the risk of domestic seed shortages in case of spring barley and oats, due to the declining crop area....

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Seed sales generate 100 billion HUF turnover

The volume of grain seed produced in Hungary totaled 316.3 thousand tons last year – Világgazdaság Online wrote on the basis of the data of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute...

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The Hungarian seed sector remains in the forefront of the world with innovations

Hungarian seed production is operating at a high level, with great efficiency and innovatively, this advantage must be preserved for the next quarter century – was said at the 25-year...

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The price of corn seeds may slightly increase

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Product Council published an informative price of 96,000 HUF after processing of the data collected from the members of the association. This year’s forecast...

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Russians are in need of seed importation

This year, the expected total yield of oilseeds can be boosted in Russia, according to the calculations of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Although they can...

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34 applicants received seed in the Food Avalanche program

Thirty-four local governments, educational institutions and NGOs received seed in the Food Avalanche program of the Civil Compass Foundation and Syngenta. Potatoes and various vegetables have been sown on some...

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Twelve thousand bags of seed for the Hungarian farmers in Transcarpathia

Twelve thousand bags high quality Hungarian seed maize was handed over to the Hungarian farmers in Transcarpathia by Grezsa István government commissioner within the Seed to the Framers program through...

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Syngenta sells some of its seed business in India

The Swiss Syngenta sold a part of its seed business in India. Selling prices for the business were not disclosed – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The Indian Crystal Crop Protection announced today...

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The Hőgyészi Agrokémiai Kft. plans a huge growth

This year, the Hőgyészi Agrokémiai Kft., which mainly sells agrochemicals and seeds, plans to increase this year’s sales revenue significantly. Last year the revenue growth was about 10 percent. The...

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“The long forgotten plant” has risen

The Szarvaskerep loves the country’s rainy climate. But researchers of the University of Debrecen do not let it extinct. Seeds available in Hungary are now largely from Western Europe, where...

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The larger the seed mass, the smaller the spread

The larger the seed of a plant species, the narrower the area of distribution – this hypothesis was confirmed by the staff of the MTA-DE Impact Functional and Restoration Ecological...

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The Seed Association does not expect seed price increase

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Product Board published a net price of 92,000 HUF for one ton of autumn sowing seeds, which is expected to be slightly below last...

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Seed Alliance: Hungary is the sixth most important seed exporting country

Hungary is the sixth in world seed exports. The country’s climatic weather conditions are excellent for seed production – Pavelka Árpád, chairman of the Seed Society Interprofessional Organization and Product...

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Innovation is needed in the seed sector

Szijjártó Péter, Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized the importance of innovation in the field of sustainable agricultural production, reducing the effects of global challenges and climate change at the World...

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Certification slowdown causes problems in seed exports

Field seed certification and document issuance slowed significantly in the recent period. This threatens the 40 billion HUF worth Hungarian exports of seed – agrarszektor.hu wrote. As a result of...

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NÉBIH: there is a shortage of eco seeds

There is a shortage of domestic propagated eco seeds, so it is worth to the seed producers to register their products on the National Food Chain Safety Office’s (NÉBIH) database...

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Seed Association: the informative price of spring cereal seeds is 92 200 HUF per tonne

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (VSZT) established an informative price of 92 200 HUF per tonne for spring cereal seeds – the association told MTI on Thursday....

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VSZT: the use of certified seeds is still a requirement

The use of certified seeds is still an obligation for farmers who want to use production grants – the Seed Association informs. Only way to contain the necessary supporting simplification...

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The Hungarian exports give more than 10 percent of the world’s seed trade

The Ministry is proud of the Hungarian seed sector’s performance. The Hungarian seed exports give more than 10 percent of the world’s seed trade – the Deputy Minister of State...

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Seed Association: the European seed industry is at the forefront in breeding

The European seed industry has a leading role in the breeding of varieties and annual yield could be increased by 15 percent to 22 million tons with breedings and developments...

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Rainbow corn from the USA

These extraordinary images may appear to show colourful boiled sweets or even glass beads – but in fact, they show specially bred ears of corn. Glass Gem corn was developed...

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(HU) Megveszi a Bayer a Monsantót


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Price forecast for autumn cereal seeds was published

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board this year also announced the indicative price for the seeds of the winter cereal crops (winter wheat, winter barley, triticale). The price...

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Monsanto rejected Bayer's takeover offer again

Monsanto formally rejected Bayer’s latest, about 65 billion USD takeover offer, saying the new offer still undervalues the company – portfolio.hu.wrote after MarketWatch. After bidding 122 USD per share for...

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Bayer will not give up: a new offer for Monsanto

Bayer AG boosted its takeover offer for Monsanto Co. to about 65 billion USD bid to overcome the US seed company's resistance to the tie-up and join a parade of...

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Hungary GMO-free status is constantly monitored

GMO-free controls are continuous in Hungary. In recent years, GMO-contaminated seeds and crops were destroyed on 6,500 hectares – the Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel on Tuesday. Fazekas...

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Two thousand seed professional in Budapest next year

Punta Del Este in Uruguay hosted the International Seed Federation’s (ISF) World Congress this year. The representatives of the Hungarian Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board was given the...

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The Nébih controls maize seeds

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested the GMO contamination (genetic modification) of 110 sweet corn seeds and 21 popcorn seeds this year. The authority found genetic modification in...

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Maize seed is cheap due to oversupply

Changing climate, rapidly rotating hybrid varieties, low crop prices and austerity constraints hampered the spring maize seed selection, but this year due to the excess in supply one can bargain...

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Seed Alliance also joined to the Common Agricultural Marketing Code

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (VSZT) joined to the initiative of the Agricultural Marketing Chief Directorate of the Hungarian National Tourist Office. The organization hopes the expansion...

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