Tag "vetésváltás"

Information about changes in direct area-based subsidies during the year

The Ministry of Agriculture informs agricultural producers and the relevant contributors that several regulations affecting the direct support entitlements of the Common Agricultural Policy are already changing favorably for producers...

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Chamber of Agriculture: next year, the rules of the new KAP on crop rotation will enter into force

The preparation of next year’s sowing plans requires even more care than before, after the rules of the new Common Agricultural Policy for crop rotation and the preservation of biological...

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Information from the Chamber of Agriculture helps you plan the autumn and next year’s sowing

Next year, farmers will no longer be exempt from the new EU regulations on crop rotation and the designation of non-productive areas, but they can find out about the changes...

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The new crop rotation and fallowing rules must also be taken into account when preparing next year’s sowing plans

The European Commission has recently made it clear: by 2024, it will not allow member states to provide their farmers with a temporary exemption from the new rules for crop...

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In the center is the fallow land covered with soil

Next year, the conditions for fallow areas with soil cover that can be accounted for in HMKÁ 8 will be changed. Therefore, farmers should pay special attention to the crop...

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New rules are coming for crop rotation and the designation of non-productive areas

The European Commission has recently made it clear that by 2024 it will no longer consider it justified and will not allow member states to provide their farmers with a...

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KAP support conditions can be met for all farmers

In exchange for the subsidies, the rules of the new Common Agricultural Policy lay down more pronounced environmental and climate protection requirements compared to previous years, thereby encouraging agricultural practices...

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Sándor Farkas: the recognition of Hungarian agriculture has never been as good as it is now

The recognition of Hungarian agriculture has perhaps never been as good as it is now – the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture stated on Thursday in Nagymágocs....

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Rules for preserving the productivity of our soils in the KAP

In the new EU support period between 2023 and 2027, the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) offers Hungarian farmers a variety of options and choices – stated the State Secretary of...

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EUROPEAN COMMISSION: farmers can get at exemption to produce more food on their lands

At the request of the member states, due to the uncertain global food supply situation, the European Commission will allow farmers in 2023 a temporary exemption from certain crop rotation...

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