Tag "vám"

(HU) Mire figyeljünk a vámügyintézés során? A GEFCO összegyűjtötte őket!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Brexit brought a customs duty

The United Kingdom exited from the European Union (EU) on 1 February 2020 and also left the EU customs union on 1 January 2021, so Hungarian traders, businesses and citizens...

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European Commission: The EU is taking action against customs duties on frozen French fries in Colombia

The European Union classifies it as an illegal anti-dumping measure and initiates dispute settlement proceedings against Colombia at the World Trade Organization (WTO) over customs duties on frozen French fries...

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Thousands of jobs can be created if more goods will arrive from the Far East

Thousands of jobs can be created, as well as substantial investments and will increase revenue of the state budget if it will be possible to get more merchants from the...

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South American chickens can be imported into the EU with duty discount

The EU poultry market can be adversely effect if the European Union wants to offer a preferential / duty free import tariff quota for the South American Free Trade Association...

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