Tag "vállalkozások"

Half of the domestic enterprises declare themselves to be energy conscious

Half of Hungarian businesses consider themselves energy-conscious, two-thirds prepare an internal report on energy consumption, but only 14 percent have a sustainability action plan – according to the latest research...

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Hungarian SMEs going greener

Mastercard has recently commissioned a survey from Kantar Hoffmann, according to which 80% of Hungarian micro- and small businesses care about operating sustainably. Their most widely used green practices are...

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Opten: The liquidation procedures have stalled! Does it indicate insolvency or an aftereffect of Covid?

Changes in liquidation procedures dominate the company trend in October, with the number of initiated procedures exceeding 1,000. This is almost four times more than the same period of the...

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Climate protection pays off for companies, yet according to a survey, they do not do enough for it

Climate protection initiatives bring greater financial benefits to seven out of ten companies than expected, yet the majority of companies do not reduce their emissions to an extent that could...

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Statistical report 2022 (Part 2)

Every year the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) publishes a statistical report on the hospitality sector, using data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Just like in former years, MVI’s...

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Századvég: the war continues to leave its mark on the economy

Based on the July survey of the Századvég Konjunktúrakutató, the population’s and businesses’ sense of the economic situation both worsened: the population index, interpreted on a scale between minus 100...

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MKIK GVI: businesses have become more pessimistic

Business confidence fell in April, compared to October last year: the economic index stood at +31 points in the fourth month of the year, compared with +38 in the previous...

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ITM Secretary of State: More than 42,000 people have already been reached through labor support for businesses

More than 42,000 people have already been reached in the workforce support program, and almost 23 billion HUF in support has been paid for their employment, the state secretary of...

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One-third of businesses are involved in rehabilitation employment, according to a study

33 percent of Hungarian enterprises employ at least one employee with a disability, according to an analysis by the MKIK Institute for Economic and Business Research (GVI), which examined the...

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More and more people are using the business information portal.

More and more people are using the entrepreneurial information portal, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology said on Saturday. Together with entrepreneurs, we have won the decade of 2010, and...

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Századvég: the sense of economic activity of enterprises and households also improved

The sense of economic activity of households and enterprises has also improved significantly, but it is still in the negative range, improved on a scale of -100 to +100, from...

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Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry calls for tax enforcement moratorium for the most vulnerable companies

The Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK) proposes that, in view of the epidemiological situation, the issuance of official collection orders initiated by the Mayor’s Office and the National...

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A wave of bankruptcy is expected in the second half of the year in Austria

The number of corporate bankruptcies fell in Austria last year due to state aid to deal with the consequences of the crisis, but this year the AKV (Alpenländische Kreditorenverband), the...

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IoT is the key to business success – even during a pandemic

Vodafone Business has published an IoT Spotlight report involving nearly 1,700 businesses globally, examining how different IoT (Internet of Things) solutions affect the way businesses operate. This year’s report is...

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An online meeting room helps cross-border business relationships during COVID

Until the end of the year, a new business partner search platform called “Here and Now” (Itt és most) will help Hungarian, V4 and Carpathian Basin entrepreneurs. The site, created...

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Joining forces to save enterprises

László Krisán, CEO of KAVOSZ Zrt. talked to our magazine about the situation and perspectives of Hungarian enterprises at the time of the coronavirus pandemic. How did the different types...

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The government supports the development of more than 160 small and medium-sized enterprises in Pest County

Investments that mean the development of small and medium-sized companies, the strengthening of their market position and the security of the workplace of those working there have a significant role...

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Never seen revival in the used office furniture market

The image of large companies as an ideal office has been changing for years, and the processes have been accelerated by the events of recent months. This is evidenced by...

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Most old companies operate in Japan

Japan is a truly a two-faced country, because it is highly developed technologically, on the one hand, and at the same time, its citizens respect the traditions of their ancestors,...

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Companies’ willingness to lend increased to record levels

Lending to Hungarian companies reached a record. It was 20 percent higher than a year before, according to Atradius Credit Insurance. According to a study, made with the involvement of...

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A conciliation body is needed to make businesses ready for consumer protection

The experience of the first half of the year shows that it is necessary to prepare businesses for consumer protection in the 21st century – the Budapest Conciliation Body (BBT)...

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MKIK: improving business expectations

The business expectations of compnies improved in the first half of the year – Parragh László, Chairman of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) said on Wednesday at...

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Finances: a preparation guide for next year

According to Balázs Toldi, head of Budapest Bank’s corporate customers business area, the bank provides a full scale of financial services to micro-, small and medium-sized businesses. 90 percent of the...

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Bisnode: the decline in the number of operating companies has stopped

After almost four years the decline in the number of the operating companies has stopped in Hungary. Most of the new companies are established in the construction industry – the...

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MNB: 38 thousand enterprises received favorable financing in the growth loan program

In the three stages of the growth loan program, since June 2013, 38 086 enterprises received favorable financing in a value of 2652 billion HUF – was published on the...

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Businesses are optimistic in 2017

The expectations of the companies are on historic peak. After the tax and contribution reduction plan the K&H SME confidence index reached its highest result of the past 12 years....

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With corporate tax cuts 145 billion HUF will stay at the businesses

In the wake of the uniform reduction of the corporate tax rate to 9 percent, 145 billion HUF will remain at the businesses and the step would provide the most...

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FM: consumers are getting more conscious

The customers have become more conscious, paying more attention to where and what kind of service and food they buy – Zsigó Róbert, Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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Atradius: Hungarian companies are crediting to each other but pay on time

The Hungarian enterprises are using the deferred payment in the Central Eastern European region the most, however the payment deadlines have become tighter and the rate of paid bills also...

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