Tag "Ukrajna"

To sell alcohol at night was banned in Kiev

In Kiev banned the sale of alcohol at night. The decision was taken at a meeting of Council 22 September, it was supported by 86 deputies. Restrictions will apply from...

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Ukraine plans to increase flour exports

Ukraine intends to increase flour exports continuously in the coming years. Last year, Ukraine exported, a record amount of 257.5 thousand tons of flour, but the half a million tons...

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Attractive Ukrainian food market

Ukraine can be Europe's food cemetery – at least something similar is expected – due to the deterioration in living standards and due to the continued depreciation of the national...

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Attractive Ukrainian food market

Ukraine can be Europe's food cemetery – at least something similar is expected – due to the deterioration in living standards and due to the continued depreciation of the national...

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Ukraine imposed a ban on imports of Russian vodka and tobacco

The Ukrainian government banned seventy types of Russian products on Wednesday in Kiev – Arszenyij Jacenyuk prime minister announced. The disposal of Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers to impose an embargo...

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The EU has extended the economic sanctions against Russia

The European Union moved on Friday to extend economic sanctions against Russia for six more months for its annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in Ukraine, even as European...

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178 tons of contaminated chicken meat was transported to Ukraine from Hungary

178 tons of salmonella and listeria contaminated chicken meat was transported to markets in Ukraine from Hungary According to the communication of the press service of the Kyiv Prosecutor's Office,...

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The highest bread prices in Ukraine can be found in Transcarpathia

The price of bread increased dramatically, by about 80 percent, in the last two weeks, in Transcarpathia. The Ukrainian currency, the hryvnia is continuously loosing its value, compared to foreign...

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