Tag "ügyfélélmény"

Supporting the sense of responsibility in players overrides profit expectations!

Our magazine sat down for a chat with Zsófia Bánhegyi, chief commercial officer of Szerencsejáték Zrt. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7 – Szerencsejáték Zrt. underwent great...

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Brand reputation could suffer because of falling living standards

KPMG’s Global Customer Experience Excellence Research 2023-2024 report has summarised the experiences of more than 81,000 customers in 21 countries. The survey covers around 3,000 brands. This article is available...

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Customer experience is one of the most important competitive advantages according to a survey

Customer experience (CX) is now one of the most important competitive advantages for companies, but a significant number of Hungarian companies are still at a disadvantage in this area, the...

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How the customer experience will be a real business benefit

Recently, there has been a growing need for company decision-makers to more consciously manage the customer experience (CX), to redesign the relationship with customers. Consumer habits are changing at a...

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For the most personalized customer experience, the SAP Customer Data Platform can be the most powerful toolkit for brands

The next-generation SAP Customer Data Platform debuted at a two-day, international, online SAP Customer Experience LIVE conference organized around the topic of customer experience (CX). The new SAP CDP provides...

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Magazine: What an experience!

Mastercard has prepared a customer experience study in connection with the Retailer of the Year 2019 award. The company wanted to find out what Hungarian retailers can do to win...

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Changing loyalty programmes in retail

On average two thirds of European household participate in some kind of loyalty programme operated by a retailer. There are big differences between the countries, though, as in Belgium every...

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Focus on customer experience: the most innovative traders in the Hungarian market were rewarded

With the support of Mastercard, this year’s Merchant of the Year competition was launched to reward innovative commercial solutions that provide the best customer experience. The organizers are expecting the...

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Magazine: Ecommerce Summit 2019: Online shopping is the future

Ecommerce Hungary has organised its annual two-day conference, which is now called Hungarian Ecommerce Summit, in Visegrád for the 16th time.  Another new idea from the organisers was inviting experts...

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Customer experience is worth more than financial indicators

Improving customer experience can become the main driver of business growth – technokrata.hu wrote. According to a global research, companies that prioritize improving customer experience are more successful than companies...

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New offline concepts strengthen customer loyalty

According to shopping experience surveys conducted by PSFK, retailers such as Chanel and Cartier have started offering cross-services – just like FMCG retailers do. In one of their New York and...

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Magazine: Winning cards

Mastercard was the sponsor of the prize game and the cooking contest. We asked marketing manager Péter Mondovics about the cooperation.   How did Mastercard end up ‘on the dinner...

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A report on shopper experience

Brian Cantor from Customer Contact Week Digital – with the involvement of industry experts – has prepared the latest report on shopper experience, titled Retail CX. In this Mr Cantor makes...

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The goal is to improve the customer experience

HP launched their HP Elite x3 mobile and HP MX12 retail solutions. The goal with both new products is to assist retailers. By using these products they can improve the...

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