Tag "Tüü Péter"

Hungary’s sommelier champion

Péter Tüű, the sommelier of Arany Kaviár became Hungary’s sommelier champion at the end of February. The runner-up was László Angermann (Onyx) and the bronze medal went to Viktória Evans...

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Tüű Péter has become Hungary’s sommelier champion again

Tüű Péter (Arany Kaviár) won the Hungarian Sommelier Champion title in the Hungarian Sommelier League’s (Masosz) Hungarian Sommelier Championship final for the second time on Sunday. Angermann László (Onyx), finished...

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Tüü Péter has become the sommelier champion of Hungary this year

Tüü Péter of the Arany Kaviár Restaurant won the Sommelier Champion of Hungary in 2017 title at the Hungarian Sommelier Championship held in Budapest on Sunday. Second became Angerman László,...

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