Tag "turizmus"

Netrisk.hu: travel insurance prices increased by 7 percent last year

Last year, tourists spent an average of 580 HUF per day for travel insurances abroad, which represents a 7 percent increase, compared to the previous year – according to the...

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Zalakaros expects the thirty millionth bath guest

Zalakaros is waiting for its thirty millionth bath guest this year. The settlement was declared as a town 20 years ago. Last year more than half a million people bought...

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MTÜ: several hundred billion HUF for tourism development

The government this year allocated 10 billion HUF for the development of hotels and will spend hundreds of billions of forints, partly from European Union, partly from budgetary sources to...

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KSH: the turnover of hotels rose 16.4 percent in November

The number of nights spent by foreign visitors increased by 16.5 percent, while the ghuest nights of domestic guests increased by 16.3 percent in November, compared with a year before...

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Sosem járt még annyi turista Spanyolországban, mint 2016-ban

Sosem járt még annyi turista Spanyolországban, mint 2016-ban, a 75,3 millió külföldről érkezett látogató rekordnak számít – ismertette a tavalyi év adatait Álvaro Nadal, turizmusért felelős miniszter Madridban. A tárcavezető...

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KPMG: Hungarian hotel capacity to increase by approximately two thousand rooms by 2018

In the next two years, the hotel capacity in Hungary will expand by about two thousand rooms. This means 4,000 new hotel beds, so Hungary and Budapest are preparing for...

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NGM: wages will increase in tourism through tax cuts

Cseresnyés Péter Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy at a press conference after a forum on tourism on Friday in Hévíz told that the government encourages the...

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The number of foreign tourists increased in Romania but their average spendings decreased

In the first ten months of the year, the number of foreign tourists in Romania increased by 10 percent, but the average per capita spending decreased, compared to the same...

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The hotels expect more guests for Christmas

The trend of the past several years continues: more guests will visit the domestic hotels during Christmas – Niklai Ákos, Chairman of the Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants (MSZÉSZ)...

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Szallas.hu: the best hotels of the year were awarded

The Accommodation of the Year 2016 award was handed over. This year the four-star superior Mátraháza Residence Ózon was awarded with the Accommodation of the Year 2016 award – the...

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The aim is to strenghten the Russian visitors based medical tourism

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) aims to increase the Russian medical tourism to Hungary’s spas significantly – the Minister of State of the NGM told MTI. Lepsényi István told...

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The Hotel Association and the Budapest Festival and Tourism Centre are working together

The Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (MSZÉSZ) strengthened the strategic partnership with the Budapest Festival and Tourism Centre (BFTK Nonprofit Kft.), and becomes the strategic associate member of the Hotel...

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The Hotel Caramell wellness center was inaugurated in Bükfürdő

Tourism performance is getting stronger in Hungary, because the country is considered as a safe and predictable destination – Rákossy Balázs, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy...

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The hotel chain of the youngsters has arrived to Hungary

The MEININGER hotel chain specialized to young travelers builds a hotel in Hungary. After the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Austria, Hungary also joins to the company's international...

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Kaposvár and Tihany are the most flowery villages

Kaposvár and Tihany were awarded with the main prize of the For the Floral Hungary environmental competition this year. So the Somogy county seat and the village in Veszprém county...

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A record number of visitors in the Czech castles and fortresses

This year a record number of about 5.4 million visitors visited the Czech castles and fortresses operated by the Czech National Monument Protection Office (NPÚ) – Nada Goryczká, director of...

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The hotel association would require a reporting obligation imposed on Airbnb

According to the Hungarian Hotel Association the same reporting requirement should be imposed on those who rent their apartments within the Airbnb as the hotels – Niklai Ákos, the president...

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The Széchenyi Rest Card holders spent 850 million HUF during the long weekend

As the hotel market players have already indicated, the families spent the first weekend of November with traveling to mostly rural destinations – magyaridok.hu wrote. During the four-day break, the...

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KSH: the guest traffic of accommodation establishments increased in September

In September, the number of nights spent by foreign tourists increased by 3.7 percent, while the number of nights spent by domestic tourists increased by 15.0 percent, compared to a...

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The Lake Tisza Ökocentrum had more than two hundred thousand visitors this year

More than two hundred thousand people visited the Lake Tisza Ökocentrum this year, where new developments are expected – Kiss János managing director of Lake Tisza Ökocentrum Nonprofit Kft. told...

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New Director is responsible for the attraction developments at the Hungarian Tourism Agency

Gönczi Tibor, former director of the Royal Palace of Gödöllő will fill the post of Director responsible for attraction developments at the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) from 2 November –...

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Hotel Association: Hungarians are traveling more and more

Hungarians are traveling more and more, still not for a long time, but always adding a day to the holiday – the president of the Hungarian Association of Hotels and...

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Romania is becoming more and more popular

In the first three quarters of the year, the number of tourists in Romania increased by 11 percent at commercial accommodations, compared to the same period of last year –...

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Hungary may strengthen its tourism market leadership in the region

Hungary can strengthen its tourism market leadership in the region the next year, when Central and Eastern Europe will be the guest of honor of the Global Tourism Economy Forum...

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The Budapest Airport expects its annual passenger traffic to be over eleven million

The Budapest Airport expects passenger traffic to reach a new record of 11.2 million by the end of the year. It would be 8.9 percent higher, compared with the previous...

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Hotel Association: the number of tourists from the neighboring countries has increased significantly

The number of tourists from the Czech Republic to neighboring countries, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine, increased significantly. The president of the Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants told M1 news...

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Experience harvest to be held at the Gastro Promenade in Etyek

Stum, murci and new wine can be tasted on 22-23 October at the experience harvest at the Gastro Promenade in Etyek. Rókusfalvy Pál main organizer told M1 news channel on...

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The Spirit Hotel in Sárvár is among the elite hotels

The five-star Spirit Hotel Thermal Spa superior in Sárvár won the Seven Stars Hospitality and Luxury Lifestyle Awards’ Signum Virtutis prize for the second time – origo wrote. With the...

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This year, 1.9 billion HUF, next year to HUF 3.8 billion HUF will be spent on the international city marketing of Budapest

This year, 1.9 billion HUF, next year to HUF 3.8 billion HUF will be spent on the international city marketing campaign of Budapest – the government's decision was published in...

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Neckermann: Spain, Greece and Bulgaria are the most popular destinations among the Hungarians

Spain, Greece and Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy and Austria are the most popular destinations among the Hungarians during this year's summer season – the managing director of Neckermann Travel told MTI...

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