Tag "turizmus"

Artificial intelligence makes traveling easier

The AI (Artificial Intelligence) in many ways makes traveling easier not only for businessmen, but also for average tourists – origo wrote. With the help of AI, you can move...

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The largest network airlines in Europe increased their passenger traffic last year

All three large European network airlines have been able to increase their passenger traffic in 2018, compared to the previous year, while the Lufthansa Group has maintained its leading position...

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The desire of the Hungarians to travel abroad is growing

There is a constant increase in the willingness of Hungarians to travel abroad, which is also reflected in the fact that domestic travel companies are also closing their season in...

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The number of guest nights increased in Romania

Between January and November last year, the number of guest nights in Romania rose by 5.9 percent compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian National Statistical...

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Zalakaros celebrates the anniversary of becoming a spa

Today, Hungary can only take part in the international tourism market with quality services, quality infrastructure and with highly trained professionals. Zalakaros as one of the top five baths can...

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Hunguest Hotels is launching cooperation with a Chinese company

The Hunguest Hotels signed a cooperation agreement with one of the most important tourism companies in China, the BTG-Csienkuo Group. According to the company’s announcement, 10 years of professional and...

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Tourism Agency: domestic tourism increased remarkably in October

Domestic tourism has grown remarkably in October: compared to the same period of the previous year, the number of Hungarian guests grew by 9.6 percent, surpassing 530 thousand – Guller...

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The hotel association expects the strongest Christmas season of the past few years

According to the President of the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants (MSZÉSZ), this year will be one of the strongest Christmas seasons of the past few years in Hungary,...

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There would be a major drop in British tourism without agreement in case of Brexit

London’s financial analysts say Britain’s outbound tourism would fall significantly if Britain will leave the European Union without an agreement to regulate Brexit. It would greatly affect the tourism of...

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The Sziget Festival has become the favorite foreign festival in England

The Sziget Festival was awarded at the UK Festival Awards. The Hungarian event won the Best Overseas Festival category at the prestigious event, which was held on Thursday in London...

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The number of guest nights grew by 5.5 percent in the first ten months in Romania

The number of guest nights spent in accommodations increased by 5.5 percent to 24.848 million in the first ten months in Romania, compared to the same period of last year...

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Tourism agency: the major events of 2019 are already discussed

Many major events will be held in Hungary in 2019. The coordination of next year’s events and festivals has begun – Guller Zoltán, CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ)...

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The traffic of commercial accommodations increased in Nyíregyháza

Compared to the same period of the previous year, the number of guests arriving increased by almost ten and the number of guest nights they spent increased by more than...

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A tourist visitor center to be built at the Small-Balaton

The Small-Balaton (Kis-Balaton) is the emblematic location of the Hungarian nature conservation area, where a completely independent, yet landscaped, non-energy-efficient visitor center will be built, with landscaping and plants on...

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A plan for dealing with excessive tourist tides needs to be developed

For the time being, Hungary is not characterized by an over-tourism nature that threatens the quality of life of locals and the natural values, but there are signs that it...

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The Hotel Association elected a new chairman

From 1 January, Flesch Tamás, Managing Director of the Continental Group, current vice president of the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants (MSZÉSZ), will be the new chairman of the...

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Szallas.hu gained ownership in the Travelminit accommodation agency in Kolozsvár

As the first step in a two-step transaction, Hungary’s largest accommodation booking site, the Szallas.hu gained minority ownership Travelminit International SRL in Kolozsvár – Travelminit told. According to a statement...

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Hotel association: negotiations over the modification of the VAT on room lending

Intensive discussions are taking place with the government in order to modify the VAT rates of hotel room sales. The reduction would contribute to the bleaching of the sector and...

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Tourism is growing twice as fast as GDP

Tourism is the success of the Hungarian economy, which grew twice as fast as GDP in the last two years, Guller Zoltán, Managing Director of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ)...

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Balaton hunting log: a tourism film was made about the Hungarian sea

Last year, the number of guest nights approached 5.8 million in the region of Lake Balaton, which can indicate a two-digit growth this year, according to experts. The optimistic prognosis...

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Hunguest Hotels would significantly increase its revenue and pre-tax profit

The hotels operated by Hunguest Hotels Zrt. achieved 17.6 billion HUF net sales and 6.4 billion of HUF operating profit (GOP) by the end of September, so pre-tax profit became...

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KSH: domestic tourism grew by almost 8 percent in September

In September, the number of nights spent by domestic guests grew by 7.9 percent in commercial accommodation and the number of nights spent by foreign guests fell by 0.5 percent,...

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A four billion HUF development resource has arrived to the Harkány spa bath hospital

Over the past period, around 4 billion HUF has been allocated to the Zsigmondy Vilmos Spa Bath Hospital in Harkány – the Parliamentary Representative of the region told on Wednesday....

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Romania will introduce a reduced VAT for tourism services

The Romanian government has decided to introduce a reduced 5 percent VAT for tourism services from 1 November – Nelu Barbu, government spokesman announced. In Romania, the general VAT rate...

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Most of the Hungarians choose a three day holiday during the fall

More and more Hungarians are getting longer trips in the fall, this year, most of them travel for three days to inland with their pairs – according to a survey...

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A new hotel was handed over in Fadd-Dombori

A four-star hotel and restaurant was handed over on Friday in Fadd-Dombori, Tolna County, Szekszárd-based Tolnagro Kft. spent 1.3 billion forints on the facility on the banks of the Danube...

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The Diocese of Győr realizes tourism development from one billion forints

The Diocese of Győr realizes five tourism developments in four settlements t from 1.1 billion forints within the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program. The building of the Sopron Catholic...

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Szállás.hu: domestic guest traffic will be significant next long weekend

In comparison with a typical November weekend, domestic guest traffic will be four and a half times higher during All Saints Weekend – Szállás.hu told MTI on Thursday. According to...

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Tourism Agency: the new country brand, is a major competitive advantage for Hungary

The new country brand is a major competitive advantage for Hungary, which was presented at the Tourism Summit 2018 conference – Guller Zoltán, Managing Director of the Hungarian Tourism Agency...

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The number of guest nights in Budapest is close to seven million in the first eight months

Budapest’s commercial guest turnover continued to grow in August, with the number of guest nights close to seven million in January-August – the Budapest Festival and Tourism Center announced on...

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