Tag "Tesco"

Nearly 180 tons of food products were donated by Tesco customers

Tesco’s customers donated 178 tons, ie 445,000 servings of food, in the Christmas fundraising campaign of the Hungarian Food Bank Association. In addition to the donations of the buyers, Tesco...

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Perfectly Imperfect Autumn in the Tesco

The Central European customers were very enthusiastic about Tesco’s introduction of the Perfectly Imperfect offer in the beginning of the year. The products of Perfectly Imperfect are not completely perfect,...

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Tesco supports dozens of charity programs

The third round of Tesco’s “Your choose, we help” contest has been completed. 47 nationwide projects won 400,000 forints each. The chain’s customers voted more than two and a half...

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Next year’s wage negotiations have begun at Tesco

In line with the previous agreement, Tesco, the Trade Union of Commercial Employees (KASZ) and the Independent Trade Union of Commercial Workers (KDFSZ) have begun negotiations on next year’s wage...

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Tesco’s lasting growth path

Compared with the first half of 2016, Tesco reported a 1.1-percent sales growth in the first half of 2017. The sales increase was the biggest in the UK and Ireland....

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Tesco lowers the sugar content of its soft drinks

Tesco has significantly reduced the sugar content of its 42 private label soft drinks: from October Tesco stores only sell soft drinks with maximum 5g sugar per 100ml. Thanks to this...

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Tesco against breast cancer

In October Tesco joined the fight against breast cancer: as part of the Go Pink! international campaign, between 1 and 31 October those who buy mushroom with the pink sticker...

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Tesco reaches agreement with trade unions

On 13 October Tesco and the trade unions concluded an agreement on a plan that concerns both the interests of employees and long term, sustainable development. The draft contains the tasks...

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A long autumn for Tesco

The autumn strike of Tesco workers turned the spotlight on the dramatic transformation of the labour market: the former workforce surplus has turned into a shortage by now. At the moment...

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Agreement between Tesco and trade unions

Tesco and the trade unions have agreed on a plan that respects the workers’ interests and long-term sustainable development. The draft includes wage growth, workforce and recruitment tasks. The parties...

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Tesco fights against breast cancer together with its customers

Almost eight thousand new patients are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in Hungary. Tesco joins again to the GoPink! international campaign in October to raise awareness of breast cancer...

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Tesco reported a strong half year

The Tesco reported its semi-annual results in a report published in London. Tesco reports a “strong progress” in the transformation process. According to the UK’s largest retail network, the profitability...

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Tesco: another salary raise

In mid-August Tesco announced the third phase of this year’s salary increase programme: from 1 September almost every full-time store and logistics centre worker will earn a gross HUF 11,000...

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Tesco reduces the sugar content of its own branded soft drinks

Tesco significantly reduced the added sugar content in its own branded soft drinks, so from the beginning of October in the soft drinks on the shelves of the department stores,...

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How loyal are we to our favourite grocery stores?

According to a nationwide representative study by Kantar Hoffmann (March 2017, 18-64 year old consumers), when buying FMCG products, most people visit stores located close to where they live. Half of...

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Tesco: What is measurable can be handled!

Tesco Europe has published its report on the amount of food surplus and waste generated during its operation for the financial year of 2016/2017. The chain of stores first published...

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Not the strike, but the dialogue serves the interests of the staff and the buyers

Tesco was disappointed that trade unions chose the strike option, but still want to continue the dialogue. The company is committed to moving on with wage growth this year, which...

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Tesco is ready to set wage issues with employees

The press release says that Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt. has raised the wages of some 13,700 employees this year by an average of 12.4%, the second year running it has effected...

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Tesco to stop selling eggs from cage-raised hens

By 2025 Tesco will stop selling eggs from cage-raised hens. This is true for both private label and branded products. The well-being of animals is very important for the retailer, so in...

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Cheaper hygiene products in the UK

Tesco will reduce the prices of women’s hygiene products in the UK. The retailer is going to cut the price of tampons, sanitary pads and similar products by 5 percent...

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Tesco supports food banks at a European level

Tesco supports the Hungarian Food Bank Association with more than HUF 7.7 million worth of donations. As part of the retailer’s Europe-wide initiative, 1 percent of sales from products involved in...

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MAF: more responsibility should be taken

A study conducted by the Hungarian Donors Forum (MAF) and IMEDIA Kft. has revealed that more and more Hungarian companies start CSR projects, but these activities are still implemented in...

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Tesco has already started its Christmas activities in the UK

There are only four months left until Christmas, some stores thought it was time to overtake competitors. Tesco has launched Christmas activities in several cities in Britain. Although more than...

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Tesco: Another salary development

Tesco today announced the third installment of this year’s wage growth: the salary of almost every full-time, active store and logistics employee will be raised by at least another gross...

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Teachers help the school starters in the Tescos

From August, Tesco awaits the school starters with “champion offers”, weekly discounts and various coupons. The first grade package from the range of products available in the chain of stores,...

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Tesco will not sell eggs from cage breeding after 2025

Customers’ habits are constantly changing, more and more people are aware where are the products come from and how they are made. Tesco is committed to providing the highest quality...

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Tesco’s online ordering system has been restored

Tesco’s online ordering system was restored after the chain’s full online order processing system in Central Europe was stopped on Thursday forenoon and there was a disruption in serving online...

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In co-operation with its suppliers, the Tesco supports the Hungarian Food Bank Association with more than 7.7 million HUF

Tesco supports the Hungarian Food Bank Association with over 7,7 million HUF donations. The chain of stores, in cooperation with its suppliers, offered 1% of the revenue from the sales...

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Tesco: double-digit wage increase in 2017

The Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt. has increased the average wages of 13,700 employees this year by 12.4 percent, so after 2016, a double-digit wage growth was achieved again in 2017. The...

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Tesco starts home delivery in Veszprém

After Budapest, Székesfehérvár, Győr and Szeged, from June Tesco starts a home delivery service in Veszprém, Kádárta and Gyulafirátót, three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Tesco’s head of...

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