Tag "tej"

Agricultural production prices: +1.2 percent

In July 2016 agricultural production prices increased by 1.2 percent from the level of July 2015. This rise was driven by the price of vegetable products growing by 1.2 percent...

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The Aldi pays higher purchase price for milk

The ALDI Magyarország Élelmiszer Bt. has been paying higher purchase prices for fresh and durable milk and dairy products to the suppliers for more than a month and the chain's...

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Ten Hungarian companies can transport milk and dairy products to Chile

The Chilean authorities accepted the registration of ten Hungarian milk and milk products manufacturing plant on Monday. These companies can launch their first shipment to South American country – the...

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More fresh milk would be given to the children in public catering

The public catering regulation of the Human Resources Ministry will be amended. Among other things, it is planned that more fresh milk would be given to the children in public...

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Fazekas: Increase in milk procurement prices can be felt less in Hungary

The increase in milk procurement prices have already begun in the European countries, in Hungary, however, this is not very noticeable – the Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel....

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Milk Marketing Board: the price of raw milk is rising

The basic and raw price of the domestic raw milk increased by 2.5 percent in August. The Milk Marketing Board Interprofessional Organization expects a more than 85 HUF per kilogram...

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Growing global food prices

Food prices in August rose to their highest level in 15 months as advancing dairy and palm oil markets outweighed weakness in grains, which have been depressed by prospects of...

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The Dairy Product Board and the ALDI Magyarország Élelmiszer Bt. have signed an agreement

The ALDI Magyarország Élelmiszer Bt. – after becoming a member of the Product Board in April 2016 – signed a cooperation agreement today with the Dairy Interprofessional Organisation and Product...

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Dairy Product Board: turning point in the dairy sector

Trend turning point occured in the dairy sector in recent times. The declining trend of prices has stopped and a price increase started in the market – the chairman of...

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Dairy Product Board: A slowdown in domestic raw milk prices

According to the press release of the Dairy Product Board, there is no doubt that the loss of domestic raw milk prices continued in July, but the rate of decline...

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Agricultural Forum in Debrecen

Although the European Commission has adopted the rural development program only a year ago, 70 percent of the 1294 billion HUF of funding for Hungary, about 900 million HUF is...

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The lactose-free dairy products may increase the domestic consumption of milk

In Hungary, milk consumption is almost half of the recommended daily 0.5 liters of milk or dairy products. The reasons include lactose intolerance. It is estimated that lactose intolerance is...

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The same amount of milk for less, decreasing milk exports

According to the Agricultural Economics Research Institute’s report that reflects the market trends in Hungary, the national average production price of raw milk was 65.98 HUF per kilo in June...

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Despite the Russian export ban, EU dairy exports may increase in the region

The coming weeks probably will not produce significant changes on the dairy market. The European Commission in its July short-term view reveals that the global oversupply and price pressure from...

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Dairy Product Board: the EU support saves the milk producers

The EU support of 3 billion HUF (9.5 million euros) aid package is a significant help to the Hungarian dairy farmers – according to the Chairman of the Dairy Interprofessional...

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The EU approves another 500 million euros market support package for the milk producers

Phil Hogan EU Commissioner responsible for Agriculture announced a new 500 million euros market support package to help the milk producers – Czerván György, Minister of State told at a...

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FM: the summer food supply chain control has begun

The summer food supply chain control has begun: between 1 July and 31 August the experts of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) and county government agencies jointly control...

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The NAK does not support the reduction in milk production

The European Commission may take a decision in July over milk production limits. From the step, the European Commission expects to mitigate the dairy market turmoil. This means that the...

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Magazine: NAK wants joint market protection

In 2015 the Hungarian food industry’s performance improved by approximately 5 percent. However, this growth is mainly the result of the 10-percent export expansion, while due to the many cheap...

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Milk imports increased

In Hungary, the national average production price of raw milk was 68.15 HUF / kilogramme in May 2016. Due to the 0.07 percentage point deterioration of the fat content, and...

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High-quality dairy products from the ALDI

It is especially important for ALDI Magyarország to offer high quality products that meet customer needs in any case. So it is the case in milk and dairy products. The...

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Nébih: 22 foreign UHT milks were withdrawn from the market

22 foreign UHT milks out of the examined 48 UHT milks including Slovak, Czech, Polish products should be withdrawn from the market, because of their fat content was lower than...

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Soccer at the World Milk Day

The Milk Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board organized this year's World Milk Day event on 3 June 2016 at the Telki GLOBALL Football Park Hotel. Breaking with the traditions, this...

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The dairy farm in Fűzvölgy to be liquidated

The Fűzvölgyi Agrár Zrt. liquidates its dairy farm due to the drastic reduction of milk prices and lower support for the the large-scale farms – the online edition Zalai Hírlap...

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FM: the Hungarian milk is competitive

The Hungarian milk is competitive, the problems are due to the oversupply in the world market, not only in Hungary but also in several countries – the Ministry of Agriculture...

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The VAT reduction on poultry and milk are accepted

The National Assembly approved the government's proposed tax package for next year on Tuesday. According to the tax package, the Value Added Tax (VAT) on poultry meat, eggs, fresh milk...

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World Milk Day in Kaposvár

On the ocassion of the World Milk Day schoolchildren and preschoolers were awaited to Kaposvár’s Kossuth Square with colorful programs. The International Dairy Federation declared the last Tuesday of May...

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German dairy farmers receive government assistance

Dairy farmers receive at least 100 million euros (about 31 billion HUF) state aid package in Germany – was announced in Berlin. According to the Ministry, the number of dairy...

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EU agricultural council meeting in milk case

Informal EU Agricultural Council meeting is taking place on Monday and in Tuesday in Eindhoven. One of the main themes of the EU Agricultural Council will be the milk market...

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63 billion HUF to strengthen the dairy sector

The Hungarian government will spend 63 billion HUF for the strengthening of the Hungarian dairy sector. This is the highest ever amount. In addition, the government will increase, the framework...

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