Tag "talajvédelem"

Nébih relies on the public’s opinion in the soil protection questionnaire

The soil protection effort of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is to present the population with the diversity of our country’s soils, soil cultivation and nutrient management habits,...

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The test results illustrating the condition of Hungarian soils will soon be available to everyone

The results of the soil protection laboratory tests carried out in Hungary will soon be available to all interested parties. The data will greatly support research related to one of...

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Hungary’s EU presidency: soil protection is the basis of everything

Our country stands by the basic principle that the food coming into the Union must comply with the same rules and regulations that the EU imposes on its own producers...

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Tenders are open for the support of consulting services

The Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP), which contains the domestic support sources that can be used until 2027, also offers exploitable opportunities for professional organizations operating in...

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Development is a condition for competitiveness in agriculture

Competitiveness in agriculture is development, so the producer who wants to stay on the market in the long term must think about investments – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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Important changes in relation to phytosanitary notifications

The form for phytosanitary notifications required by April 30 has been changed. Based on the relevant decree, producers have a notification obligation regarding phytosanitary tests. The content of the Notification form...

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Tense dilemmas in the regulation of European agriculture

Environmental sustainability is one of the most difficult topics of our time from a civilizational point of view. Although we deal a lot with the feasibility of sustainable development at the...

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From now on, the Hungarian authorities will forward plant product shipments to the destination country for physical inspection

In the case of plant products intended for food from third countries, the Hungarian authorities will no longer carry out physical checks in Hungary, but forward the shipments to the...

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A new peat humate plant was handed over in Mezőkövesden

The establishment of the peat humate plant of Agriturf 2022 Zrt. also proves that there are good answers to the difficulties and challenges of the past years in agriculture, said...

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There are only a few days left until the deadline for reporting the annual activities of non-state laboratories

January 31 is the final date for non-state laboratories to submit their annual activity report to Nébih. All of this applies equally to operational and service laboratories. The data is...

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How can Back Friday become Giving Friday for the benefit of all of us?

At the beginning of the preparations for Advent, thanks to a charitable initiative and the cooperation of customers, a really important cause is in the center: the Ecological Agricultural Research...

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The law aimed at improving the competitiveness of agriculture has been announced

The amendments to the Act initiated by Győrffy Balázs, President of the National Chamber of Agriculture, have been announced. The most common amendments to the Acts were published in the...

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The Ministry of Agriculture initiates the increased protection of the soil

The hungarian Ministry of Agriculture initiates the increased protection of the soil in the EU, because more and more countries are having trouble with the reduction of soil fertility –...

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Half a million Dutch cows to be slaughtered

Up to half a million dairy cattle can be killed this year by the Dutch livestock farmers because placing an excessive amount of manure threatens the natural waters – agrarszektor.hu...

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