Tag "szüret"

The Burgundy harvest begins earlier every year

The start of the Burgundy harvest of the past 664 years clearly indicates that the past 30 years have witnessed an unprecedented warming of the climate – index wrote. From...

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Typical blue grape varieties are harvested in Villány at the end of August

Some farmers may begin harvesting blue grapes in the Villány wine region in the last days of August, the secretary of the 2,500-hectare vineyard council told MTI. Nagy Gergely said...

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Harvesting began with the collection of Csabagyöngye

Harvesting of the earliest ripening grape, Csabagyöngye, began on Monday in Hungary and in the northern hemisphere – Varga Máté, managing director of the Varga Pincészet Kft. told in Ordacsehi,...

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Pistachio harvest needs police protection

Sicily is home to the world’s most-prized variety of the seed – the pistacchio verde di Bronte, or green pistachio from Bronte. Centred on the town of Bronte, the pistachio...

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390 thousand tonnes of grapes have been harvested by farmers

According to Tarpataki Tamás, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture; until now, 390 thousand tonnes of grapes have been harvested with a111.6 per hectare yields per hectare,...

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Love and investment

Baron György Twickel, the owner of Twickel Wine Estate announced that this year’s grape yield had been satisfactory, so Twickel wines will have excellent acidity. The baron added that a...

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A good vintage is expected in the Szekszárd wine region

An outstanding vintage like last year is expected in in the wine region of Szekszárd, where harvest is approaching its end. Bősz Adrián, president of the wine region told MTI...

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Harvest begins earlier in the Eger and the Mátra wine regions

The harvest begins two weeks earlier in the Eger and the Mátra wine regions. The harvest of Irsai Olivér starts early in the Mátra wine region area this week, and...

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Harvest can start very early in the Tokaj wine region

Harvesting of the traditional grape varieties in Tokaj-Hegyalja can be started much earlier than usual, – Molnár Péter, president of the Wine Council of the Tokaj Wine Region told MTI...

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Harvest began earlier in the Szekszárd wine region

Harvesting in the Szekszárd wine region started about 1.5 – 2 weeks earlier. Producers expect better than average vintage both in quantity and quality and higher buying-in prices – the...

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Grape harvest begins this week with early varieties

Because of the heat, grape harvesting starts early in August, but middle-breed varieties are harvested three weeks earlier than usual – Mészáros József informed MTI on Monday. The wine cellar...

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Harvesting has begun earlier than ever in Germany

The harvesting of grapes has begun earlier than ever in Germany. The work will begin on 6 August – the German Wine Institute (DWI) announced on Monday. Due to climate...

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The ripening of grapes is ten days ahead in the vineyards in Villány

This year, the ripening of grapes take place ten days earlier in the Villány wine region. it is expected that havest to start earlier than average – Ipacs Szabó István,...

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Sygenta: grape crop is good before the harvest

Harvesting may take place weeks earlier this year in most of the country’s wine regions. The grapes are in good condition almost everywhere, so producers expect a good year and...

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The harvest of Csabagyöngye has begun

The harvesting of the earliest grape variety, the Csabagyöngye has begun on Tuesday. Harvest has begun ten days earlier than the average in Hungary and throughout Europe – the Varga...

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The National Council of Mountain Villages has announced the forecast of the average grape wine prices for 2018

The National Council of Mountain Villages (HNT) has published its forecast for the average grape wine prices for the 2018 harvest on its website, the organization told MTI on Monday....

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The wine producers of Villány expect a remarkably good vintage

Vintage work has almost completed in Villány. The quality of the harvested fruit is excellent – the secretary of the Villány mountain village informed MTI. Nagy Gergely said that the...

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2017 is the “century’s” vintage

Although the calendar is still in the beginning of October, the “big harvest” ends in the majority of wine regions this weekend, so in the Varga Winery. The yield has...

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Harvest open cellars to be held during the weekends in Palkonya

Almost twenty cultural and gastronomic programs, including several concerts are waiting for the participants on Fridays and Saturday at the Palkonya Harvest Open Cellars event series – Rechnitzer Szilvia told...

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Outstanding quality wine yield is expected this year

About 2.8 million hectoliters wine yield is expected in Hungary this year, which is similar to last year’s harvest – Kiss Eliza, Ministerial Commissioner for special oenological tasks at the...

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Good quality grape production is expected in the Eger and Mátra wine regions

In both wine regions of Heves County, the Eger and the Mátra wine regions, the vintage began earlier than usual, and farmers can expect a good quality grape harvest –...

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Sixty-five programs, hundreds of performers at Szekszárd’s Harvest Days

Sixty-five programs, including folk music, pop music concerts, exhibitions, conferences, hundreds of performances and forty-four wineries and pálinka houses are waiting the audience at this year’s Szekszárd’s Harvest Days, which...

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The harvest has begun in the Tokaj wine region

Harvest came unusually early in the Tokaj wine region due to the warm, sunny summer; And this year aszú can be of the highest quality – the chairman of the...

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The blue grape harvest has begun in Villány, the quality of the crop is very good

The blue grape harvest has begun in Villány five days earlier than normal because of the warm weather. The quality is pretty good, the volume is expected to be around...

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Grapes are in vigorous condition before the harvest

The vintage begins within weeks. Despite the weather extremes, grapes are in vigorous condition in most of the cultivated areas – according to Syngenta’s panorama. According to experts, attention should...

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Raspberry production fell significantly

The harvest of raspberries has begun, and although the taste of Hungarian raspberry is excellent, yet fewer producers on less area are dealing with this fruit – according to the...

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New rules for this year’s vintage

A new element of the grape and wine sector strategy has entered to the stage of implementation: the new rules will align the needs of vineyards and winemakers will be...

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Experience harvest to be held at the Gastro Promenade in Etyek

Stum, murci and new wine can be tasted on 22-23 October at the experience harvest at the Gastro Promenade in Etyek. Rókusfalvy Pál main organizer told M1 news channel on...

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Depressed purchase prices at the wine-growing regions

The growers are complaining about low purchase prices this year. Grape growers interviewed by MTI told that prices have not increased since last year, despite the high quality of the...

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Fazekas Sándor: two-thirds of the area is complete grape harvest

Grape harvest has been completed about two-thirds of the fields – the Minister of Agriculture said on Saturday in Rátka, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county. During a visit to the Angyal Borászat és...

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