Tag "szőlő"

The large state company has started to buy grapes in Tokaj

This year’s grape purchasing was started at the state-owned Grand Tokaj Zrt, which is the largest recipient of the Tokaj wine region – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The company pays 100 HUF...

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Good quality grape production is expected in the Eger and Mátra wine regions

In both wine regions of Heves County, the Eger and the Mátra wine regions, the vintage began earlier than usual, and farmers can expect a good quality grape harvest –...

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Targeted funding for domestic winegrowers: a strategic agreement has been concluded between the National Council of Mountain Villages and the Takarékbank

Under the agreement signed at the Budapest Wine Festival, the Takarék Group will develop special credit products and banking services for the sector by the end of December. The Takarék...

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The harvest has begun in the Tokaj wine region

Harvest came unusually early in the Tokaj wine region due to the warm, sunny summer; And this year aszú can be of the highest quality – the chairman of the...

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FM: The Hungarian vine and wine sector is in a moment of impetus

The Hungarian vine and wine sector is under development, which is also supported by the fact that the Hungarian exports of wine was 26 percent more in volume and 18...

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The bad weather affected the French vines badly

Such small amount of wine grapes have not been harvested in France since 1945 as this year. The very weak harvest is due to the unusually mild March and the...

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Demand for seedless grapes is growing

According to surveys, Hungarians eat an average of 2.5-3 kilograms of table grapes per year. In line with the trends in the world, the demand for seedless varieties is rising....

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The Scaphoideus titanus has appeared in most counties

The results of governmental investigations show that the Scaphoideus titanus has appeared in most of the country’s vineyards. The Scaphoideus titanus is spreading FD phytoplasma infections – the National Food...

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This year’s grape price prognosis has been completed

The National Council of Mountain Villages has prepared its forecast for grape prices for the year 2017. Unlike in previous years, this year’s price estimate for the grape varieties is...

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Smaller grape yield is expected, due to hail in the Szekszárd wine region

Due to the hail, occured on hundreds of hectares smaller grape harvest is expected, compared to last year in the Szekszárd wine region, while in the non-damaged areas quality grapes...

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Discussions to start between vine-growers and the ministry on purchasing prices and contracts

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) and the Hungarian Association of Grape and Wine Producers (MSZBSZ) to start discussion on grape purchasing prices and contracts – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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Grapes are in vigorous condition before the harvest

The vintage begins within weeks. Despite the weather extremes, grapes are in vigorous condition in most of the cultivated areas – according to Syngenta’s panorama. According to experts, attention should...

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The neglected vineyards to be removed in areas infected with FD phytoplasma

Public protection is being carried out to protect vineyards in Transdanubia, the neglected vineyards to be removed in areas infected with FD phytoplasma – the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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This year’s vintage in Villány can be remarkable

The producers of the Villány wine region expect a very good vintage this year – Nagy Gergely secretary of the community council told MTI. Nagy Gergely said that due to...

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The winemakers initiated a moratorium on construction to protect the vineyards near the Lake Balaton

In order to preserve vineyards, a moratorium on construction was initiated by the winemakers at the outskirts of the northern shore of Lake Balaton on Monday. The call was made...

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The “Adopt a Furmint” program helps the young Hungarian agricultural researchers

The “Adopt a Furmint” program helps the young Hungarian agricultural researchers by creating application and scholarship opportunities. The initiative was launched in conjunction with this year’s Furmint Year program –...

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The Hungarian Tourism Agency and the National Council of Horticulture launched a joint series of events

The Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) and the National Council of Horticultural Communities are launching a joint professional event in the six wine regions – MTÜ told MTI on Tuesday. The...

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New rules for this year’s vintage

A new element of the grape and wine sector strategy has entered to the stage of implementation: the new rules will align the needs of vineyards and winemakers will be...

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Vineyard running in the Villány wine region

Running competition will be held for the third tiime in the vineyards of the Villány wine region on 29 April: the participants can choose between 9.9 and 19 kilometers running....

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Fazekas Sándor: awareness actions to promote Furmint

This year is the Year of the Furmint. The governmnet would like to draw attention to this unique Hungarian value – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel...

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HNT: wine-installation support requests changed from 1 April

In line with the EU rules, the size of the wine vineyards can be increased in Hungary, since last year. The new installation license application can be submitted to the...

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Coordinated wine marketing: Cooperation between the state and the profession

The National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) signed a cooperation agreement with the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) in order to ensure the coordinated and effective supply of community wine marketing...

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It is too early to bury this year’s wine harvest

It is too early to bury this year’s wine harvest, because the grapes are in “hibernation”. Grapes can tolerate temperatures around minus 20 degrees – the Borháló Borkereskedés (Wine Net...

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The mountain council to develop a plan to regulate the sale of grapes

The National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) worked out a draft for the regulation on the sale of grapes. The viticulturist interbranch organization plans to publish a new type of...

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Mountain Villages: fewer grapes this year

Fewer grapes will be harvested this year because of the frost – Brazsil Dávid, Secretary-General of the National Council of Wine Communities told M1 news channel on Saturday. The Secretary-General...

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It is already certain that the primeur season will be expensive

Inland water and frost cause damages at several areas of the country. The assessment of the winter frost damages in orchards and the fields has begun. The cold, below minus...

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HNT: the permanent frost caused damages to the grapes

According to a preliminary survey conducted by the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) due to the unusually harsh frost in January, this year’s grape production is significantly reduced. Légli...

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Composition of Szekszárd Bull’s Blood wine changes

As of 2016-2017 the composition of the Szekszárd Bull’s Blood cuvée wine changes: in the future this cuvée will be made from four instead of three varieties, and from these...

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The Government declared 2017 as the year of Furmint

The Government declared 2017 as the year of Furmint, with the aim to raise the attention of the international and domestic markets and the consumers on one of the most...

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The grapes of the northern shore of the Lake Balaton are at risk

According to local wine producers due to real estate speculators and due to the aging of the plantations the grapes of the northern shore of the Lake Balaton are in...

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