Tag "SZÉP-kártya"
Record-level SZÉP card top-ups: HUF 83 billion in December
Date: 2024-01-15 12:08:59
SZÉP cards increased by record amounts in December, as people loaded them beyond the annual limit. The December total of HUF 83 billion was 58% higher than in the same...
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At the end of 2023, SZÉP card traffic was record-breaking
Date: 2024-01-11 14:16:30
By the end of 2023, the K&H SZÉP card had broken all previous monthly records in terms of traffic. In addition to the plastic card, the digital version has also...
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You can also pay for New Year’s hot dogs at Auchan with a SZÉP card
Date: 2023-12-27 12:18:24
At New Year’s Eve, interest in hot dogs and alcoholic beverages, especially champagne, increases every year. There will be no shortage of popular products in Auchan stores this year either,...
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You can even pay for the last purchases of the year with a SZÉP card at Auchan
Date: 2023-12-21 12:18:16
Auchan stores will be open until noon on December 24, taking into account customer needs and habits. According to the usual Sunday schedule, depending on the store, they open at...
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From January 1, you cannot pay with a SZÉP card in shops
Date: 2023-12-19 12:19:58
As of January 1, 2024, it is no longer possible to buy cold food in stores with a SZÉP card. Payment with SZÉP cards was introduced in stores at the...
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SPAR makes it easier to use SZÉP cards at the end of the day
Date: 2023-12-19 10:50:01
Until December 31, it will be easier and faster to use the SZÉP card in some stores, as SPAR has also joined the initiative. We can enjoy this advantage at...
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The actors of tourism are requesting the restoration of the original purpose of the SZÉP card
Date: 2023-12-01 11:43:17
At the national forum of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK), tourism businesses evaluated this season, based on their unanimous opinion, tourism needs the SZÉP card, according to...
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Megállíthatja az élelmiszerboltok forgalmának csökkenését a SZÉP-kártyás vásárlás
Date: 2023-09-14 13:05:18
A SZÉP-kártya-felhasználók, az élelmiszerüzletek, de még a munkáltatók számára is kedvező változást jelenthet, hogy augusztustól ismét lehetővé válik a hidegélelmiszer-vásárlás és az éves kedvezményes keret is emelkedik. Tavaly ugyanis a február–június...
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SZÉP card holders spend more on food than on travel
Date: 2023-09-12 13:59:54
In the first month of this year’s summer season, in July, 40 percent less was spent on accommodation with the Szép card than in 2021, when domestic vacations became free...
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This is how traffic in retail has changed with the use of the SZÉP card
Date: 2023-09-06 12:50:03
In a bid to alleviate financial pressures on the Hungarian populace, the government introduced a groundbreaking change earlier this year. SZÉP cards, traditionally used for various leisure and hospitality services,...
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The merchants were confident, but for now we spend on the SZÉP card not in the store, but in tourism
Date: 2023-08-17 19:04:12
While retailers held optimistic expectations, it appears that concerns from the tourism sector about a potential shift in spending patterns due to the option of using SZÉP cards (Employer Provided...
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From August, you can pay again with the SZÉP card in Auchan stores
Date: 2023-08-02 12:03:15
From the first of August, the OTP, K&H, MKB SZÉP card can also be used in Auchan stores. Until now, you could use them to pay for locally consumed food...
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From August, the discount limit of the SZÉP card will rise to HUF 650,000 and can also be used for food
Date: 2023-07-31 14:08:39
From August, not only the 15 percent discount on food, but also government measures affecting the SZÉP card will help families and reduce inflation. With the tax discount provided by...
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Viktor Orbán: supermarkets raise prices as price speculators
Date: 2023-07-28 16:25:51
The big food chains and supermarkets behave like price speculators: they raise prices even in circumstances where there is no basis for it – said Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on...
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PENNY stores will accept SZÉP cards as a means of payment from August
Date: 2023-07-27 13:19:32
PENNY gives its customers more again: in accordance with the government decree, the store chain enables payment with the Széchenyi Pihenő Card in all 229 units in Hungary. Thanks to...
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The MVI requests that the interests of the catering industry be enforced in certain government decisions
Date: 2023-06-30 09:00:34
The Industry Board of Magyar Vendéglátók recommends maximizing the energy price in hospitality. The MVI welcomed the recently published government decree regarding the price ceiling for electricity in the case...
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Szallas.hu: domestic travelers are mainly looking for discount prices and the SZÉP card payment option
Date: 2023-06-27 11:27:22
Domestic travelers are primarily looking for discount prices, package offers, bookings without advance payment and the SZÉP card payment option – Szallas.hu announced on Tuesday with MTI based on its...
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K&H: SZÉP card purchases can stop the decline in grocery store traffic
Date: 2023-06-23 14:59:40
According to K&H Bank, purchases with the SZÉP card can stop the decline in the turnover of grocery stores, after it will be possible to buy cold food again for...
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The MSZP urges a VAT reduction for food and energy services
Date: 2023-06-20 10:17:22
The MSZP urges the reduction of the general sales tax (VAT) on food and energy services to five percent. László Varga, the deputy president of the MSZP, said at a...
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You can also buy cold food from the SZÉP card, your limit will be increased by 200,000
Date: 2023-06-19 17:40:48
Gergely Gulyás Gulyás discussed the following topics at Monday’s Government Information: Starting in July, a price ceiling will be introduced on businesses’ electricity bills, amounting to 200 euros for each...
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Anikó Túri: the population almost entirely used the “sleep money” on the SZÉP cards
Date: 2023-06-07 11:16:38
The population has used almost all of the “sleep money” on the SZÉP cards, State Secretary for Public Administration Túri Anikó announced in a statement issued by the Ministry of...
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GFM: the sums on the SZÉP card can be used in full until May 31
Date: 2023-04-14 10:19:03
In order to support the tourism and catering sector and preserve the significant number of jobs they maintain, the government previously decided that the amounts credited on the SZÉP card...
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We have never paid so much with the K&H SZÉP card
Date: 2023-01-11 11:44:06
2022 was a decisive year in the history of the SZÉP card. In addition to the interoperability between sub-accounts, the introduction of the option to purchase food greatly increased the...
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The SZÉP Card sub-accounts have ceased to exist
Date: 2023-01-06 11:05:13
As of January 1, 2023, the former accommodation, hospitality and leisure “pockets” were merged, thus the amounts charged in them will be added together. The amendment was created with the...
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Employee loyalty can be strengthened even without a wage increase
Date: 2022-12-09 09:16:20
In addition to the SZÉP card, company programs, telephone or laptop, company cars and training are the most popular non-standard benefits at domestic companies, according to a survey of more...
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Fewer companies would provide a cafeteria with the salary
Date: 2022-12-06 11:56:12
K&H conducted a survey among Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The research reveals that compared to the previous quarter, the proportion of companies that plan to give fringe benefits...
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It came up that it would be possible to buy cold food again with a SZÉP card
Date: 2022-12-06 11:50:00
Jobbik recommends that cold food can once again be purchased with a SZÉP card. Róbert Dudás, Jobbik’s vice-chairman and member of Parliament, said at his online press conference on Tuesday...
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SZÉP cards were used more in the first ten months
Date: 2022-12-01 09:26:58
In the first ten months of this year, Hungarians used their SZÉP cards more than in the same period of the previous year, according to data sent to MTI by...
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Jelentős kormányzati segítséget kap a turizmus az MTÜ javaslatai alapján
Date: 2022-11-16 11:16:41
In order to support the sector, at the initiative of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ), the government decided on six measures within the framework of a comprehensive package that will...
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The tabs of the SZÉP card will be deleted as part of the new tourism action plan
Date: 2022-11-16 10:35:49
The rules for the Szép card are changing: “the different tabs” will be deleted, all of the funds provided for catering, accommodation or leisure activities can be used in different...
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