Tag "Szent István Egyetem"

Agroloop and Széchenyi István University cooperate in the research of insect-based solutions

Agroloop, the insect protein producer, and István Széchenyi University in Győr have entered into a joint statement of intent for the joint research and development of insect-based solutions, read the...

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World-class developments created from tender sources on the Kaposvár Campus of the Szent István University

Eight Centers of Higher and Industrial Cooperation (FIEK), financed partly from EU and partly from domestic sources, provide space for organized cooperation between the research community and industrial actors in...

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This is how the agricultural university works from February

From February 1, 2021, the former Szent István University will continue to operate as a foundation and under a new name, the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences –...

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The new step to a healthy lifestyle is domestically-grown vegetable salami

The production of food that represents a special innovation, can begin through the close cooperation of the Szent István University and the Blue Seven Group Zrt. It can be a...

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A new training will start for herbalists at the Szent István University

Did you think that in addition to flavoring gingerbread, cloves are also great for sore throats? Did you know that thyme can smell like lemon? Have you ever heard that...

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Hens laying omega-3 eggs are bred at St. Stephen’s University

The health of pregnant mothers and their unborn children is primarily served by the latest patent developed by Blue Seven Group Zrt. with Szent István University and one of its...

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Researchers at Szent István University are working to filter out counterfeit tomato concentrates

There have been a number of reports in the press and that in-store tomato products have been “conjured up” by some producers through food counterfeiting to make them more appealing...

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Confectioners with a university degree

The Guild of Hungarian Confectioners and Szent István University (SZIE) have signed a cooperation agreement. In the joint education programme – which commenced in 2017 and is announced every other...

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(HU) Szőlő Szaporítóanyag-előállítási Konferencia

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The integration of agricultural higher education is beginning

The integration of agricultural higher education is beginning, and by the beginning of next year, one of the largest universities in Hungary will be established under the name of Szent...

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More digital information in the agri-food sector too

On 12 February the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) hosted a conference at Szent István University in Gödöllő, titled ‘Digital Information Services and Technological Development’. Experts talked about 5G, IoT,...

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Agricultural Informatics Higher Education and Industrial Cooperation Center was established in Gödöllő

The Center for Agricultural Informatics and Industry Cooperation (AGIT FIEK) has been established by cooperation of corporate partners of the Szent István University and the National Research Development and Innovation...

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Where chocolate tasting is a requirement toward students

You can learn about chocolate, coffee and tea production on professional level at the Szent István University’s Faculty of Food Sciences at the Chocolate, Coffee and Tea Maker Masters Course...

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Awsome types of beer competing

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A co-operation agreement has been reached for the development of Hungarian spirits production

A strategic cooperation agreement was concluded between the Szent István University (SZIE) and the Miskolci Likőrgyár Zrt. in Budapest on Wednesday, in order to improve and sustain the development of...

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Tens of billions for developing the irrigation system

The government has earmarked tens of billions for developing the country’s irrigation system, for instance HUF 34 billion will be available for coping with the lack of infrastructure, equipment and...

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A strategic agreement has been concluded between the Agricultural Research Center and the Szent István University

The National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center (NAIK) and the Szent István University signed a strategic agreement on agrarian issues on Tuesday, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI. Under...

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Challenges in the food industry in the light of marketing innovation

The leaders of domestic and international companies met on 28th August at the second Education & Cooperation meeting of professionals at the Szent István University, organized by the the Faculty...

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SPAR is training the next generations

SPAR Hungary gives the chance to nearly 900 students in this school year to do traineeship at the company. Within the framework of this programme already 452 students passed their trade...

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SPAR room inaugurated at Szent István University

SPAR sponsored the building of a modern classroom with more than HUF 4.5 million at the Faculty of Food Science of Szent István University. The new room seats 24 students and...

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A SPAR room was opened at the Buda Campus of the Szent István University

A modern teaching room was handed over with SPAR’s support of over 4.5 million forints at the Faculty of Food Sciences at the Szent István (St. Stephen’s) University. The development...

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Szent István University cooperates with the UN

Gödöllő-seated Szent István University has started cooperating with the Budapest office of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO). The common goal is to harmonise their activities for...

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New postgraduate course

Szent István University’s Faculty of Food Science is starting a new programme for those who already have a degree and are interested in the topics of coffee, tea and chocolate. They...

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Szent István University, Buda Campus

Cooperation opportunity in dual education for managing the workforce shortage The Faculty of Food Science of Szent István University will add more dual cooperations with companies to its programme, starting...

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The NGM launches a labor safety campaign for agricultural workers

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM), in cooperation with the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) and the Szent István University, is launching a two-year national labor safety campaign focusing on the...

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Conference about the Hungarian game management

A conference will be held titled “The current issues of domestic wildlife health and wildlife management in 2016” will take place on 5 April 2016, att he Szent István University’s...

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The food industry will also join to dual training

The Food Science Faculty of the Szent István University (SZIE) launches a dual training with eight food companies in the 2016/2017 academic year. The program can be regarded as a...

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A Food Chain Safety Department was created at the Szent István University

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) and the Veterinary Science Faculty of the Szent István University signed a cooperation agreement on the creation of a field Food Chain Safety...

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