Tag "szakmai érdekképviselet"

Tamás Éder: “We can’t even make plans for the next day, let alone for the next few months”

Trade magazine met Tamás Éder, president of the Federation of Responsible Food Manufacturers (FÉSZ), and asked him about the federation’s past results and future plans. This article is available for...

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Changes, opportunities and starting again

Our magazine asked the guild’s president László Kovács about the future of the restaurant business. How many restaurants will open after the end of the pandemic and how many will...

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Mass catering in the 20.5th century

Members of the presidency of the National Association of Public Sector Catering Service Providers (KÖZSZÖV) – Anna Zoltai, Zsolt Páger, József Némedi and Tamás Végh – answered questions about the...

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Magazin: Replanning

According to guild president Balázs Erdélyi, no confectionery business has enough money saved up to survive six months without revenues. Based on the information available at the moment, enterprises must...

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Magazine: Fighting for survival

Károly Zerényi, a member of the body of representatives of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) shared with our magazine the package of recommendation that MVI had compiled for managing...

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Crisis and its consequences

Rudolf Semsei, the owner of VakVarjú restaurants and Budapest Party Service, talked to our magazine about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the catering business and about its possible...

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