Tag "SGS Hungária"

Biztosított a minőség

A minőségbiztosítási elvárások egyre szigorúbbá válnak, aminek köszönhetően egyre biztonságosabb élelmiszerek kerülnek a piacra. Ugyanez vonatkozik az élelmiszerekkel kapcsolatba kerülő anyagokra, azaz a csomagolóanyagokra is. Ennek megfelelően a gyártók és...

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Cured meats: extra risk

Sausages and salamis are among the most risky products from a food safety perspective. No heat treatment is applied when producing them, which would reduce the number of microbes. Besides...

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End-of-year urges

Probably the end of the year will see two different urges of consumes fighting with each other: the one that demanded and got more from wieners and frankfurters in the...

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Magazine: Change is inevitable and urgent

According to data from the United Nations, from the food that is wasted globally 3 billon people could be fed. What makes the problem even worse is that 10% of...

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SGS follows the megatrends with new company structure

SGS Hungária Kft. has been active in Hungary since 1991. We had a chat with connectivity & products, health & nutrition business manager Nóra Grőger and food audit manager Rita...

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Magazine: Results are needed – already by yesterday if possible!

Krisztina Vatai, services management director of GS1 Magyarország told our magazine that the COVID-19 pandemic pushed consumers towards online shopping in FMCG buying too, therefore it is now more important...

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Quality is assured – even at the time of pandemic!

The coronavirus pandemic forced executives to rethink their business plans and make changes if necessary. Quality assurance and food safety regulations keep changing, and this requires flexibility and rapid reaction...

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Magazine: Merely labelling precisely and fine…

The pandemic has profoundly affected the commercial processes and highlighted how important exact and up-to-date records are. With the help of its SzabványMenedzser software, GS1 supports its users in creating...

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Stricter audit systems in quality assurance

According to Balázs Bóza, business manager – CRS of SGS Hungária Kft., it is more and more frequent that a company’s owner – in basically all industries – initiates the...

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