Tag "sertés"

KSH: the number of cattle and pigs increased, the number of sheeps dropped

Over the past year, the number of cattle increased by 15,000, while pig stocks by 50,000, however, the number of sheep decreased by 14,000 and the number of hens by...

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A new national chief veterinarian’s decision came into effect to treat African swine fever

The restricted areas due to African swine fever (ASP) have changed and the rules of state compensation for the disposal of pigs have changed according to the new National Chief...

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Consultation in the pig sector

Although the price of domestic pork has declined, the process can not yet be associated with cases of African swine fever in wild boar flocks – the Világgazdaság Online wrote....

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Real estates for pigs are uder construction in China

A complete block of flats has been built in China to fatten pigs there – agrarszektor.hu wrote. In the blocks of buildings it is planned to grow up to 800,000...

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The price of pigs is decreasing in Europe

Domestic purchase prices follow the European trend, but are at a higher level than the EU average or even the German price – agrarszektor.hu wrote. It is no wonder that...

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Swine fever: negotiations to mitigate sanctions

Bognár Lajos, the national chief veterinarian took part in negotiations again in order to alleviate international trade sanctions due to the appearance of African swine fever (ASF) in Hungary –...

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China can be self-sufficient from pork soon

It is not too good news for the German and the Hungarian pig-market players that the number of pigs that are released in China increases by 4-7 million every year...

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The Chamber of Agriculture calls for a sectoral co-operation, due to African swine fever

To reduce the economic damage caused by African swine fever, the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) calls for sectoral co-operation – Éder Tamás, vice president of the organization told M1...

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The Agrarian Chamber urges sectoral co-operation to prevent damage from swine fever

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) urges sectoral co-operation in order to ensure that African swine fever (ASF) does not appear in domestic pig stocks and limit the damage in...

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Agricultural Chamber: Hungarian pork is safe

The Hungarian pork is safe, even after the appereance of the African swine fever, as the strict animal health and food safety rules exclude the infection, and the virus that...

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The Japanese market will be duty-free for Europe

Japan is the world’s largest importer of pork, and the Americans have a strong interest in its market. Thanks to the now-finalized Economic Partnership Agreement, Europe can finally overtake its...

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Trump would increase cutting speed at the American slaughterhouses

In his latest proposal, Donald Trump, US President would drastically increase cutting speed at the U.S. slaughterhouses – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The change would, in some respects, favor the meat and...

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Hungary is a net importer of pigs

The AKI has published its meat market report, which revealed that Hungary is a net importer of live pigs and pigmeat – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The slaughterhouse of Csányi Sándor, which...

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Changes in Germany also affect the Hungarian pig prices

The Hungarian pork prices entirely follow the German prices. Now some processes have begun in Germany that will have a significant impact on price developments – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The big...

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The new veterinarian decision against African swine fever was published

The National Chief Veterinary Officer compiled the protection tasks on the control of African swine fever (ASP) in a unified structure, supplemented with new measures – the Ministry of Agriculture...

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This year’s pork campaign continued with the “Where the Pig sector is Heading?” conference

The “Where the Pig sector is Heading?” conference is organized as a part of the Consumer Promotion Campaign by the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC). Daróczi László, Managing Director of Agrármarketing...

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Poland would raise a fence on its eastern border due to African swine pest

The Polish government would build a fence along Poland’s eastern borders to prevent further spread of African swine pest (ASP) – Krzysztof Jurgiel Polish Minister announced at Press Conference in...

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Modern pig slaughter and processing plant from three billion HUF in Sárrétudvari

In its category it will be the most modern cutting and processing plant in Central Europe – the Minister of State responsible for Agricultural Rural Development announced at the foundation...

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Pork consumption increased as a result of VAT cuts

Pig meat consumption increased by about 2.2 kg per capita in Hungary per person according to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). The increase in consumption is mainly...

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Nébih African swine fever in the eastern neighborhood of Hungary

The Romanian Animal Health Service detected African swine fever (ASF) about 4 kilometers away from the Hungarian-Romanian border. Due to the outbreak, some Hungarian border towns had to introduce animal...

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Meat Association: the performance of the meat industry decreased by 2.9 percent last year

The performance of the meat industry dropped by 2.9 percent in 2017. The economic impact of the poultry flu played a decisive role in the downturn – Éder Tamás, Social...

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Many people visited the Hungarian Flavours Fair

In spite of the bad weather about 7,500 people visited the Hungarian Flavours Spring Fair at the second weekend of March. Visitors could choose from more than 1,000 typical Hungarian foods,...

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Another Hungarian food plants can export to Taiwan

Another 8 poultry slaughterhouses and 1 poultry and 2 pig processing plants have been granted the export license from Taiwan’s Veterinary and Phytosanitary Inspection and Quarantine Office (BAPHIQ) – the...

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Pork consumption increased in Hungary

Pork consumption has increased by about 10 percent since 2016 in Hungary, with an annual consumption of 25 kilograms per person – the Minister of Agriculture said in Túrkeve, at...

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KSH: the cattle population has grown, the number of pigs has decreased

Over the past year, cattle grew by 18,000, the sheep stock with 6,000, while the number of pigs decreased by 37,000 pigs and the humber of hens by 183,000 –...

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Egyre népszerűbb a mangalica és sikeres a sertéságazat is

Egyre népszerűbb a mangalica és sikeres a sertéságazat is, ami az agrártárca által az elmúlt években bevezetett intézkedéseknek köszönhető, így például a sertésstratégia és az állatjóléti, tenyésztésszervezési támogatások egyaránt hozzájárultak...

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The slaughterhouse in Mohács is operating at a more than 90 percent capacity

The slaughterhouse of the MCS Vácóhíd Zrt. handed over last April is operating at a more than 90 percent capacity in Mohács. Pókos Gergely the director of the facility told...

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Swine fever attacks again near the Hungarian-Romanian border

African swine fever has appeared again in Romania: the disease is only a few kilometers away from the Hungarian border and the Ukrainian border. The disease was detected in Mikola...

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FM: The year starts with a VAT reduction in the food industry

From January, a further VAT reduction is taking place in the food industry. Nagy István, the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told M1 news channel...

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The slaughter of domestic pigs in the Zlín region was ordered due to the African swine fever

The slaughter of domestic pigs in the Czech Republic’s focal point for African swine fever in the part of the eastern Moravian Zlín region was ordered to prevent the spread...

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