Tag "sertés"

Nagy István: national and EU funds contribute to the competitiveness of the pig sector

Almost 18.9 billion HUF will be available in this year’s budget to support additional animal welfare commitments for pig farmers, which will contribute to the competitiveness of the pig sector...

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African Swine Fever: pig breeders can get free disinfectants

Pig farmers can get free disinfectants from their veterinarian – the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nebih) has published on its website. In a statement, the agency stressed that it...

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The number of pig slaughterings has decreased

After a long timethe number of pig slaughterings in slaughterhouses again decreased in the first half of this year. This is partly due to strong demand for live animals in...

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Researchers are working on vaccines against swine fever

African swine fever (ASF) is predominantly devastating in Asia, where it causes serious economic damage and rising food prices. Researchers are working to develop a vaccine against swine fever that...

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More hens, less pigs

The number of pigs in Hungary decreased by about 20,000 compared to a year ago, and by nearly 32,000 compared to December last year. The number of hens increased by...

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Pork may become more expensive over time

African swine fever could lead to a steady rise in pork prices in the next 4-5 years – penzcentrum.hu quotes Fórián Zoltán, a leading agricultural expert of the Erste Agricultural...

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NAK: to maintain the balance of the Hungarian pig sector is everyone’s interest

Due to the spread of African swine fever in the Far East, the pig market in the world has changed considerably, causing problems in Hungary as well. The National Chamber...

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From the end of June, a new support helps to keep skilled workers in agriculture

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) has developed a new support scheme for the poultry and pig sector. The applications for support can be submitted to the Hungarian State Treasury from...

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Pig exports jumped

Seven percent fewer cattle, one percent less poultry, and four percent fewer pigs were slaughtered in domestic slaughterhouses in the first quarter of 2019 compared to January-March 2018 – Magyar...

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Magazine: ‘It is worth building on Hungarian consumers’

Tamás Éder, social president of the Hungarian Meat Industry Association has told at the traditional pre-Easter press conference in Budapest: what the industry needs is understanding and compassion from retailers...

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Chamber of Agriculture: thee appearance of the Swine Fever in China can help the situation of EU pig farmers

The European Union’s and Hungarian pig farmers may benefit from the appearance of African swine fever in China in the short term – Éder Tamás. the National Vice President of...

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The Spring Pork Consumption Campaign has been launched

The Spring Pork Consumption Promotion campaign was launched. The Ministry of Agriculture support the campaign from the 440 million HUF framework intended for the marketing of pork. Feldman Zsolt Minister...

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Poultry and pig breeders receive more animal welfare support

The Ministry of Agriculture once again raised animal welfare support for poultry and pig breeders after the 2018 entitlements. The 14.3 billion forints amount reached 2.5 times of the level...

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Magazine: Mohács abattoir supplies shops with premium quality meat

Abattoir MCS Vágóhíd Zrt. became a Hungarian Product trademark user at the end of 2018. The strategic partner of the Bonafarm Group can use the trademark on their premium products,...

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The University of Szeged started a research to reduce the risk of swine embryo deaths

The University of Szeged launched a research to reduce the risk of swine embryo deaths with the partners of the University of Szeged, with theUBM Feed Kft. and the ADEXGO...

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Swine fever was detected in Sepsiszentgyörgy

About sixty pigs are to be killed in the Őrkő district of Sepsiszentgyörgy, where the appearance of African swine fever (ASP) was confirmed at the end of last week –...

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African swine fever: so far the Romanian authorities killed 360,000 pigs

The Veterinary and Food Safety Officers of Romania have detected the pathogens of African swine fever in other Bihar settlements – the Agerpres news agency told on Monday. The Bihar...

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African swine fever has appeared in another county in Romania

African swine fever (ASF) is spreading further in Romania. The disease appeared in Dolj county, Oltenia, where the affected farmers rebelled against veterinary experts coming to kill their livestock. According...

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Half a billion forints compensation for African swine fever

This year, Mangalica breeders can apply for an income replacement support of half a billion forints allowances due to African swine fever – according to the decree of the Minister...

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The aim is to prevent the spread of swine fever

The two most important veterinary tasks of the next period are the most effective limitation of the spread of African swine fever (ASP) and the prevention of cross-contamination into domestic...

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The price of pig decreased in one year

Compared to the beginning of the year, the price of pigs declined in comparison with the previous year in August this year – Világgazdaság Online wrote on the basis of...

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The spread of African swine fever has slowed in Romania

The spread of African swine fever in Romania has slowed down, no new infectious points have emerged in the last month in neighboring counties – according to the weekly report...

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Belgium would cut thousands of pigs to prevent the outbreak

Belgium would cut about four thousand pigs to prevent the spread of African swine fever. ASF was detected in a total of nine wild boars – the La Libre Belgique...

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African swine fever: eleven countries have suspended meat imports from Belgium

Because of African swine fever, eleven countries outside the European Union have suspended imports of pork from Belgium, “Belgian newspaper Le Soir said on Wednesday. Belgian Minister of Agriculture Denis...

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The second largest pig farm in Europe was attacked by ASF in Romania

Gicu Dragan, head of the branch office of the Braila County branch office, told Agerpres news agency on Saturday that the commercial unit, which consists essentially of three farms belongs...

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Swine fever in China

One of China’s largest pig processing plants to be shut down for six weeks, after a few days ago fattening pigs died on the site, due to African swine fever...

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Pork prices have increased

Last year, we were able to sell pigs more expensive, but the rampant heat is holding back the output this year – agrarszektor.hu wrote. There was a demand situation in...

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African swine fever affects ten counties in Romania

African swine fever outbreaks have occurred in ten out of the forty-one counties In Romania – the Romanian Veterinary and Food Safety Authority announced. According to the authorities, a total...

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African swine fever spread throughout Europe

The African swine fever spreads throughout Europe, and the epidemic of African swine fever (ASF) has worsened in several European countries over the past two months – the National Food...

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Genetically engineered pigs would be more resistant

Scientists have created pigs that are immune to one of the world’s costliest livestock diseases – BBC wrote. GE is different to the more widely used technology of genetic modification....

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