Tag "rum"

An exciting, exotic world

Our magazine has asked the biggest players in the domestic rum and tequila categories about the market situation. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5 Zoltán Kedves,...

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An expanding world of rum

Az átlagfogyasztó szempontjából a magyar rumpiacot alapvetően néhány erős márka határozza meg, a premiumizáció viszont gyors ütemben gazdagítja a termékválasztékot. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. Kelet-Európába a trendek...

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Rum advertisement tent cake – Picture of the day

The extravagant BTL advertisements of Kraken rum, which is now available here, have been seen on the Internet for years, one of the most original of which was a cake...

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Captain Morgan Launches Alcohol-Free Beverage

Diageo has announced the launch of Captain Morgan Spiced Gold 0.0%, an alcohol-free alternative to the brand’s Original Spiced Gold. The drink will be rolled out in Great Britain from...

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Quarter of drinkers choose rum over pint of beer

New research by rum brand Bacardi has claimed that more than one in four Brits will choose a rum-based cocktail instead of a pint of beer this summer. The data,...

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Magazine: The magic of diversity

‘The Hungarian rum-market is led by a few established brands’, Sára Palcsó, marketing director of Zwack explained. ‘Consumers know very few brands and are highly loyal to those. A thin...

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A complex taste

Sebastian Stroh created his famous rum in 1832. Today the 40, 60 and 80 abv Stroh Rum is made from sugarcane molasses. The rum has a very complex taste, with...

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Bacardi broke into the tequila market

Bacardi joined the fast growing sector of the tequila. The world’s two largest distillers united and the Gray Goose vodka, Dewar Scotch, Bacardi rum and the famous Patrón tequila came...

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