Tag "Románia"

The number of guest nights increased by 6.2 percent in Romania in the first quarter

The number of guest nights in Romania increased by 6.2 percent to 4,128 million in the first quarter of this year, compared to the same period of last year –...

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The shortage of the Romanian foreign trade balance increased significantly

In the first two months of this year, the deficit of the Romanian foreign balance increased by 31 percent to 1,657 billion euros – the Romanian National Statistical Institute announced...

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Romanian retail sales increased

The volume of Romanian retail sales grew by 8.3 percent in the first two months of this year, compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian National...

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The number of guest nights grew in Romania

In January, the number of guest nights increased by 9.6 percent in Romania, compared to the first month of last year, according to the Romanian statistical institute. 78 percent of...

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91 percent of Romanians living abroad regularly buy Romanian products

Nintety-one percent of Romanians living abroad regularly buy Romanian products, and 61 percent popularize Romanian brands among their acquaintances, according to a recent survey of the MKOR Consulting market research...

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Romanian milk processing plants favor Hungarian milk

The Romanian milk processing plants buy only the quarter of the milk produced in the country and almost half of the imported milk comes from Hungary – the Maszol.ro website...

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Mega Image keeps growing in Romania

Romanian retail chain Mega Image opened 50 new shops in 2017 and will continue their expansion in 2018. CEO Vassilis Stavrou stressed that Mega Image will invest EUR 50 million...

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Romanian retail sales grew by 10 percent

The volume of Romanian retail sales grew by 10.2 percent in the first ten months compared to the same period of last year, according to the Romanian National Statistical Institute....

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Romanian retail sales volume grew by 10.7 percent last year

Last year, the volume of retail sales grew by 10.7 percent compared to the previous year in Romania – the Romanian National Statistical Institute announced on Monday. Sales of non-food...

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Last year the number of guest nights grew by 6.5 percent in Romania

Last year, the number of guest nights increased by 6.5 percent to 26,915 million in commercial accommodations in Romania, according to the Romanian National Statistical Institute’s data released on Friday....

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Swine fever attacks again near the Hungarian-Romanian border

African swine fever has appeared again in Romania: the disease is only a few kilometers away from the Hungarian border and the Ukrainian border. The disease was detected in Mikola...

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The Romanian Government gives free piglets to the mangalica breeders

A minimum of two, up to ten free piglets will be given by the Romanian government to those livestock farmers who under certain conditions undertake the fattening of Bázna mangalica...

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Real wages rose over ten percent in Romania

In October, real income in Romania was 10.6 percent higher than in the previous year, according to the Romanian National Statistical Institute. The gross average wage was 3327 lei (226...

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Retail sales increased in Romania

In November, the volume of retail sales grew by 11.4 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year – the Romanian National Statistical Institute announced on Monday. The...

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Romanian tourism boosted

In the first eleven months of last year, the number of guest nights increased by 6.2 percent to 25.325 million in Romania, according to the data of the Romanian National...

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The registration of the Tiltott Csíki Sör brand was refused in Bucharest

The Romanian Patent and Trademark Office (OSIM) has rejected the registration of the Tiltott Csíki Sör (Forbidden Csíki Beer) the Maszol.ro news agency reported on Wednesday. Lénárd András, the majority...

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Kingfisher bought the Praktiker Romania DIY chain

The Brico Depot Romania belongs to the Kingfisher group of companies bought the hundred percent of Praktiker Romania’s shares from the Susli family – the Romanian mediafax news agency told....

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In October, the number of guest nights increased by 6.8 percent in Romania

In October, the number of guest nights grew by 6.8 percent in Romania, compared with the same month of last year – the Romanian National Statistical Institute reported on Tuesday....

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Retail sales increased by nearly 10 percent in Romania

The volume of retail sales grew by 9.8 percent in Romania, in the first nine months of last year, compared to the same period last year, according to the Romanian...

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In the first nine months, the number of guest nights grew by 6.1 percent in Romania

During the first nine months of the year, tourists spent 21.4 million guest nights in Romanian hotels, 6.1 percent more than in the same period of last year. The report...

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Profi continues to conquer Romania

Romanian retailer Profi will open 8 new stores in the country – in different retail channels. Two large stores will be built in Bucharest, while in other cities 100-230m² stores...

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Retail sales grew by 9.3 percent in Romania

In Romania, retail sales grew by 9.3 percent in the first eight months of last year, the Romanian National Statistical Institute announced on Wednesday. According to seasonally adjusted and calendar...

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A record potato yield was harvested in Székelyföld

The biggest potato production after 1989 was harvested in Székelyföld. In Kovászna county 28 tonnes per hectare, while in Hargita County 26 tonnes per hectare was the average yield. Könczei...

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In the first eight months, the number of guest nights grew by 6.3 percent in Romania

In the first eight months of this year, the number of guest nights increased by 6.3 percent to 18.788 million, compared to the same period of last year, according to...

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Romanian retail trade grew by 8.1 percent in the first seven months

The volume of Romanian retail sales grew by 8.1 percent in the first seven months, compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian National Statistical Institute announced...

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The number of guest nights grew in Romania over seven percent

In the first seven months, the number of guest nights grew by 7.2 percent to 14.2 million in comparison with the same period last year, according to the Romanian National...

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New stores in Romania

Kaufland Romania is testing a new concept, while Profi is planning to open new stores in Romania. Kaufland opened a kind of ‘open’ shopping centre in Bucharest: in the building...

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Romania’s retail sales grew by nearly 8 percent

The volume of Romanian retail sales increased by 7.8 percent in the first half of the year, compared to the same period of last year, according to the Romanian National...

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The number of guest nights grew by 7.3 percent in the first half of the year in Romania

In Romania, the number of guest nights grew by 7.3 percent in the first half of the year, compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian National...

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African swine fever has appeared in Romania near the Hungarian border

African swine fever has been reported in Romania. The infectious disease was discovered by the authorities near Szatmárnémeti near the Hungarian-Romanian border in a backyard farm, the Romanian Veterinary and...

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