Tag "Penny"

ÉMK: the food rescue program starts

The food rescue program is starting – the Élélmiszermentő Központ Nonprofit Kft. (ÉMK) announced to MTI on Tuesday. It was written that last Monday, the operation of the ÉMK trial...

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Csonka Pici is now a “scientific associate” of PENNY

The store chain signed a contract with the popular actor-singer András Csonka for another large-scale marketing campaign. In the new joint videos, this time the Picije of the country will...

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You can save food in another 18 PENNY store with MUNCH

From September 11, Munch’s increasingly popular food rescue service is now available in PENNY stores located in the Southern Great Plains, in the counties of Békés and Csongrád-Csanád. With the...

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A fenntarthatóság a helyes út a PENNY-nél – Innovációk, úttörő megoldások és segítségnyújtás a kiskereskedelmi üzletláncnál

A PENNY-nél már az 1996-os hazai indulása óta kulcsfontosságú szerepet játszik a fenntarthatósági célok kitűzése és megvalósítása, valamint a társadalmi felelősségvállalás kérdése. A vállalat mindig örömmel tesz a jó ügyekért,...

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Cash-back withdrawal service is still available at few retail chains

Two months have passed since the legislation governing the introduction of the cash-back cash withdrawal service officially entered into force. It’s time for a little assessment. Pursuant to the new...

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A termékek „valós árát” bemutató kampányt indít a Penny

A német Penny kiskereskedelmi lánc a Nürnbergi Műszaki Egyetemmel és a Greifswaldi Egyetemmel együttműködésben egyhetes kampányt indít, amelyben a termékek „valós árát” kívánja megmutatni. Július 31. és augusztus 5. között...

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A new PENNY will soon be built in Pilisvörösvár

PENNY’s network in Hungary is expanding once again, after the work on the new store in Pilisvörösvár has begun. The city is also located in an area where the company...

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PENNY’s own brand products continue to conquer

Customer habits have changed radically in the past period: the transformation of consumer baskets has shifted the emphasis towards high-quality, but budget-friendly, own-brand products. In the case of PENNY, for...

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Phishers are trying to abuse the name of PENNY – warns the retail chain

A fake prize game in the name of PENNY is spreading on Facebook – the retail chain warns its customers. The fake profile operating as a phishing site uses the...

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PENNY stores will accept SZÉP cards as a means of payment from August

PENNY gives its customers more again: in accordance with the government decree, the store chain enables payment with the Széchenyi Pihenő Card in all 229 units in Hungary. Thanks to...

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PENNY provides an extra discount for 20 new product categories!

PENNY gives even more than 10 percent! In addition, the company extended the range of discounts to categories that do not belong to the mandatory discount product groups. Thus, from...

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Non-salary benefits, bonuses, reimbursement of travel expenses – that’s all you can earn at PENNY

The PENNY discount chain offers many fringe benefits and benefits to those who want to work for them. In their job advertisements, there are various opportunities that do not require...

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PENNY is already available in Budapest!

The cooperation between PENNY and ROKSH has reached another milestone. As the next step of the successful joint work that has been going on for almost a year, the online...

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From June 26, another 12 PENNY stores will join Munch

After the successful test period, from June 26, 11 PENNY stores in Budapest and one in Gyál will be added to the list of units where Munch’s service is available....

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Penny strengthened further last year, and the expansion doesn’t stop

Trade magazine interviewed Eszter Kazatsay, Penny’s head of corporate communications. – What was the most important event in the company’s life last year? – PENNY reached another important milestone last...

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Smart solutions were created at the MATE x Penny idea competition

A multi-round student idea competition with a total prize of HUF two million was organized in cooperation with the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences and PENNY. The project...

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Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. has come up with another inventive prize game

Those who participated in Magyar Termék and PENNY’s joint “A domestic is always a winner!” were able to enrich themselves with a 15-minute shopping experience. in his promotion. Almost 4,500...

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NAK and PENNY have installed beds in schools and kindergartens

The National Chamber of Agricultural Economy (NAK), in cooperation with PENNY, installed raised beds in eight or eight elementary schools and kindergartens in Veszprém, as well as in the school...

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Unbeatable top 3 – The 2022 ranking of FMCG retailers is out now

Both the economy and the FMCG sector had an eventful past few years. New measures, a transformed market environment, and constantly changing shopper reactions…There wasn’t much we could get used...

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Growing popularity for the Hungarian Product loyalty website among manufacturers

It was in last March that Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. launched its loyalty website, www.magyaranyero.hu. The website was created for the integrated implementation of prize games and it already has...

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The 2022 ranking of FMCG retailers is out now – Unbeatable top 3

2022 was yet another year when discounters continued their superb performance. This is why it isn’t surprising at all that Lidl held on to the No.1 spot with a comfortable...

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PENNY has reduced the price of new products

PENNY remains committed to providing affordable and high-quality products, which is why it will permanently reduce the price of a total of 80 dairy products in two phases from June...

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New CEO to lead PENNY Hungary

Mathias Mentrop will be the new CEO of PENNY Hungary from 1 July. Mentrop currently serves as Chief Operating Officer of the PENNY network in the Czech Republic, replacing the...

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Children’s Day the PENNY way: multi-million donation and voluntary help

On the occasion of Children’s Day, PENNY Hungary once again supported organizations that help disadvantaged children with a product and monetary donation worth several million forints. And its employees contributed...

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PENNY gives its customers a 30 percent discount instead of 10!

PENNY gives much more than 10 percent! In addition to nearly 1,000 discounted items per month, starting June 1, 20 products will be offered with a discount of up to...

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PENNY’s Hungarian store network has continued to expand

Budapest 19th PENNY opened the doors of its newest and largest store, the 229th in a row, in the Remíz department store in Üllői út. The next milestone in the...

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PENNY products for a healthy diet

Lactose-free On the “Health Island” shelves of PENNY stores customers can find organic, gluten-free and sugar control products, while in the refrigerators there are lactose-free and vegan foods too. As...

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PENNY awaits its customers with nearly a thousand special offers!

PENNY offers its customers literally thousands of promotional product offers, as the department store chain offers nearly 1,000 products with significant discounts every month. The offer, which is updated every...

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PENNY and Munch: together against food waste

PENNY joined the Munch food saving platform on 17 April 2023: in two Budapest stores, shoppers can choose from three types of food boxes. This article is available for reading...

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PENNY’s most popular private label product line has been renewed

The Sissy product line has been one of PENNY’s own brand products since the beginning, so customers have been able to enjoy its reliable, high-quality dairy products for more than...

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