Tag "Opten"

It is getting better for fish farms

According to the 2016 financial reports, the domestic fisheries no need to complain – Hantos Zoltán, project manager for the OPTEN company information service provider said. Although we eat fish,...

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Companies with billion HUF revenues are deleted weekly

Although the vast majority of the deleted companies are micro-enterprises, we should not forget about the terminated large companies, that have a small number, but play more significant role in...

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The corporate world became more compact in 2016

46 thousand companies were founded and 26 thousand companies were deleted in 2016. In terms of the number of companies the company structure continues to shrink for the third year....

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The productivity of the domestic firms is improving but still far from the EU

Although there are some positive trends, there are major differences depending on company size and sector, but the productivity of only 1-2 percent of the domestic companies can be considered...

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More companies were established in 2016 than in 2015

While it is not the end of the year, the company incorporation numbers of 2015 seem to manage to surpass the numbers of 2016. “Year 2016 was balanced both in...

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There is a lack of medium-sized breweries

The domestic beer producers’s revenues increased steadily over the past three years, but among the market participants there is an extremely lack for medium-sized plants – the analysis of the...

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Leadership changes at more than 60 thousand Hungarian companies this year

Until now change in ownership occured at 11 percent of the companies in 2016 – Pertics Richárd, company information director of the Opten Kft. told penzcentrum.hu. Changes in the ownership...

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Opten: The revenues of the companies involved in travel arrangements are on before the crisis levels

The aggregate net sales of the companies involved in travel arrangements last year exceeded the pre-crisis times: after the 216 billion HUF turnover of 2008, the sector’s turnover in 2015...

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Opten: the domestic food industry is stagnating

According to Opten, the Hungarian food industry is stagnating. According to the data, the growth in the sector has stopped both in terms of revenues and the number of employees...

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Opten: company establish mood reduced in July

In July, 1844 a new companies were established in Hungary, which is 13 percent less, compared to the same period of the previous year. Compared to June it represents a...

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Opten: signs of stabilization in the retail sector

The retail sector's revenue declined slightly, but its profitability increased significantly, while the number of employees has not returned to previous levels after the abolition of Sunday store closure –...

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Opten: tourism market is clearer

The tourism market in Hungary is getting more clarified from year to year – the most recent summary of Opten business information provider reveals, referring to the fact that last...

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The weight of foreign companies in Hungary is decreasing strongly

The proportion of foreign-owned companies is declining among the dominant businesses ie the role of foreign capital is declining. This decline is more apparent in light of the fact that...

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Opten: corporate world is consolidated slowly

According to Opten, the forced cancellation processes initiated by the registry courts are running out, the number of terminated corporate enterprises is slowly reducing, the number of newly initiated liquidation...

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Foreigners are founding less companies Hungary

The number of the formation of foreign-owned, offshore companies decreased by a quarter in the past six years. The majority of the foreign companies registered in Hungary have Ukrainian owners...

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Dreher Breweries: excellent risk management

The Hungarian Credit Management Association gave the Credit Management Team of the Year award to Dreher Breweries’ receivables and risk management professionals. The recognition is the result of conscious construction:...

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One in twenty founding companies will be successful

Tens of thousands companies are established by domestic entrepreneurs every year in Hungary, but almost forty percent of them proves to be short-lived, and only every twentieth will produce acceptable...

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Opten: the rising trend of company terminations is broken

Compared with April, almost 400 fewer companies, a total of 4245 companies were terminated in the Hungarian economy in May, breaking the trend of increasing company terminations – according to...

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Annual 21 billion HUF can flow into the economy with the growth tax credit

Approximately 18 thousand companies can take advantage of the total of 21 billion HUF worth loans under the growth tax credit program – according to the analysis of Opten business...

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In February, 4153 companies ceased to exist in Hungary. In the first two months, a total of 8367 consolidations and concentrations are taking place in the company world – the figures of Opten business information provider reveal.

In February, 4153 companies ceased to exist in Hungary. In the first two months, a total of 8367 consolidations and concentrations are taking place in the company world – the...

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