Tag "OKSZ"

Interpretations uncertainties in the reduction of pork VAT

According to the information of the agrárszektor.hu, the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) is calling that the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) to issue resolution in controversial cases. The 5...

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OKSZ: digital price tags do not need to be swapped constantly

Digital price tags make the shopping process smoother, because the customers can face with actual prices – the Secretary-General of the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) told M1 news channel on...

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Analysts say that growth may continue in retail trade

According to the first estimate of the Central Statistical Office, published on Thursday the volume of retail sales in November 2015, increased by 4.8 percent according to the raw data...

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The OKSZ expects an increase in retail sales this year

According to the data released so far it is clear that a retail trade closed a favorable year last year, and the upward trend will continue in 2016 as well...

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OKSZ: the usual Christmas shopping schedule to change

The usual Christmas shopping schedule will change. According to the new rules, the shops and department stores should close their doors until noon 24 December, Thursday – the National Retail...

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OKSZ-Secretary-General: retail revenue in December may exceed 950 billion HUF

According to the Secretary-General of the National Retail Federation (OKSZ), retail turnover may be higher than previously estimated: it can even exceed 950 billion HUF in December. Vámos György Secretary-General...

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OKSZ: the largest shopping fever may be between 12 to 20 December

Retail sales may grow by 5-6 percent in December, compared to a year ago, the turnover can reach a value of 940-950 billion HUF in December this year – the...

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Analysts: retail trade is expanding further

Retail sales continue to grow in the rest of the year, analysts told MTI who had responded to the Central Statistical Office’s (KSH) data published on Thursday. Suppan Gergely, analyst...

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The trade association expects a longer shopping period and growing Christmas traffic

The National Retail Federation (OKSZ) expects a longer shopping period this year. The OKSZ expects a 5-6 percent more, 950 billion HUF more consumer spendings in December 2015, compared to...

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The state can win 20 billion, while the chains can lose 40

The state can achieve at least twenty billion HUF tax revenue, if the large supermarket chains would be required to employ vendors to every seventy square meters, regardless of whether...

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The trade can also make profit with the EU funds

The commercial sector can profit from the use of the EU funds, not as a primary candidate, but for as a supplier for example – Csepreghy Nándor, Minister of State...

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The amount of the food chain supervision fee may decrease

No compromise has been born with Brussels about the degree of the food chain supervision fee, but the new public duty is expected to be lower than the previous –...

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Hypermarkets may be the winners of the Sunday rest day

There are some major players, that particularly profited from the Sunday store closure, because they are exempted from a series of extra expenditures, while the traffic has not reduced, rather...

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Free trade agreement: the Hungarian food may win

Hungary will win on the world markets with the flavor of its foods. After the signing of the free trade agreement Hungary can even defeat America – Vadász György executive...

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The deferred purchases have increased retail sales

The deferred purchases of recent years increased retail sales -according to analysts polled by MTI, who responded to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) that was published on...

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Hungarian Trade Association (OKSZ) appointed officers

Hungarian Trade Association (Országos Kereskedelmi Szövetség) has appointed officers at its general assembly – wrote napi.hu. This organisation is involved in one third the entire national retail sales and also...

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OKSZ: consumption may increase in the rest of the year

The National Retail Federation (OKSZ) expects growth of household spendings on an annual basis in 2015, but considers that this rate will be lower than in the first quarter of...

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OKSZ: the advertising tax is a heavy burden for the traders

The advertising tax is a serious burden for the dealers, because a a significant proportion of it burdens the consumer goods trade directly or indirectly – the National Retail Federation...

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Sunday store closure has been extended to World Heritage sites

The government is extending the ban on Sunday working in trade to World Heritage sites in its bill submitted to the National Assembly on Tuesday. Vámos György, the General Secretary...

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The OKSZ proposes an amendment to the law, due to the foil on tobacco shop windows

The law does not require to put dark folies on the tobacco shop windows, but while looking from the outside into the shop tobacco products should not be seen –...

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The OKSZ supports the possibility of earlier opening hours in stores

Vámos György the Secretary-General of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) considers the idea of the earlier opening hours favorable. According to an amendment, the stores could be open from 4:30...

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Different expert opinions about the retail outlooks

Suppan Gergely, the analyst of the Savings Bank told that the lively retail sales increase can continue in the coming months, while Vámos György, the Secretary-General of the National Trade...

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The OKSZ expects strong Easter turnover

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) is expecting similar strong commercial traffic this Easter as last year’s. Vámos György, Secretary General of the Organization told MTI that experience has shown that...

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OKSZ: exemption cannot be given currently

Only those exceptions are exisiting under Sunday store closure that were voted by the National Assembly at its meeting on March 17. The Government’s decree was published on Tuesday. According...

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OKSZ: retailing continues to grow this year

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) expects a further growth in retail sales, but at a slower pace. According to data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) published on Wednesday, retail...

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