Tag "növénytermesztés"

Emissions of animals and animal products increased by 10.4 percent

According to the results of the MSZR’s first forecast, in 2023, the value of total agriculture at the current price was 6.5 percent higher than 2022. Production costs increased by...

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A record amount of agricultural payments in Hungarian agriculture this year

With this year’s HUF 1,300 billion, a record amount of agricultural agricultural payments will be made in Hungary by the end of 2023, said the State Secretary of the Ministry...

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The price of corn seed rose by 30 percent

Maize was grown on 28,327 hectares in 2022, which showed a 10 percent decrease in area compared to the previous period. 93,718 tons of metal were locked using 335 types....

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AGROmashEXPO and Agricultural Machinery Show will be held again in January

The catch-up of our agriculture to the European Union is significant. While our productivity reached 41 percent of the EU value in 2010, this ratio increased to 67 percent by 2021....

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Ukraine’s accession to the EU would endanger the livelihood of European farmers

Ukraine’s possible accession to the European Union would threaten the livelihood of European farmers, as European farmers cannot compete with hundreds of thousands of hectares of Ukrainian farms owned by...

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It’s not worth waiting until January to provide data!

It is not worth postponing the uploading of the electronic Farming Log (eGN), by doing it as soon as possible you can already fulfill the year-long administrative obligation and avoid...

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Ukraine’s accession to the EU would have unforeseeable consequences for agriculture

Ukraine’s accession to the EU would fundamentally and drastically change European agriculture and the agricultural support system. European farmers cannot compete with hundreds of thousands of hectares of Ukrainian farms owned...

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Agrometeorology: the size of inland water areas in the Great Plain is increasing

In recent days, precipitation has arrived in several waves, significant snow cover has formed in many places, but the size of inland water areas is increasing in the Great Plain,...

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According to the president of the Chamber of Agriculture, the European food security and agricultural support system will be threatened if Ukraine becomes an EU member

According to the president of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK), Ukraine’s EU membership would certainly bring about drastic changes for European, including Hungarian, agriculture, since the entry of...

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Ministerial fees and diplomas were handed over on the day of producer communities

In the 25th anniversary year of the launch of the News Program, 5 products of 3 applicants won the right to use the news, and the number of trademark products...

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Producer cooperation is also required in horseradish production

At European level, domestic horseradish production is outstanding, the amount of which is 10-12 thousand tonnes per year. Hungarian Torma is of high quality, and farmers can continue to count on...

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KSH: Agricultural output value increased by 6.5 percent

In 2023, the total output value of agriculture exceeded HUF 4.3 thousand billion, which is 6.5 percent more than a year earlier. A 25 percent increase in total production volume...

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On the occasion of World Soil Day, the ecological research institute draws attention to the alarming rate of reduction of topsoil

The Ecological Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKi) draws attention to the importance of healthy soils and the alarming rate of reduction of topsoil in its statement published on Tuesday on the...

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The government has already helped 136,000 farmers by paying the advance

The first advance payment period of the new period of the Common Agricultural Policy has ended, in the framework of which almost 136,000 farmers received nearly HUF 194 billion in...

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The sale of agricultural machinery decreased, while the turnover of spare parts increased

Individual farms and cooperatives bought HUF 226.5 billion worth of new agricultural machinery and equipment in the period January-September 2023, which was 16 percent less than the turnover of a...

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The Agricultural Ecology Program is popular

Farmers with nearly 488,000 hectares of grassland applied to the framework of the new Agricultural Ecology Program in this year’s inaugural year. Next year, in order to facilitate an even wider...

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Zsolt Feldman: 125,000 farmers have already received advances this year

By the end of November, 125,000 farmers had received an advance of about HUF 168 billion in the European Union’s agricultural support system, which has changed for this year compared...

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The Hódmezővásárhely soil profile became the Soil of the Year

This year, the soil profile in Hódmezővásárhely was awarded the title Soil of Hungary based on a public vote organized by the Hungarian Soil Science Society, Zsolt Feldman, the state...

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Syngenta presented an online hybrid selection solution for blackboards

Syngenta’s latest digital development, the Cropwise Seed Selector, has arrived in Hungary. Through the online hybrid selection platform based on the data of several decades of weather and tens of thousands...

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The Agrár Széchenyi Card with special interest subsidy can be applied for until June 2024

It is good news for farmers that it has been achieved in Brussels to extend and increase the amount of the temporary support entitlements, which are important for agriculture and...

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The relationship with Hungarian farmers abroad is getting closer and closer

The Carpathian Basin Unity Forum is a celebration that shows what a huge driving force the regional cooperation proposed by the Hungarians represents. The government also pays attention to national unity...

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Domestic melon production can be strengthened through cooperation

There is room for development in the domestic melon sector, the demand for Hungarian watermelons is increasing on the export markets. However, in order to take advantage of the opportunities, greater...

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The strengthening of the countryside makes the whole of Hungary richer

In order to create a livable countryside and pass it on to future generations, we must work together. Our common values and our Christian faith are the bond that forges us...

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Go for the KMÉ trademark quick-frozen green beans!

When you’ve had enough of meat dishes, it’s sometimes a good idea to get a bag of quick-frozen vegetables from the freezer, from which you can quickly throw together a...

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The subsidies used in agriculture serve to strengthen the countryside

In the years 2021, 2022 and 2023, which also includes the transition years of the Common Agricultural Policy, the Ministry of Agriculture awarded a total of HUF 3,316 billion in...

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Agrometeorology: the area flooded by inland water is increasing in the Great Plains

In the rainy weather, in the southern and eastern regions of the Great Plain, the size of the areas flooded by inland water is increasing, which is not good for...

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Damage caused by wild animals: the Chamber of Agriculture firmly stands up for the interests of farmers

HUF 21 billion in wildlife damage occurs every year, of which only HUF 3 billion is reimbursed to field and forest farmers. Agricultural game damage usually causes enormous economic damage...

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Production and sales processes must be re-evaluated

The effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war will be with us next year as well, which requires adaptation, reevaluation of production and sales processes, and quality progress, the agricultural administration wants...

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The average yield of potatoes is 25 percent higher than in 2022

The sunflower harvest was almost completely completed by November, 99.9 percent of the sown area was harvested, and 2 million tons of sunflowers were harvested from a total of 676.1...

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Szeged researchers were the first to characterize the phosphate transport protein of green algae

The staff of the Szeged Biological Research Center belonging to the Hungarian Research Network were the first to characterize a phosphate transport protein found in green algae, the result may...

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