Tag "növénytermesztés"

István Nagy: the basis of successful agricultural production is quality seed

Without seeds, there is no food production, the domestic seed sector is a sector of national strategic importance, stressed István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, at the 30-year anniversary event of...

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Software companies must indicate their intention to join the eGN

Nébih informs those farmers who want to keep the electronic management diary with market software that they should be informed about whether the application they are looking for can connect...

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AKG and ÖKO advance payments have started

The government and the Ministry of Agriculture continue to help Hungarian farmers with a number of tools. The advance payment of the 2023 agri-environmental management (AKG) and ecological management (ÖKO)...

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The average price of fertilizers decreased by almost 30 percent

Among the materials used directly in agricultural production, only the average price of fertilizers decreased by nearly 30 percent. In the first three quarters of 2023, the price of plant protection...

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Agrometeorology: due to the abundant rainfall, the fields are already waterlogged in some places

The long autumn was favorable for autumn sowing, but due to the abundant rainfall, the soil is too muddy for autumn soil work in many places, and in some places...

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This year’s rules must also be followed in 2024 when uploading the Business Diary electronically

The Ministry of Agriculture informs the affected farmers that this year’s rules will be the governing rules for maintaining and uploading the electronic Farming Diary in 2024, i.e. it will...

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We also protect our country’s sovereignty in the field of food production

We will defend our sovereignty against Brussels, our country insists that it can continue to decide for itself what kind of technology it grows plants on its own territory –...

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Protecting the soil is equally important for everyone

The soil is one of our natural resources that we have to manage in a sustainable way, and it is necessary to pay more and more attention to its protection. To...

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We must manage the soil in a sustainable way

Plastics are indispensable not only in our everyday life, but also in agriculture. In addition to its many advantages during agricultural application, it is necessary to take into account its harmful...

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AM: more conscious management is the future of field crop production

In arable crop cultivation, it is important to differentiate the production structure, grow more specialized marketable varieties, it is necessary to manage input materials more consciously, and in less favorable...

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The agrarian salad law is before the parliament

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced that the amendments to the agricultural laws serve to increase the protection of agricultural lands, support irrigated farming and reduce administrative burdens. The head...

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Video materials help farmers on Nébih’s YouTube channel

Nébih tries to use as many tools as possible to help fill out the electronic management diary. In the coming weeks, several short videos on the topic will be uploaded...

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Hungary is building GMO-free agriculture

Hungary is building GMO-free agriculture and insists that unknown technology does not endanger Hungarian society without trial, said the Minister of Agriculture at the hearing before the Sustainable Development Committee...

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The autumn harvesting work is completed

 The autumn harvest work has been completed in our country. The difficult grain market situation caused by Ukraine’s grain exports to Europe left its mark on the harvest, so the Hungarian...

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DélKerTÉSZ significantly increased its turnover

Despite the increased costs, the DélKerTÉSZ in Szentes, consisting of five hundred growers, whose members mainly grow tomatoes and peppers, sold 56 thousand tons of vegetables by 13.3 thousand tons...

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60 percent of the corn was harvested in Zala county

More than 60 percent of the corn was harvested in the county of Zala, the average yield per hectare in the 15,500-hectare area was 8.9 tons, the county president of...

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NAK-FruitVeB: import pressure is increasing on the cabbage market

Due to the increasing import pressure, domestic kale producers are in a difficult situation, so market organization and greater cooperation are needed in the sector – states the National Chamber...

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A plant protection solution developed for organic farmers by Chili Produkt Kft.

Chili Produkt Kft. in Szeged has developed a plant protection solution against harmful insects developed with EU support for organic farmers – the company informed MTI. They emphasized that the...

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Extremes in the price of corn: uncertainty remains high

2023 will be a very memorable year for Hungarian farmers. In one year, the facts and hopes went through heaven and hell. The weather anomalies resulting from climate change and the...

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Let’s also choose domestic ones from cabbages!

Although most types of cabbage can be found in stores all year round, their real season begins in autumn, with the arrival of colder weather. Unfortunately, domestic kale producers are in...

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Important challenges await herbalists

The safety of the food chain must be guaranteed from its roots, i.e. from plant protection, therefore the professional up-to-dateness of plant doctors and plant protection engineers is not only...

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In an increasingly smaller area, fewer and fewer potatoes are grown

According to KSH data, the area under cultivation and the amount of potatoes produced show a decreasing trend: in 2022, 17 percent less potatoes (199.2 thousand tons) were produced than...

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Chamber of Agriculture: next year, the rules of the new KAP on crop rotation will enter into force

The preparation of next year’s sowing plans requires even more care than before, after the rules of the new Common Agricultural Policy for crop rotation and the preservation of biological...

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8 percent more sunflower seed production is expected in the EU

Oil World expects a worldwide sunflower seed harvest of 56.7 million tons (+3 percent) in 2023/2024. financial year. The global output may be 0.5 million tons below the indicated consumption of...

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Beetroot is becoming more and more popular among Hungarian consumers

 There is a real superfood on Hungarian soil, beetroot, rich in vitamins and minerals, is being grown by farmers in an ever-increasing area, according to the joint market overview of...

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The autumn harvest in Békés county has ended

The autumn harvest in Békés county has ended. Farmers are unhappy because of the low purchase prices and the damage caused by overgrown pucks.   The harvesting of sunflowers and...

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Fertilizer sales prices decreased further 2023 VII-IX.

In the months of 2018, compared to the volume sold in the same period a year earlier, 66 percent more fertilizer was delivered to farmers. Within the product range, the turnover...

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The new crop rotation and fallowing rules must also be taken into account when preparing next year’s sowing plans

The European Commission has recently made it clear: by 2024, it will not allow member states to provide their farmers with a temporary exemption from the new rules for crop...

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Support can be paid even after partial completion in the AÖP

This year, the Ministry of Agriculture will introduce the band payment system to be used in case of partial fulfillment of the practices undertaken in the Agro-ecological Program (AÖP). In...

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If we help each other, success will not be left behind!

For more than a decade, thousands of Hungarian farmers from here and across the border have been helping needy families year after year as part of the Bread of Magyars...

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