Tag "NIQ"

The evolution of the FMCG market through the NIQ lens

Shoppers across the continent, including Hungary, continue to save in every possible way, Csilla Czikora, head of consulting and analytic insights at NIQ told when presenting their market research data...

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Dishwashing: switched to eco mode

Last year the market of both dishwasher detergents and washing-up liquids developed nicely, with double-digit growth month on month. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7 “In...

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Breaking waves

Gin has been a steadily growing category for years, fuelled by consumer trends and the introduction of different flavoured variants. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7...

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(HU) Jótékonysági akcióval ünnepelte 30. születésnapját a dm

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Ice tea all stars

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7 According to Márton Vecsei, head of soft drinks brands at HELL ENERGY Magyarország the ice tea market experienced a negative...

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Serums here, active ingredients there

Traditionally women’s facial care products have been surrounded by greater interest, but as men’s skin care habits have changed in recent years, cosmetics for men are increasingly in the centre...

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Gluten-free – new flavours, new possibilities

The once limited choice of gluten-free products has now expanded to a large and diverse selection, including breads, pastas, snacks, cakes and many other foods that were previously difficult to...

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Featherweights in the ring

Following a difficult year, most food categories can look forward to 2024 with justified optimism. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5 Pricing and promotion given main...

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Plant-based foods are taking over

Both manufacturers and distributors in the plant-based segment are trying to keep up with consumer demand, experimenting with innovative products and sustainable solutions. This article is available for reading in...

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Hygiene – from intimately close

NIQ data reveals that value sales of femcare category segments – sanitary pads, pantyliners and tampons – have grown, but volume sales were lower in 2023 than in the previous...

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New wave of hair care

Citing NIQ data, Luca Varga, trade marketing manager of L’Oréal Magyarország says that the hair dye category grew by 10% in value in 2023. This article is available for reading...

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A new era in facial care

NIQ data indicates that the facial care category is growing steadily in both value and volume. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4 Hyaluronic acid, the miracle...

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As we are living our lives faster than we used to, sometimes we tend to organise our meals functionally: main meals are skipped or postponed, but our hunger remains. This...

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Cleanness and caring: new directions in baby care

In 2023 the Hungarian nappy market is expected to grow by over 10% in value compared to the previous year, but a sales decline is likely in volume, according to...

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Bowls refilled

Last year’s price surge hit pet food volume sales by about 10%, probably because pet foods have become much more expensive in 2023. This article is available for reading in...

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Hydration and vitamin supplementation tailored to children’s needs

Just as the overall mineral water category has experienced a sales decline, baby water volume sales have shown a double-digit drop in 2023 compared to the previous year, while value...

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Expanding yogurt brands

The yogurt market also reflected last year’s food trends: there was a drop in volume sales, accompanied by a double-digit rise in value sales because of the inflation. This article...

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Healthy food can be tasty too!

In the baby and children’s food segment, manufacturers and distributors had to face a number of uncertainties in 2023, such as runaway inflation due to the war “next door”. According...

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Serve breakfast like a king…

Most people think of breakfast as the healthiest main meal – even late risers share this view –and this is something that the food and hospitality industry should take into...

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Innovation willingness isn’t frozen in the chilled dairy snack category

There is good news and bad news for the chilled dairy snack category (chilled milk bars and cottage cheese based desserts): there has been a double-digit decline in volume sales...

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Strong headwind in the juice market

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/2-3 NIQ data reveals: the FJND market grew by 6.8% in value, with a 23.7% decline in volume sales in 2023...

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Shoppers want more than just basic chocolate rabbits

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/2-3 Easter confectionery wasn’t exempt from last year’s general food market trends: the encouraging growth of previous years has come to...

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Coffee drinking habits in the light of data

The total Hungarian coffee market is worth almost HUF 200bn, László Békefi, general manager of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország told at a press conference with Carolina Vergnano, CEO of Casa del...

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Lidl, Marks & Spencer The Big UK Christmas Winners: NIQ

Apart from discounter Lidl, Marks & Spencer was Britain’s fastest growing supermarket in the Christmas quarter, industry data from NIQ has shown. NIQ said M&S’s food sales on a value...

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Somewhere there is a flavour waiting for you!

According to analysts, the whisky category has been relatively stable in recent years – mainly owing to the performance of American and Irish whiskies – and is set to grow...

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Csurran vagy cseppen?

A mosogatószerek és eszközök piacára is rányomta bélyegét az elmúlt időszak. A fogyasztók amellett, hogy keresik a gazdaságos, takarékos megoldásokat, próbálják a mosogatáshoz szükséges eszközöket is minél hosszabb ideig használni....

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Együtt hajóztunk (2. rész)

Szeptember 25–29. között Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban gyűlt össze a Trade Flotta közel 1100 fős hajóhada, hogy a Business Days konferencia keretében számba vegyék az elmúlt időszak viharait, zátonyait, és...

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Gyorsan változó trendek

Október 12-én az NIQ (korábban Nielsen) irodájában rendezték meg a POPAI Magyarország Egyesület soron következő találkozóját „Very Fast Mov­ing Trends” (Nagyon gyorsan változó trendek) témában. Az esemény házigazdája Bacskai Júlia, az NIQ MarComm specialistája volt, aki...

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Around the world in 30 minutes – the horizon through NIQ binoculars

It has been a turbulent year – this is how Erik Vágyi, managing director of NIQ began his presentation on the fourth day of the Business Days. This article is...

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Spanish Supermarkets Lock Up Olive Oil As Shoplifting Surges

In Spain, the world’s biggest olive oil producer, supermarkets are locking up bottles of the staple cooking oil as prices surge and theft increases. One-litre bottles of extra-virgin olive oil...

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