Tag "NGM"

NGM: the weakness of foreign markets is hindering the recovery of industrial performance

According to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), industrial performance decreased by 3.6 percent on an annual basis in January 2024, while a decrease of 1.1 percent was...

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NGM: mandatory information on reduced packaging in stores begins

Mandatory information on reduced packaging in stores will start on Friday – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) drew attention in its statement on Friday. The government successfully suppressed inflation....

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NGM: tourism is increasingly helping to restore economic growth

In January, the turnover of tourist accommodation increased by 11 percent, the performance of the sector in January surpasses the data of the record year 2019 before the war and...

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NGM: the government supports increasing labor market activity with more than HUF 460 billion

By 2030, more than HUF 460 billion in EU funds can help increase labor market activity, mobilize labor reserves, train those at work and improve working conditions, the Ministry of...

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NGM: retail sales also increased on a monthly basis in December

According to the latest data from the Central Statistics Office (KSH), in December 2023, retail sales were able to increase for the second month in a row compared to the...

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Due to the weakness of foreign markets, industrial performance decreased in December

The negative effects of the war and sanctions caused significant damage to the economy, and the weak demand associated with the weak European economy also negatively affected the performance of...

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The corporate awards of the Joint Venture Association were presentedA strategic partnership agreement was signed by NGM and the Joint Venture AssociationStratégiai partnerségi megállapodást írt alá az NGM és a Joint Venture Szövetség

The Joint Venture Association (JVSZ), which looks back on nearly 40 years of history, organized its large-scale “Companies for the Future Award” gala event for the third time. On Saturday,...

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NGM: State Secretary Gergely Fábián received a delegation of Italian agricultural and food industry associations

Gergely Fábián, the State Secretary responsible for industrial policy and technology of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), received the representatives of the Italian agricultural and food industry associations Coldiretti...

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NGM: the review of the SME strategy has been completed, the aim is to strengthen Hungarian SMEs

The government reviewed and adopted the strategic document entitled “Strategy for the Strengthening of Hungarian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 2019-2030” and determined the priority business development measures to be...

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Gergely Suppan: the increase in consumption may be the engine of economic growth this year

The increase in consumption can be the engine of economic growth in Hungary this year, and a high investment rate will also continue to be needed – said the leading...

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NGM: the Gábor Baross Reindustrialization Loan Program remains a huge success

In order to strengthen Hungarian businesses and increase their performance, the government decided at the end of 2023 to extend the Gábor Baross Re-Industry Loan Program by providing an additional...

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NGM: the fight against inflation has entered a new phase

The fight against inflation entered a new phase after the rate of currency deterioration in Hungary dropped to a significantly lower than expected level in December, said the chief economist...

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NGM economist: economic growth may exceed 4 percent this year

A balanced economic growth of over 4 percent can be achieved this year – said Gergely Suppan, the chief economist of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) on Tuesday on...

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NGM: economic stimulus programs are launched

The war and sanctions caused significant damage to the economy, and the weak European economy and thus overall weaker demand contributed negatively to the development of industrial performance. According to...

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NGM: customers must be informed if the packaging of a food is reduced

In order to protect families, the government has adopted a new measure, so food retailers with a turnover of over HUF 1 billion must post a warning notice if the...

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NGM: in addition to the reduction of inflation and the increase in real wages, the development of retail trade also shows an increasingly hopeful picture

According to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in November 2023, the value of retail trade nominally reached HUF 1,602 billion, which means an increase of HUF 50...

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NGM: e-commerce growth will continue

The expansion of digital commerce will continue, traders need to be prepared for further growth, and the regulation should follow developments – Pomázi Gyula, the Deputy Minister of State of...

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Supplier program for SMEs

As part of a mentoring program, the government will spend 3.3 billion HUF on strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises in the next three years, primarily for their manufacturing, management, financial...

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The card acceptor network was expanded with 25 percent

The POS-support program of the Ministry of National Economy expanded the acceptance of the Hungarian bank cards – Világgazdaság Online wrote. Although it was unsuccessful to put the originally planned...

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NGM: retail has been growing steadily for 56 months

Retail sales have been growing steadily for 56 months and in the next period similar growth can be expected – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National...

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NGM: more than 10 percent wage growth is realistic for this year

A more than 10 percent wage growth is realistic in the Hungarian economy for this year – Banai Péter Benő, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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NGM: several factors are influencing the growth of consumption

In addition to the increase in the number of employees and real wages, the VAT cuts on individual product groups also have an impact on the increase in consumption –...

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A more than 670 million HUF health care facility development in Szigetvár

A complex health care facility development to be started in Szigetvár with a more than 670 million forints investment, mainly from EU funds – was announced at the project’s opening...

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NGM: retail sales are growing steadily for 55 months

Retail turnover has been growing steadily for 55 months – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told M1 news channel, commenting on the latest...

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NGM: operators of food and drink machines have to install the so-called automated control unit by 1 July

Businesses operating food and drink vending machines must install the so-called automated control unit by 1 July, which will enable the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) to track the...

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NGM: the economic cooperation in the Carpathian Basin should be expanded further

The aim of the government is to develop an economic space in the Carpathian Basin by investing and strengthening business relations that will reach the level of economic integration of...

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Real earnings may rise above 6 percent this year

According to the calculations of the ministry, real earnings may rise above 6 percent this year – Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) responsible...

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NGM: Nearly 6,500 billion HUF investments have been implemented in Hungary in 2017

Last year, nearly 6,500 billion HUF worth of development was made in Hungary, which represents an increase of almost 17 percent, compared to the previous year, considering the volume of...

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OECD expects the wage convergence in Hungary

The increase in earnings was the second highest last year in Hungary among the 28 member states of the European Union – Szalai Piroska, advisor of the Ministry of National...

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NGM: retail sales may continue to grow

Growth in retail sales may continue, as the outstanding wage increase may increase household consumption this year – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told MTI on Thursday. The Central...

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