Tag "Netrisk"

Netrisk: more people took out travel insurance in the first quarter

According to this year’s Netrisk data, Hungarians signed 72,000 travel insurance contracts in the first quarter, 13 percent more than a year earlier. The average fee was HUF 10,500, which...

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Netrisk: Hungarians don’t ski at home

66 percent of tourists who took out travel insurance for skiing between the end of November 2023 and the beginning of January 2024 chose Austria, Slovakia’s share was 14 percent,...

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Netrisk: most holidaymakers plan to relax inland

The majority of Hungarians are also planning their trips carefully in the period following the lifting of the border lock ordered due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to Netrisk.hu’s survey...

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Netrisk: egyre többen vesznek fel egyre nagyobb összegű személyi hitelt

A Netrisk.hu pénzügyi összehasonlító oldalának adatai szerint jelentősen erősödött a lakosság hitelfelvételi kedve, az internetes cég az idei első negyedévben 26 százalékkal több személyihitel-igényt továbbított, ezek átlagos nagysága 1,48 millió...

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Netrisk.hu: travel insurance prices increased by 7 percent last year

Last year, tourists spent an average of 580 HUF per day for travel insurances abroad, which represents a 7 percent increase, compared to the previous year – according to the...

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