Tag "Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara"

A working group examines the effects of Ukrainian grain

A chamber working group is being formed to investigate the crop market crisis caused by Ukrainian grain, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) told MTI on Monday. In the...

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Many tools help the new agrarian generation to prevail

Agriculture is a sector of strategic importance, and generational change is key in aging agriculture, and the government supports it with a number of tools – it was said at...

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A publication presenting the details of the Agro-ecological Program has been published

The Agro-ecological Program (AÖP) is perhaps the most important new support element of the I. pillar support framework defined by the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) starting...

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The government is doing everything for the farmers

The government did everything to ensure that the farmers felt as little as possible the effects of the war and the consequences of last year’s drought, Minister of Agriculture István...

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The new EU proposal would be impossible for chicken and egg production

It would cause serious damage to the European Union, such as the Hungarian, chicken and eating egg producers, if the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) had been implemented in the...

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Start the new agricultural support website of the Ministry of Agriculture

Within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy Strategy Plan, the Ministry of Agriculture launches a new website for the widespread information of farmers as possible to present the rules...

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KAP support conditions can be met for all farmers

In exchange for the subsidies, the rules of the new Common Agricultural Policy lay down more pronounced environmental and climate protection requirements compared to previous years, thereby encouraging agricultural practices...

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Work, knowledge, openness – this is the key to success in agriculture

The future belongs to knowledge-based, professional agriculture, success requires the application of new technologies, openness and knowledge – stated Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible for agriculture and rural development...

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Farmers are being prepared for the new support period on a nationwide basis

With the new Common Agrarian Policy Strategy Plan, the rules for area-based subsidies will change, new forms of support will appear, and the agro-ecology program will also be launched, which...

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Sándor Farkas: the recognition of Hungarian agriculture has never been as good as it is now

The recognition of Hungarian agriculture has perhaps never been as good as it is now – the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture stated on Thursday in Nagymágocs....

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Low-quality Ukrainian grain of dubious origin floods the market

The faulty decisions in Brussels have released a huge amount of poor quality Ukrainian grain of dubious origin to Ukraine’s neighbors, which makes it impossible for Hungarian farmers as well....

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Chamber of Agriculture: nearly 110,000 farmers must renew the authorization required to submit a unified application

This year, due to legislative changes and the development of the electronic public administration system, nearly 110,000 farmers will have to renew the authorizations necessary to submit uniform applications, the...

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The ice damage mitigation system is an indispensable element of the farm

In the European Union, Hungary is the only country with a highly developed agricultural risk management system based on several pillars, even in a continental comparison, which can provide assistance...

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The national corn post-registration variety trial took place at ten locations

For the sixteenth time in 2022, the National Association of Grain Growers, the Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Product Council, and the National Chamber of Agricultural Economics organized the national...

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Farmers can count on a predictable agricultural support system this year as well

Hungarian farmers are facing another difficult year, but they can trust the predictable agricultural support system this year as well – said the Minister of Agriculture at his press conference...

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Countless changes and new elements have appeared in the new Common Agricultural Policy (KAP)

The last webinar of Agroinform.hu was about the use of the HUF 5,000 billion budget and the emerging new system of agricultural subsidies. The summary below focuses on the main...

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The irrigation development and education investment in Szarvas was handed over

The Irrigation Development Demonstration Farm and Training Center in Szarvas, Békés County, which was implemented with HUF 800 million, was handed over on Tuesday. Csaba Gyuricza, rector of the Hungarian...

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The NETA change is a relief for export-oriented producers

Thanks to the notification of the National Chamber of Agricultural Economy, the obligation to pay the public health product tax for food industry enterprises that sell for export and domestically...

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Hungarian agricultural subsidies will continue to be predictable in the future

Hungarian agricultural subsidies will continue to be predictable in the future and provide support to farmers even in difficult economic conditions, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on his social...

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An influx of funds in Hungarian agriculture

Our magazine interviewed Balázs Győrffy, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK). – What do you think about the rapidly rising food prices? Are there factors that are likely...

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Hungarian walnuts are also in demand abroad

During the Advent season, many people buy nuts – it’s enough if you only think about the amount needed for bagels. Due to its relatively early harvest, Hungarian walnuts are...

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NAK also supports economic planning with an online calculator

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) has developed an online calculator on its website, with which it helps those active in agriculture to pre-calculate the subsidies of the Common...

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Pumpkin: delicious, healthy – and also used in the cosmetics industry

Every year more pumpkins are consumed in our country. Pumpkin is extremely healthy, and its imports are minimal – it is clear from the overview of the National Chamber of...

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The KAP calculator for the 2023-2027 subsidy period is available on the NAK website

In the period ahead, we have to meet many new challenges, so it is important to be able to calculate our potential income in the best possible way. The KAP...

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János Áder: the fight against the climate crisis involves a technological change

The fight against the climate crisis involves a technological change – said János Áder, former president of the republic, chairman of the board of trustees of the Kék Bolygó Climate...

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Sweet chestnut cultivation is concentrated in Transdanubia

Chestnuts are grown on the largest surface in Vas, Somogy and Zala counties. In addition to the unique taste of this shelled fruit, it also has excellent content values ​​-...

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Accelerated development also forces agriculture to adapt

According to István Nagy, producers can’t help but follow the transformations continuously, since even a short drop would put them at an irreparable disadvantage. That is why he welcomed the...

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In Hungary, the consumption of butter and butter cream is 1.5 kg/person per year

In our country, the consumption of butter and butter cream is 1.5 kg/person per year, which is a third of the EU countries’ consumption of 4.31 kg. The producers produce...

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The Chamber of Agriculture draws attention to the consumption of domestic fish

The fishing industry is already preparing for the Christmas season, and this year you will also be able to get fresh fish of excellent quality and a large selection –...

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There will be enough Christmas trees this year too – it is worth choosing domestic pine

The harvesting of “Christmas trees” has begun in the domestic pine plantations, the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Interprofessional Organization of Hungarian Ornamental Gardeners informed. Contrary to misconceptions,...

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