Tag "Németország"

The ifo German business sentiment index strengthened slightly

The business sentiment index of the Ifo Economic Research Institute in Germany increased more than expected in September; economic opinion on the current situation has improved, but the index of...

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Less ambitious investor sentiment in Germany and in the euro area

Compared to August, investor sentiment in Germany and the euro area was less pessimistic in September – according to a survey released on Tuesday by the Mannheim-based ZEW Economic Research...

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German exports increased

Contrary to expectations, the value of Germany’s exports did not fall but increased in July, with a stable third-quarter launch indicating that the largest economy in the euro area could...

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Retail sales decreased in Germany

Retail sales in Germany fell more than expected, and at the strongest pace of this year, in July compared to the previous month – as another sign that Europe’s largest...

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German GDP decreased in the second quarter

German gross domestic product declined in the second quarter compared to the previous quarter – according to a communication released on Tuesday by Destatis, the German Federal Bureau of Statistics....

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GfK’s German consumer sentiment index stagnated

Instead of the expected decline, the Nuremberg-based GfK Economics Research Institute’s consumer sentiment index stagnated in September in Germany, while consumer income and economic expectations declined and willingness to buy...

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The ifo German business sentiment index decreased to a seven-year low in August

The German business sentiment index of the Ifo Economic Research Institute fell more than expected, to a nearly seven-year low, in August as another sign of a deepening trade debate...

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The development of the online grocery shopping market in Germany is below expectations

The market for fresh food on the Internet in Germany has failed to live up to the hopes of service providers – German news portals wrote on Wednesday that DHL’s...

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German mobile companies make online shopping easier

Leading German mobile companies are launching a joint service called Mobile Connect, which allows you to connect to portals with a phone number without entering an email address or password,...

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Culinary tour in October

The Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) will organise a culinary tour to the Czech Republic and Germany between 2-5 October 2019. Some of the destinations: Pilsner Urquell Museum in Plzen,...

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A ban on plastic bags is planned in Germany

Retail plastic bags are about to be banned in Germany, and the issue may be on the agenda of both chambers of the legislature -the German daily Bild am Sonntag...

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Germany is an increasingly popular tourist destination

Germany is an increasingly popular tourist destination; the number of guest night spent by domestic and foreign tourists has increased significantly in the first half of this year -according to...

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Retail sales increased significantly in Germany

According to the preliminary data released on Wednesday by the Federal Bureau of Statistics (Destatis), retail sales grew 3.5 percent in real terms and by 3.6 percent in real terms...

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Consumer sentiment in Germany is at a two and a half year low,

GfK’s German consumer sentiment index for August decreased to a two-and-a-half-year low. According to a report released by GfK on Tuesday, the consumer sentiment index fell to 9.7 points in...

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Fipronin was detected in several foods in Germany

Traces of Fipronil have been detected in a variety of products that contain eggs in Germany, including bakery products and an egg-based liquor known as Advocaat. Testing of a variety...

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German retail sales decreased

Retail sales declined in May on the basis of a report from the German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis, compared to the previous month. In May, retail sales in Germany fell...

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The ifo German business sentiment index deteriorated in June

The ifo German business sentiment index deteriorated in June for the third month, although proved to be better than expected. According to a survey conducted by ifo Institut – Leibniz-Institut...

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Easter holidays have boosted retail sales in Germany

Retail sales in annual comparision expanded with a much greater extent in April than expected, mainly due to the Easter holidays. According to preliminary data published on Friday by the...

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The German business sentiment has deteriorated

In May, the German business sentiment index of the Ifo Institute for Economic Research of the University of Munich deteriorated with a greater extent than expected. According to a survey...

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Consumption Of Plastic Bags In Germany Reduces Further

The consumption of plastic bags in Germany dropped significantly in 2018, by approximately one fifth. Around 350 companies have signed an agreement with the Bundesumweltministerium (BMU) in order to reduce...

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One of the biggest illegal online trading portals was terminated

One of the largest illegal online trading portals in the world was terminated and its suspected operators three German men were arrested. The Federal Criminal Office (BKA) and the German...

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More and more bakeries and meat shops are closing in Germany

More and more bakeries and meat and butcher’s shops are closing in Germany according to the report of the National Association of Craftsmen (ZDH). According to the data of interest...

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Ifo’s German business sentiment index was weaker than expected in April

Instead of the expected modest improvement, the German business sentiment index of the ifo economic research institute at the University of Munich deteriorated in April. In April, the business sentiment...

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Beer became much more expensive in Germany last year

In Germany, beer became more expensive last year than inflation – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The German statistical office announced on Thursday that the price of beer and flavored beers rose...

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The ZEW German and Euro-zone economic sentiment index is at its one-year peak

The economic sentiment index has risen to the highest level of the past one year in Germany and in the euro area – according to the report of the Mannheim-based...

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Vártnál kedvezőbb februári német kiskereskedelmi adatok

A februári német kiskereskedelmi forgalom növekedése éves szinten gyorsult, havi összevetésben lassult. A német szövetségi statisztikai hivatal, a Destatis pénteken azt közölte, hogy februárban 4,7 százalékkal bővült a kiskereskedelmi forgalom...

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Consumer sentiment deteriorated in Europe’s largest economy

The consumer sentiment weakened slightly in Germany, according to the consumer sentiment index published by the GfK Market Research Institute on Tuesday. The figure calculated on the basis of a...

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The German economy was the weakest in March in the past six years

The performance of the German economy in March was the weakest in the past six years – according to preliminary data of the London-based IHS Markit Economic Research Institute. The...

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Economic sentiment has improved in Germany and in the euro area

The economic sentiment in Germany and in the euro area has improved in March for the fifth consecutive month – according to the survey conducted by the ZEW (Zentrum für...

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The German retail trade started the year with a two and a quarter year record

German retail sales in January this year have not increased in such an extent since January 2016. The German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis announced on Friday that German retail sales...

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