Tag "napraforgó"

Europe's largest producer of sunflower can be Hungary

Sunflower farmers are expected to harvest 1.8 million tonnes of sunflower, thus Hungary could be the largest European producer of sunflower – the Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel....

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FM: a record yield is expected

A record yield, or near-record harvest is expected in case of several crops this year, despite the adverse weather conditions – the Minister of Agriculture told at a press conference...

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10 percent of the cooking oil sales is affected by VAT frauds

The ten percent of the cooking oil sales in Hungary is affected by Value Added Tax (VAT) frauds. In the region, only Slovakia and the Czech Republic is infected in...

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The primary symptoms of Sunflower Sclerotinia infection are appearing at more and more places

The primary symptoms of Sunflower Sclerotinia infection are appearing at more and more places; so now it is the time to use sunflower fungicide protection, which has a good performance...

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White mold can cause heavy losses

This year's rainy and relatively warm summer creates very favorable conditions for Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, the so called white mold infectio that causing serious losses to the sunflower and canola growers...

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Syngenta’s sunflower portfolio is even more promising

Syngenta sunflower hybrids are cultivated on more than three hundred thousand hectares every year in Hungary, making sure the company retains its market leading position. The company's forecasts reveals that...

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FM: About 13.5 million tons of grain grown this year in Hungary

In Hungary, a total of approximately 13.5 million tons of grain grown this year, compared with the 16.3 million tonnes of last year – the Minister of State of the...

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92 percent of the corn is in the granaries

The harvesting works are approaching to the end in Zala county. More than 90 percent of the corn produced on 40 thousand hectares have already been transported to the granaries....

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Three-quarter of the sunflower has been harvested

Almost three-quarter of the sunflowers in Zala County has been harvested until now. The plant’s quality parameters comply with the regulations – the president of the county National Agricultural Chamber...

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FM: autumn harvest works have begun

The autumn harvest works have begun in Hungary – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) announced. Czerván György Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for agri management told...

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A medium-sunflower yield is expected

Half of the sunflowers have been harvested in Békés County. The General Vice President of the National Chamber of Agriculture in Békés County expects a moderate yield. Kozsuch Kornél after...

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The sowing of corn and sunflower has started

The sowing of corn and sunflower has started in Tolna County. The farmers plan to sow about ten percent more, compared to last year, while the winter wheat acreage has...

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The growing area of the high oleic acid sunflower can increase by one million hectares worldwide

The volume of the high oleic acid sunflower can continue to grow in Hungary. The demand for the crop is dramatically increasing worldwide – Syngenta’s sector forecast predicts. Last year,...

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KSH: a record crop occured from corn last year

Last year, the yields of all-important autumn harvested plants were higher than in the previous year, and from corn a record crop occured. The yield increased by 42.3 percent over...

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