Tag "NAK"

MA-HAL: there will be enough Hungarian fish at Christmas

Despite the difficulties of the sector, there will be enough Hungarian fish at Christmas, and in the autumn the carp orders of all fishing associations will be fulfilled, the president...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the sweet chestnut season begins

The sweet chestnut season begins, the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) told MTI on Wednesday. According to the information, the area of commodity chestnut plantations in Hungary is 249 hectares,...

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(HU) A napraforgó közel 80 százalékát betakarították Zala megyében

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Marketing tool or real commitment?

According to the experiences of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), the pandemic has made self-sufficiency much more important at individual, community and national levels alike – especially in sectors...

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Vegetables are getting more expensive

Vegetable prices have increased drastically in Hungary. A lot of people have to start serious consideration if they want to diversify their diet with vegetables – agrarszektor.hu wrote. According to...

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NAK is holding a forum on the possibilities of the halal food market

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) holds an online forum called “International Market for Halal Foods” to help food producers and processors looking to enter this market. The growing demand...

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The Chamber of Agriculture considers a 95 percemt share of domestic pork to be desirable in retail

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) would consider it an example to follow and it would be beneficial for both the actors of the food chain and consumers to sell...

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More grain was produced in Zala County than expected

Despite the unfavorable weather, more grain was produced in Zala County than expected, and the average yields of winter barley, winter wheat and rapeseed were also higher than last year’s...

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NAK launches videos to help work with tender resources

The National Chamber of Agriculture has launched a series of videos presenting the tender possibilities of the Rural Development Programme. The prospectuses help tens of thousands of farmers to successfully...

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The average yield of wheat in Tolna County exceeds six tons

The average yield of winter wheat in Tolna County is over six tons, which is higher than last year’s average, but lower than in previous years, the Tolna County President...

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98 percent of winter barley was harvested in Zala County

Almost 98 percent of the winter barley was harvested in Zala County, and the harvest of winter wheat and seed peas began in the fields, the county president of the...

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The national hail mitigation system worked well

The soil-generated national hail mitigation system has operated nationwide, however, despite being state-of-the-art technology, it cannot provide effective protection against supercells. According to preliminary data, hail reports have been received...

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Chamber of Agriculture: Hungarian watermelon will be of high quality

The watermelon harvest will begin in the southern regions of the country at the end of this week, and due to the favorable weather in recent weeks, producers expect excellent...

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The harvest started in Békés county

The harvest has started in Békés county. Farmers expect excellent harvest from winter barley, but winter wheat is expected to be a medium to weak this year, the Békés county...

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AM: period of permanent water shortage has been announced

The Ministry of Agriculture and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) have initiated the announcement of a permanent water shortage period at the Ministry of the Interior. The announcement on...

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Lessons learned from the crisis can help to get back on our feet

The coronavirus pandemic put the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) to a great test, too. Our magazine interviewed NAK president Balázs Győrffy. – How did the coronavirus pandemic influence the...

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Nagy István: a close to average yield is expected

Product estimation data are encouraging. The Chamber of Agriculture’s forecast for this year indicates close-to-average quantities, with some of the area’s declining yields being offset by relatively favorable yields per...

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The Chamber of Agriculture: Friday’s cold front posed a major challenge to the national ice mitigation system

Friday’s cold front posed a greater challenge to the national ice mitigation system than ever before, the National Chamber of Agriculture told MTI. They explained that the generators were running...

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The Chamber of Agriculture initiated the proclamation of a period of persistent water scarcity

On the basis of hydrometeorological conditions and forecasts, the National Chamber of Agricultural Economy (NAK) initiated the proclamation of a period of persistent water scarcity at the Ministry of The...

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The NAK Field Days attracted a record number of visitors

A record number of more than 20,000 visitors took part in the agricultural days of the National Agricultural Chamber’s Agricultural Days and Agricultural Machinery Show-Mezőfalva, the chamber told MTI on...

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Experiments on wheat, maize and rapeseed have started this year as well

The National Association of Cereal Growers (GOSZ), the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Interbranch Organization and Product Council (VSZT) of the Seed Association have launched the survey of...

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WWheat, maize, rapeseed: the Gosz-VSZT-NAK variety trials have started again this year

The National Association of Cereal Growers (GOSZ), the National Chamber of Agricultural Economy (NAK) and the Seed Association Interprofessional Organisation and Product Council (VSZT) awarded the participants of the 2020...

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Chamber of Agriculture: field strawberries ripens two weeks later than usual

The wild strawberries ripen this year two weeks later. According to the overview of the National Chamber of Agriculture, the Hungarian open-air fruit will appear in large quantities in the...

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90 percent of corn was sown in Zala County

The sowing of sunflowers in Zala County has been completed, and more than 90 percent of the corn sown area has been sown, the county president of the National Chamber...

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NAK: 17 June is Fruit and Vegetable Day

European Fresh Force is the name of the joint educational programme of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the European Union. The initiative has been popularising fruit and vegetable...

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(HU) NAK: A gazdálkodó szervezeteknek június 15-ig kell befizetni a kamarai tagdíjat

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The deadline is extended by the Chamber of Agriculture for individuals

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has postponed the establishment and payment of this year’s chamber membership fee for individuals until the second half of the year, but economic organizations...

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NAK: reform of the Common Agricultural Policy may be risky  

Without a comprehensive impact assessment, the chambers of agriculture of the V4+ countries consider the finalisation of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy and the ‘Farm to Table’ and...

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Experts see an increase in the price of meat as inevitable

The rise in feed prices worldwide has put livestock farmers in a difficult position, with rising meat prices inevitable, said representatives of producer organizations and agricultural companies attending the Portfolio’s...

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NAK: a significant amount of Hungarian asparagus arrives in stores this week

Hungarian asparagus will hit stores later this year, but this week customers can expect a significant amount – the National Chamber of Agriculture said to MTI. This year’s delay was...

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