Tag "NAK"

NAK: nearly 8 million Santa Claus chocolates are sold every year

The popularity of the hollow chocolate Santa figure associated with the Advent period is unbroken among customers year after year, and nearly 8 million pieces of this product are sold...

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The corn harvest in Zala county is coming to an end

Nearly 90 percent of the corn was harvested in Zala county, the average yield per hectare is 7.3 tons – the county president of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy...

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All Souls’ Day – According to the Chamber of Agriculture, the domestic chrysanthemum crop is similar to last year

This year (similar to last year), around 17 million chrysanthemums were grown in Hungarian gardens – the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) announced on Friday, noting that it is...

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NAK can give a membership fee discount of up to HUF 3.5 billion

In addition to the discounts so far, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) will provide HUF 1 billion in membership fee discounts this year, and an expected HUF 2-2.5...

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The yield of the autumn harvest in Békés County was even weaker than expected

The yield averages for the autumn harvest in Békés County were weaker than the preliminary, not very optimistic expectations, especially the small amount of corn and soybeans, the secretary of...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the ice damage removal system operated for 99 days during the protection season

In the defense season between April 15 and September 30, the national ice damage mitigation system operated by the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) had to be switched on for...

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A teacher from Győr became this year’s #ZöldségGyümőlcsHós, his students were able to enjoy 100 kilograms of vegetables and fruits

2022 #ZöldségGyümölcsHőse Krisztián Szabó became a teacher at the Zoltán Kodály Singing and Music Primary School in Győr. The National Chamber of Agriculture and its campaign promoting the consumption of...

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70 percent of the sunflowers were harvested in Zala County

Nearly 70 percent of the sunflowers were harvested in Zala county, the average yield in the 6,000-hectare area was 2.5 tons, the county president of the National Chamber of Agricultural...

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Fresh domestic grapes are a healthy treat

In our country, nearly 1,000 hectares of table grapes are grown. Due to its high vitamin and mineral content, the early autumn delicacy is not only delicious, but also healthy...

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There is a serious problem with fruit and vegetable deliveries from Turkey

Spain’s LA UNIÓ urges the European Union to take action against vegetables and fruits from Turkey. According to LA UNIÓ de Llauradors i Ramaders, the Association of Agricultural Producers and...

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The legislation on support for feed transport has been published

A decree developed on the basis of the decision of the Drought Emergency Task Force has been published, which provides assistance in financing the transport costs of bulk feed for...

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The unity of the farmers helps the Hungarian countryside through all difficulties

Although the challenges have been increasing for years, the unity of the farmers will help the Hungarian countryside through all the difficulties – said the Minister of Agriculture at the...

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The plum season is in full swing: despite the spring frost and the summer drought, the harvest is close to average

The European Fresh Team – the educational program of the National Chamber of Agriculture promoting the consumption of vegetables and fruits – and its athlete ambassador, Attila Valter, got to...

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The National Chamber of Agriculture received the family-friendly workplace trademark

As the holder of the Family-friendly workplace trademark, the Chamber has become a member of an illustrious club, joining the ranks of such workplaces as – among others – Shell...

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The fruit and vegetable producer organizations have only two days left to make an important decision

Fruit and vegetable producer organizations or their associations, whose approved operational program extends beyond December 31, 2022, must submit an application by September 15, 2022 regarding the form in which...

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Sustainability is present in the daily life of farmers

We asked Balázs Győrffy, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) about sustainability in the sector. – How does sustainability manifest in agriculture? – First and foremost let me...

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With this method, we can get plums much cheaper

You can already see a lot of plum trees in Hungary, which are crumbling from the ripe fruit, and although the domestic fruit has already appeared on the markets, we...

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Most of the wheat in Zala is of edible quality

In Zala County, the nearly 27,000-hectare production area produced an average of 5.56 tons of bread grain per hectare this year, and 50 percent of the harvested wheat is of...

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Here’s another piece of evidence: The ice damage mitigation system has nothing to do with drought

On July 30, a marked cold front passed over our country. Due to the threat of hail, the National Meteorological Service issued an alert for almost the entire country, and...

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An abundant harvest of apricots is expected this year

About 26,000 tons of apricots are expected from the 5,300-hectare production area this year, which is not a record, but a good amount compared to last year. The type and...

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So far, more high-quality wheat has been collected in Tolna than last year

More high-quality wheat than last year was harvested on 59 percent of the crop area in Tolna County; the average yield of barley falls short of the previous year –...

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The national officials of the National Chamber of Agriculture were elected

On July 7, 2022, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) held its national constituent meeting of delegates, where the national officials were elected. The delegates confirmed the current president,...

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The domestic melon season has started

The domestic melon season has started, unlike the past few years, there is a good chance for a “very positive” season – Mártonffy Béla said at the season opening press...

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(HU) Negatív aratási rekordok várhatóak Békés megyében

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Balázs Győrffy: “Food industry is a sector of strategic importance”

Our magazine interviewed Balázs Győrffy, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK). – How did the coronavirus pandemic affect the agri-food sector last year? – 2021 was very different...

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The Chamber of Agriculture announced a day of vegetables and fruits

As part of the European Fresh Team program, the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) announced Fruit and Fruit Day for the third time this year on June 17 to raise...

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Chamber of Agriculture: erroneous applications can be corrected without penalty until June 20

It is possible to correct errors detected during the ex-ante control of single applications without penalty until 20 June 2022, the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) pointed out in a...

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NAK: The period for setting and paying the membership fee of economic organizations has started

The period of setting and paying the membership fee of economic organizations at the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has started, the deadline for paying the membership fee is 15...

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Domestic and European vegetables and fruits are not “contaminated”

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the FruitVeB Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organization were shocked to read articles published in several Hungarian press media stating that European and...

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The election of the Chamber of Agriculture ended with a participation peak

The election of the Chamber of Agriculture ended with a participation peak. Almost 79,000 people voted, according to unofficial figures, the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) told MTI on Friday....

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