Tag "Nádudvari"

Strong Pistás pork liver is the first joint product of Nádudvari and Univer

For the first time in their history, Nádudvari Élélmiszer Kft. and Univer Product Zrt. worked together to launch a new product. The Nádudvari Strong Pistás liver has recently been put...

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Expanding yogurt brands

The yogurt market also reflected last year’s food trends: there was a drop in volume sales, accompanied by a double-digit rise in value sales because of the inflation. This article...

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Széles körű ESG beruházási programot valósít meg a Nádudvari

Átfogó környezettudatos fejlesztési programot valósít meg az idén a Nádudvari Élelmiszer Kft. Decemberben fejeződik be az a 650 millió forintos zöldfejlesztési program, amelynek költségeit saját, illetve állami forrásokból, valamint az OTP...

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A forest from yogurt: Nádudvari supported the planting of 5,000 tree seedlings

This year, Nádudvari Élélmiszer Kft. implements a comprehensive environmentally conscious development program, as a result of which the amount of energy covering the needs of approximately 300 families has been...

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Nádudvari would increase the share of domestic fruit yogurts on the Hungarian market

Nádudvari appeared on the domestic fruit yogurt market with two new product lines. The company’s undisclosed goal is to further strengthen the role of food produced from domestic raw materials...

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Nádudvar introduces its new products with a tree planting campaign

Nádudvari appeared on the domestic fruit yogurt market with two new product lines. The company’s undisclosed goal is to further strengthen the role of food produced from domestic raw materials...

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New managing director at Nádudvari

From the beginning of 2021, Nagy Ádám will hold the position of managing director of the Nádudvari Élelmiszer Kft., a manufacturer of traditional Hungarian foods belonging to the NAGISZ group...

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Nádudvar flavors again at the Campus Festival

This year, the unique regional cooperation continues between the Debrecen Campus Nonprofit Public Benefit Ltd. and the Nádudvari Food Ltd. The Nádudvari Gasztro Bistro and the Nádudvari Gastro Theater will...

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The main prize of the Nádudvari sweepstakes was announced

The main prize of the Nádudvari sweepstakes was handed over to the lucky winner Szabó Pál on 7 June. The main prize was a one week holiday in Hajdúszoboszló for...

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