Tag "MOHU MOL Hulladékgazdálkodási Zrt."

Hungary exceeded the target number for the collection of packaging materials contaminated with plant protection agents

Hungary has exceeded the target number for the collection of packaging materials contaminated with plant protection agents – MOHU MOL Hulladékgazdászólji Zrt. announced in a joint statement to MTI with...

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The Hungarian recovery of bales contaminated with plant protection agents was successful

In 2023, the MOHU Mol Waste Management Co. achieved a record-high 77% collection rate for pesticide-contaminated packaging in Hungary, surpassing international benchmarks. This success is attributed to the company’s concession...

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MVI conference at SIRHA

On the first day of the SIRHA Budapest 2024 trade fair, the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) held a conference. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5...

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MVI conference at SIRHA

On the first day of the SIRHA Budapest 2024 trade fair, the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) held a trade conference. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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MVI conference at SIRHA

On the first day of the SIRHA Budapest 2024 trade fair, the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) will host a conference: on 5 March the topics will include the National Tourism Data...

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Small shops voluntarily joining the deposit return system may get a competitive advantage

In accordance with European Union regulations, the mandatory deposit refund scheme (DRS) launched in Hungary on 1 January 2024. With the exception of dairy product packaging, almost all 0.1-3 litre glass,...

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Door-to-door collection of kitchen green and food waste starts in Szolnok

Door-to-door collection of kitchen green and food waste will start in Szolnok, the system will be operated by MOHU MOL Hulladékzágódzáksi Zrt. and NHSZ Zounok Zrt. – announced the head...

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Beverage bottles that can be returned in the new system are gradually appearing in stores

At more than 1,400 points nationwide, MOHU Mol Hulladékfászállógi Zrt. installed around 1,800 returnable machines by the beginning of January, the bottles, cans, and bottles with a logo indicating returnability...

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Versenyelőnybe kerülhetnek a kötelező visszaváltási rendszerbe önként belépő kisboltok

Az európai uniós előírásoknak megfelelően 2024. január 1-jén Magyarország-szerte elindul a kötelező visszaváltási rendszer. A tejtermékes csomagolások kivételével csaknem minden, e dátum után itthon forgalomba hozott 0,1–3 literes üveg, fém és műanyag italospalack...

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From April 1, the manual deposit return system can start in small shops that join voluntarily

According to the plans of MOHU MOL Waste Management Zrt., from April 1, 2024, a mobile system developed by Hungarian specialists will make it possible to collect metal cans, PET...

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EM: the extended producer responsibility fees will not increase next year

According to the decision of Energy Minister Csaba Lantos, the extended producer responsibility fees will not increase next year either, the ministry informed MTI. According to the announcement of the...

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Mol: the network of the new beverage packaging deposit return system is being developed

From the beginning of next year, it will be possible to return the packaging of all beverage products in glass, metal and plastic bottles with a redemption mark to approximately...

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Manufacturers and importers both affected by the newly introduced waste management obligations

On 1 July 2023, the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system entered into force in Hungary. The new rules will significantly change industrial waste management processes. This article is available for...

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Bottle return

From 1 January 2024 a deposit-refund system (DRS) is introduced for every glass, aluminium and plastic drink container: shoppers will have to pay a 50-forint extra when buying a drink,...

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