Tag "MNB"

April data are out: based on this, how realistic is it that the MNB’s inflation plan will be met?

Based on the KSH’s quick information, the rate of the annual price increase in April was exactly 24 percent, so the inflation data valid for the first 4 months is...

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MNB: last year, most investments in the real estate market came in the office and retail sectors

The investment turnover on the Hungarian commercial real estate market decreased by 28 percent last year, its value did not reach EUR 1 billion, while the majority of transactions continue...

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The only certain thing about life…

…is uncertainty. This sentence is perhaps truer now than ever before. Nobody knows what to expect. Although “the end of the world” that had been predicted for late last year...

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The MNB would consider it important to supervise Revolut Bank as well

In order to protect domestic customers, the MNB urges Revolut Bank to carry out its activities as a domestic subsidiary bank, with headquarters in Hungary and sufficient capital, as an...

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Márton Nagy also spoke about the extra profit tax and the price cap

If energy prices had not fallen, no matter how high the central bank interest rate is, the exchange rate of the forint will probably not stabilize, which is why it...

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MNB vice president: the number one “enemy” is inflation

In the current turbulent economic situation, inflation is the number one enemy for central banks worldwide – and especially in the region – said Mihály Patai, vice-president of the Magyar...

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MNB vice-president: the first step on the road to the green transition is to reduce inflation

The first step on the road to sustainable growth and the green transition is to break down and quickly reduce inflation, because a high inflation environment “regardless of its color”...

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Monetary advice: Food prices fall to pre-Russian-Ukrainian war levels

The long-term maintenance of strict monetary conditions is necessary, which ensures the anchoring of inflation expectations and the achievement of the inflation target in a sustainable manner – the Monetary...

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„Everyone is a retailer and every digital device is a payment point”

Three years ago Mastercard launched its Doppio programme in Hungary, with the goal of doubling the number of card payment terminals by the autumn of 2022. Our magazine asked business...

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MNB: according to the American economist, there is no green transition without cooperation

International cooperation and dialogue must be prioritized in solving global issues such as a sustainable, green transition – said economics professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, director of Columbia University’s Center for...

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We can pay twice with Mastercard at twice as many places than three years ago

Mastercard launched its Doppio infrastructure development program in Hungary in November 2019 with the aim of doubling the number of domestic card terminals in three years. One of the most...

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MNB: a quarter of farmers’ loans are protected by the agricultural loan moratorium

A quarter of the loans of agricultural enterprises, sole proprietors, family farmers and primary producers benefit from the safety net of the agricultural loan moratorium announced in August, the Magyar...

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MNB: food caused the acceleration of inflation in October

In October, the annual inflation rose by 1.0 percentage points compared to the previous month to 21.1 percent, which was mainly caused by the acceleration of food inflation. Food contributed...

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MNB: the commercial real estate market is also at risk due to the increase in energy prices

Rising energy prices and the resulting inflationary pressure, as well as the tightening monetary policy in response to this, which also resulted in an increase in financing costs, pose a...

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MNB: due to food prices, inflation accelerated to a brutal extent

More than half of September’s inflation is explained by the rise in prices of food and regulated price products and services. The monthly increase in core inflation, calculated without processed...

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“I wrote this when the sky was still serene”…

…this is how Hungarian poet Mihály Vörösmarty starts his poem, Prologue, which later reaches the point where “it’s winter now and death and snow and stillness”. Well, when I wrote...

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MNB Vice President: handling the crisis cannot come at the expense of sustainability

The central bank is working hard to bring inflation back under control in accordance with its primary goal, but at the same time, the management of the current crisis cannot...

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MNB: rising food prices explain rising inflation

In August, inflation accelerated by 1.9 percentage points compared to the previous month, which is mainly explained by the increase in the food price index. Compared to the previous month,...

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The Ministry of Agriculture welcomes the MNB’s position regarding the agricultural loan moratorium

The Ministry of Agriculture draws the attention of farmers to the position of the Hungarian National Bank, which informs about the procedure for bank classification of loans in payment moratorium....

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Stable points in an unstable period…

…as the experts saw it back in May. On 26 May the Business Dinner – a meeting for FMCG executives – took place in Hungexpo’s new Congress Centre, with the...

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SMEs expect high sales growth – but how much of this will inflation take away?

Based on the results of the second quarter of the K&H SME Confidence Index 2022, businesses expect a 12 percent increase in sales revenue and a 7 percent increase in...

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According to the vice president of the MNB, brutal inflation may stay with us until next summer

Barnabás Virág explained the background of today’s interest rate hike in an online background discussion from three o’clock on Tuesday afternoon. As is well known, the Monetary Council raised the...

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Magazine: Digital trend analysis

Norbert Madar, lead consultant of GKID Research & Consulting (formerly called GKI Digital) analysed the latest digital trends for our magazine. In 2020 and 2021 online retail was growing rapidly,...

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MNB director: inflation peaks in the autumn months

Inflation peaks in the autumn months and then slowly declines, returning to the central bank’s tolerance band at the end of 2023 and reaching the 3 percent target in the...

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MNB: the digitalisation of the financial sector has improved further

After the pandemic, the digital transformation of the financial sector gained new momentum: an increasingly wide range of banking products is available digitally, and more than 80 percent of customers...

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MNB: the number of card purchases has increased fivefold in ten years

The payment system has undergone tremendous development in the last ten years: for example, the number of POS terminals in operation tripled to 240,000 last year and the number of...

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Matolcsy: two-year competitiveness program needs to be launched

The central bank is proposing a two-year competitiveness program to the new government to restore the “dramatically upset” balance. The 12 pillars and 144 proposals of the Sustainable Balance and...

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MNB: the commercial real estate market is characterized by growing risks

The turbulence caused by geopolitical tensions and the future risks of global economic growth will have a negative impact on the demand for commercial real estate, real estate development, financing...

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The MNB raised the key interest rate by 30 basis points

On Thursday, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) announced its one-week deposit tender at 6.45 percent, 30 percentage points higher than in the previous week. Analysts also expected such a rise...

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Weekly Macro Calendar – Interest rate decisions, labor market and government finance data are coming

The most important event next week will be the interest rate setting meeting of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) on Tuesday, and this week the Ministry of Finance (PM) will...

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