Tag "Mezőgazdasági Eszköz- és Gépforgalmazók Országos Szövetsége"

The NAK Szántóföldi Days were successful again this year

The NAK Szántóföldi Days and Agricultural Machinery Show–Mezőfalva on June 5-6, 2024 took place again with great interest. At the country’s largest arable exhibition, the organizers focused on presenting sustainable farming...

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Development is a condition for competitiveness in agriculture

Competitiveness in agriculture is development, so the producer who wants to stay on the market in the long term must think about investments – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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The farmers are waiting for the publication of the new precision application

The domestic agricultural machinery market may achieve outstanding turnover this year, but after that, the sector may experience a downturn. Although manufacturers are waiting for farmers with a number of revolutionary...

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The technological modernization of agriculture is the basis for further development

The development of Hungarian agriculture is well illustrated by the fact that the added value per hectare increased by 77.1 percent between 2010 and 2022 – emphasized the Parliamentary State...

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This year, the NAK Szántóföldi Days and Agricultural Machinery Show will focus on sustainability

This year, the NAK Szántóföldi Days and Agricultural Machinery Show will focus on sustainability, but the usual, popular programs will not be left out either – said the president of...

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Negotiation for the success of domestic agricultural machinery manufacturers and distributors

The key to successful domestic agriculture is modernization, which is essential not only from an economic point of view, but also from an environmental and social point of view, said...

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AM State Secretary: the agricultural support encouraging the transition to precision will continue

The agricultural support that encourages the transition to precision will continue in the next funding cycle, which lasts until 2027, said the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM)...

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The domestic agricultural machinery market is developing dynamically

The Government of Hungary is committed to adapting domestic agriculture to the technological and sustainability challenges of the 21st century, stated Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary of the Ministry of...

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AGROmashEXPO, the biggest agricultural trade exhibition in Hungary

AGROmashEXPO and AgrárgépShow (“agricultural machines show”) will again welcome visitors with a full house on 25-28 January, 2017. Occupying the entire area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Center, over 300 exhibitors...

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Record number of visitors at AGROmashEXPO

There were nearly 42,000 visitors at the 33rd AGROmashEXPO, held between 28 and 31 January in Budapest. There were more visitors from abroad than last year. Almost 300 exhibitors showcased...

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