Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Agrármarketing Centrum: a professional day will be held for the first time at the Food Show

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM), the Agrármarketing Centrum (Agricultural Marketing Center) and the Agroinform.hu agricultural portal organize a professional day for the first time at the 78th National Agricultural and...

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The sowing area of rapeseed may be similar to last year’s

Rapeseed can be harvested in the country on 250-260 thousand hectares this year, which represents the same amount of crops as in 2016 – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Compared to last year,...

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Two million tons of vegetable production is expected

This year’s vegetable production is expected to be two million tonnes, which is 5-10 percent more than last year. Dessert corn can break records – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The volume of...

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FM: Fazekas Sándor is in talks with agricultural cooperatives in China

Minister of Agriculture Fazekas Sándor is in talks on agricultural cooperation with his Chinese counterpart, and with several local leaders – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Tuesday....

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FM: a huge amount of Hungarian grain can be exported

Hungary’s grain supply has been assured despite lower annual results, compared to last year’s record, and a huge amount can be exported as well – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of...

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Product Council: about 500-550 thousand tons of apple yield is expected this year

Due to the spring frosts, the lack of rain and the warm weather of the past one and a half months this year, only about 500-550 thousand tons of apple...

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Fazekas: the OMÉK presents the world-class production of Hungary

Hungary is now able to produce world-class GMO-free agricultural products. The 78th National Agricultural and Food Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK) opens in two weeks in Budapest showcases this supply –...

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The hail in the Mátra wine region in May caused Brutal damages

The mid-May hail this year hit the Mátra wine region seriously. Damages can be up to 100 million HUF, and a large number of crops were completely destroyed – agrarszektor.hu...

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New AMC tenders to promote the food industry and gastronomy

In the beginning of September, in the course of 2 new tenders, 90 million HUF non-refundable subsidies can be applied for the promotion of the Hungarian food market and gastronomy,...

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Fazekas: livestock farmers have a major role in agriculture’s upturn

Livestock farmers have a major role to play in the agricultural sector – Minister of Agriculture Fazekas Sándor said on Friday in Kaposvár at the opening ceremony of Hungarian Horse...

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Rural development is impossible without subsidies

On 28 July the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) organised a roundtable discussion on the future of the agri-food sector at the Bálványos Summer Open University and Student Camp in...

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Fazekas: the effect of eastern opening can be detected in agricultural exports

The impact of eastern opening can be detected in agricultural exports. For example the exports of pork to China have expanded to one and a half and the Far Eastern...

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The OMÉK campaign was launched

Livestock in unusual locations, wondering people – just a few scenes from this year’s 78th National Agricultural and Food Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK). The short film produced by the Agraricultural...

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The bad weather affected the French vines badly

Such small amount of wine grapes have not been harvested in France since 1945 as this year. The very weak harvest is due to the unusually mild March and the...

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The common agricultural policy is a huge development opportunity

For Hungary, the EU’s agricultural policy is a huge opportunity for development, however, because of the ever-tightening requirements, the farmers and the food industry are facing more requirements – Győrffy...

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Agricultural Marketing Centrum: tradition and innovation will be present at this year’s agricultural and food exhibition

In this year’s National Agricultural and Food Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK) programs, traditions and innovation will be present – Daróczi László, Managing Director of Agrármarketing Centrum emphasized on Thursday, on...

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Agricultural commodities to form in Africa

A Nigerian startup is developing a new agricultural commodities exchange in Africa’s most populous country to take advantage of the government’s efforts to boost farming output to reduce reliance on...

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Agricultural Chamber: wheat production is less than last year, but it will be enough

This year, 5 million tons less winter wheat was taken into the granaries, but it will still be sufficient for domestic supplies and around 2.3 million tons can be exported...

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The Farmer Expo in Debrecen has ended

More than 30,000 people visited the Farmer Expo in Debrecen, which ended on Sunday evening – Vaszkó László Chief Market Director told MTI. According to his announcement, the biggest interest...

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KSH: slowdown in agricultural producer prices in June

In June, the agriculrural producer prices were 2.5 percent higher than a year before, following a 4.5 percent rise in May. The price of plant products fell by 3.1 percent,...

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There is a strong demand for sweetcorn in Europe

This year, about half a million tons of sweetcorn to be processed by the processors. With this quantity, Hungary is the world’s second largest sweetcorn producer after the United States....

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The heat caused billions of dollars damages in Serbia

Compared to the average of recent years, the Serbian agriculture can expect an about 1 billion USD less profit, due to the heat and droughts of recent weeks – agricultural...

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FM: special support for farmers who suffered frost and hail damages

The ministry will assist those growers with a special support, who suffered frost and hail damages this year, the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Thursday. According to the information...

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Without well-trained specialists there is no sure future in agriculture

Without well-trained professionals, there is no safe future and perspective in the agricultural sector – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said on Friday at the...

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Agricultural Chamber: the wheat harvest is higher than the expectations

Despite the adverse weather, this year’s wheat harvest has surpassed expectations – Süle Katalin, spokeswoman for the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) told M1 news channel on Wednesday. She added:...

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Compared to the average, more meal wheat was produced this year

Compared to the average, more meal wheat was produced this year: the share of meal and feed wheat is generally thirty-seventy percent, but this year the rate is 50 –...

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Good quality cereal crops are expected

Almost one million hectares of winter wheat is already in the granaries. A slightly larger and better than average quality grain crops are expected – according to the Minister of...

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Investment plans are real according to the latest survey of the Takarék Agrárhangulati Index

After the drought period, before the delivery of the application decisions, the majority of the farmers still have a positive view on agriculture, according to the Saving Group’s (Takarék Csoport)...

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FM: the development of vegetable and fruit growing is an important task

The development of vegetable and fruit growing is an important task – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said on Friday in Bősárkány, Győr-Moson-Sopron County. Nagy...

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5 million tons of winter wheat was produced this year

The summer harvesting works have been completed in the country. The winter wheat production reached about 5 million tons – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture told...

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