Tag "mezőgazdaság"

The current Hungarian CAP support rate should remain!

The current Hungarian support rate should remain in the post-2020 EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) period – agrarszektor.hu wrote. According to the findings of the Agricultural Forum of the Free...

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Russia is preparing to expand its agricultural exports

Russia has fulfilled the role of import substitution for the main foodstuffs, now agricultural exports have to be expanded, Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Gorgyejev said on Wednesday in Moscow. Gorgyejev...

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The II. NAK Field Days awaits its guests with a number of programs

In addition to the season-specific breed shows, visitors can also find a variety of crop production exhibitions, stationary and mobile machine exhibitions on 20-21 September at the II. NAK Arable...

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The 2nd NAK Field Days will be held on 20-21 September

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) is organizing the 2nd NAK Field Days Agricultural Machinery Show with the contribution of National Association of Agricultural Equipment Distributors (Megfosz) in Mezőhegyes on...

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The Gödöllő program promotes the renewal of agricultural research

The Gödöllő program announced last week will help to renew the agricultural research, to modernize agrarian higher education and the related advisory system – Gyuricza Csaba, Director General of the...

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Budapest Bank: increase of investments in agriculture may continue

Two thirds of Hungarian agricultural entrepreneurs have developed their farms without subsidies over the last year, while third of them continue to increase the amount invested this year – the...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices increased by 0.6 percent in May

Agricultural producer prices increased by 0.6 percent in May, compared to the previous year. The increase is due to a 4.6 percent increase in the price of vegetable products and...

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Wheat harvest has begun

Wheat harvest has begun on almost 30,000 hectares in Zala County. The average yield per hectare is 4.8 tonnes – the county president of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK)...

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KSH: the number of cattle and pigs increased, the number of sheeps dropped

Over the past year, the number of cattle increased by 15,000, while pig stocks by 50,000, however, the number of sheep decreased by 14,000 and the number of hens by...

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Nagy István: Hungarian wine is the flagship of agriculture

The Hungarian winemaking sector is the flagship of the Hungarian agriculture, which is receiving a record amount of subsidies – the Minister of Agriculture said on Tuesday in Budapest at...

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The Hajdúsági Expo to be held for the seventh time

The 7th Hajdúsági Expo and Tractor Pull Cup will be held in Hajdúböszörmény between 10-12 August – the organizers announced on Tuesday at a press conference. Kiss Attila (Fidesz-KDNP) Mayor...

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Consultation in the pig sector

Although the price of domestic pork has declined, the process can not yet be associated with cases of African swine fever in wild boar flocks – the Világgazdaság Online wrote....

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The National Chamber of Agriculture organizes an agricultural career orientation week

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) organizes an agricultural career orientation week for primary school students. With the programs the NAK wants to promote farmer and livestock worker vocational trainings....

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The turnover of agricultural products with Vietnam is good

The foreign trade of agricultural products expanded dynamically in Asia in recent years – the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Saturday, reporting about the visit of Minister Nagy István...

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Soy bean production of the world can exceed 350 million tons next year

This year’s production decline from this oily seed may be temporary. If Argentina shakes up and Brazil continues to grow as it did this year, next year we will have...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices increased by 1.2 percent in April

Agricultural producer prices increased by 1.2 percent in April, compared to a year before. This is due to the 3.1 percent increase in the price of vegetable products and a...

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A further 21 billion HUF was decided in the Rural Development Program

Within the Rural Development Program, decision was born about the support 634 applications in a value of more than 21 billion forints in June – Kis Miklós, Minister of State...

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Small farms dominate EU agriculture

In the EU Member States in 2016, 10.3 million farms were operating on 171 million hectares, two thirds of them had less than 5 hectares are and only 11 percent...

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Harvest began weeks earlier this year

The harvest of arable crops this year has started more than a few weeks earlier because of the extremely hot weather – the Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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Grain is the main commodity of Hungarian agroexport

Wheat and corn are Hungary’s two main commodities within the agricultural export. In the first three months of 2018, 1.2 million tonnes of the two crops were exported. After last...

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GMO-free agriculture is a strategic issue

Hungary treats the GMO-free status of agriculture as a strategic issue and acknowledged the importance of gene preservation among the first – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry...

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Agricultural exports to China can be expanded

Agricultural exports to China can be expanded, especially in the exports of high-processed products, – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said at the consultation he...

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Labor shortage affects Hungarian vegetable production

The lack of labor force is a growing problem in the fruit and vegetable sector, which can now have a negative impact on the quality of crops as well –...

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Irrigation would cost hundreds of billions, but it would generate serious extra income

A 180-page study was conducted by the Agricultural Research Institute on the development of irrigation. Researchers took into account the water needs of plants, soil conditions and water resources, and...

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Hungary continues to expand its agricultural relations with Africa

Research and business cooperation, as well as the existing forms of knowledge transfer can provide a solid foundation for the further development of Hungarian-African agricultural relations – Farkas Sándor, Minister...

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We can expect moderate wheat yield

Despite the rain, wheat growers expect moderate crops, but there will be huge fluctuations: there will be very excellent and very poor yields – Világgazdaság Online wrote. World market prices,...

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The Chamber of Commerce urges the extension of the reverse VAT payment

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) urges the extension of the reverse VAT payment system for cereals and certain oil crops. The current system will expire on 31 December 2018....

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Nagy István: Allies in the region also consider it unacceptable to reduce EU agricultural resources

The four Visegrád countries, as well as Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia, and the Baltic states also agreed that the European Commission’s (EC) proposed reductions of EU funds for the...

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The national labor inspections on agriculture lasts until the end of September

The national labor inspections on agriculture lasts until the end of September. Agriculture is one of the most dangerous sectors due to the risk of accidents and the risk of...

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The European agriculture was badly affected by drought

It seems that other countries in Europe have also suffered from the shortage of rain until the rainfalls of June arrived – agrarszektor.hu wrote. By now, it is certain that...

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