Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Water for irrigation should only be drilled to the extent that nature can replace

Áder János Presidents considers the increase of the size of irrigated agricultural land as inevitable, however clean water should only be drilled to the extent that nature can replace. Áder...

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The heat in Germany was good for the wineries but bad for the cereal producers

This year, vintage began nearly a month earlier than usual in Germany – the portfolio.hu wrote. Grape growers have never started harvesting so early, and this was mainly due to...

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Certain contaminated sown areas will be given temporary exemption under the prohibition of pesticide use

Certain contaminated sown areas will be given temporary exemption under the prohibition of pesticide use – according to the Ministry of Agriculture’s announcement published on Monday. According to the information,...

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AM: more corn may grow in 2018 than in 2017

Thanks to the favorable weather, slightly more corns can be produced this year than last year and a similar amount of sunflowers may be harvested as last year – Feldman...

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Magazine: Fluctuating lamb prices

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) revealed that in 2018 approximately 890,000 tons of lamb and goat meat will be produced...

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Excellent apple yield throughout Europe

There is a great apple yield throughout Europe: 13 million tonnes of fruits are expected in the European Union. In Hungary, 20-25 percent more apples were harvested than last year,...

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Farkas Sándor: Mezőhegyes will be one of the most modern agricultural farms in Europe

One of the most modern agricultural farms in Europe is the Mezőhegyes National Stud Farm and Farming Zrt. – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said...

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17 billion forints annually for the development of irrigation purposes in the 2020-2030 period

In order to achieve efficient and sustainable water management, the government will provide 17 billion forints of public funds annually for irrigation purposes every year between 2020 and 2030 –...

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The 2nd NAK Field Days to begin on Thursday in Mezőhegyes

The 2nd NAK Field Days and Agricultural Machine Show will begin on Thursday in Mezőhegyes. The outdoor exhibition will be held on over 40 hectares this year – Umenhoffer Péter,...

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Feed production decreased

Domestic feed mix production decreased by a total of four percent last year – according to recent data published by the Agricultural Research Institute (AKI) – agrarszektor.hu wrote. In the...

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There is a need for digitization in agriculture

Farmers are open to innovations that will help them make more money and revenue without compromising food security – Liam Condon, Board Member of Bayer and Chairman of Crop Science,...

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Lower sunflower prices, decreasing sowing area in Hungary

Sunflower sowing area decreased by more than ten percent this year in Hungary. Quality is very variable, but the yield is still high. This year’s sunflower plantation was 628,000 hectares...

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The apple yield may be above average

The apple yield to be about 25 percent higher than the 10-year average, 730 thousand tons of which 25 to 30 percent are edible apples and 70-75 percent industrial apples,...

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The reduction of EU agricultural subsidies is unacceptable

The reduction of EU agricultural subsidies in the Common Agricultural Policy is unacceptable for Hungary – Györffy Balázs, President of the National Chamber of Agriculture told at the presidency meeting...

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Corn imports can brake records in Europe

USDA analysts expect significant European maize imports this year, of which the US can only profit indirectly – agrarszektor.hu wrote. There is still a small amount of corn, wheat and...

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The Minister of Agriculture handed over a modern training garden in Budapest

Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture and the managing director of the supporter of the project, the Syngenta Hungary handed over a training garden in Budapest. The training garden helps to...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices increased

In July, the 4.5 percent increase in the price of vegetable products and the 4.0 percent decrease in prices of live animals and animal products led to a 1.2 percent...

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340 million euros will be distributed among the drought victims in Germany

Up to half a million (160 million HUF) will be allocated to the drought victim farmers in Germany if the farm can prove that its losses are due to this...

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Hungarian sample farm in Ghana

Appropriate variety selection and new technologies can double the amount of food produced in Ghana according to the position of the National Center for Agricultural Research and Innovation. To prove...

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The Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural Research Center are looking for young scientists again

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) and the National Center for Agricultural Research and Innovation (NAIK) are awaiting young researchers – Gyuricza Csaba, Director General of the Center told M1 news...

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The poultry sector should be prepared for the reduction of EU subsidies

The poultry sector survived many crises, but there may be difficulties again, as the EU’s agricultural subsidies are expected to decline from 2021, which we have to be prepared. Farkas...

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Global grain production is weak

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) flash report, the world’s lowest cereal yield of the last three years will be harvested that will lead to a drop...

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Nagy István: knowledge-based solutions are needed for agriculture

There is a need for knowledge-based solutions and tools to improve competitiveness in order to ensure that Hungarian products continue to find a market, and the industry to be able...

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The Chamber of Agriculture is expecting less than average garlic crop in Hungary

Due to the extreme weather this year, less than average onions and garlic crops are expected in Hungary and throughout the European Union. The production area of the onion decreased...

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Insects hungry in the heat

With temperatures going up as the climate warms, the hungry caterpillars could get even hungrier, and more abundant. Crop losses to pests may grow – Világgazdaság Online wrote after Science....

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Frost damages hit the peach harvest

Frost damages hit the peach plantations this year, and as a result of the loss of fruit, the domestic fruits were sold on the wholesale market 70 percent more expensive...

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Seven million tons of wheat are missing from the world market

The world market price of wheat rose from 510 dollarcents per bushel of early June by 17 percent to 597.25 dollarcents per bushel in August – Világgazdaság Online wrote. Since...

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FruitVeb: this year’s grape production can have good quality and large quantities

Good quality and large quantities of grapes are expected this year – Domján Erika, managing director of the FruitVeb Hungarian Vegetables and Fruit Interprofessional Organization and Product Board told M1...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the aging of the farmer society must be stopped

The aging of the farmer society must be stopped with EU agricultural policy tools and with actions of the Member States – the Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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Hailstorm protection with IT support

The IT system that serves the nationwide hailstorm protection system is up and running. HUF 300 million was spent on improving the performance of the Apollo super-computer that had been purchased...

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