Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Soaring prices in the vegetable market

Heavy rains are unlikely to fundamentally change this year’s vegetable season, which is mostly about soaring prices for consumers, Világgazdaság Online wrote. So far, there is no precise information on...

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AM: the protection of pollinators and the conservation of biodiversity has a paramount importance

The protection of pollinators contributes not only to the preservation of biodiversity, but also to the maintenance of the quantity and quality of agricultural production, Minister of Agriculture Nagy István...

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Innovation helps sustainable agriculture

Precision agriculture is an innovation created for sustainability that can make the sector more competitive, greener and more transparent, the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) said...

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KSH: prices for pigs for slaughter have risen

Mainly due to the jump in the purchase price of live animals, after three months of a slight decline, the growth rate of agricultural producer prices accelerated again in May....

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The success of precision farming is also related to generational change

In Hungary, precision farming is mainly used by farmers with higher education under the age of 40, so the success of precision technologies also depends in part on the success...

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(HU) Fokozott készenlétben az országos jégkármérséklő

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Nagy István: high-quality livestock farms are important for maintaining the competitiveness of animal husbandry

The construction and operation of high-tech livestock farms in line with EU requirements is particularly important for maintaining and increasing the competitiveness of animal husbandry, the Minister of Agriculture said...

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Hungarian agricultural diplomacy has turned in a new direction

The strategy of Hungarian agricultural diplomacy has been fundamentally renewed this year: the focus has been on the strong development of the agricultural economy, said Dávid Bencsik, the ministry’s deputy...

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AM: active Hungarian participation for sustainable food

Hungary is a multifaceted participant in world food projects and is committed to achieving sustainability goals, Bencsik Dávid, Deputy State Secretary for International Relations at the Ministry of Agriculture said...

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98 percent of winter barley was harvested in Zala County

Almost 98 percent of the winter barley was harvested in Zala County, and the harvest of winter wheat and seed peas began in the fields, the county president of the...

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The national hail mitigation system worked well

The soil-generated national hail mitigation system has operated nationwide, however, despite being state-of-the-art technology, it cannot provide effective protection against supercells. According to preliminary data, hail reports have been received...

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Budapest Bank’s agricultural economic index rose to a record level

Hungarian farmers have a positive view of the future. Budapest Bank’s latest agricultural economic index was 16 points, the highest value in the last 6 years, an increase of 20...

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Organic farming on an upward trajectory in Hungary

In Hungary, the ecological arable land size has increased by about 70 percent to almost 100,000 hectares in the last ten years. According to the working group of the Interprofessional...

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At the end of June, Groupama received almost 1 billion HUF in agricultural claims

After the last weekend of June, Groupama received almost 600 claims worth a total of 1 billion HUF, the insurance company told MTI. The damage was mainly caused by hail...

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Another tender was announced to support horticultural plants

With a budget of fifty billion forints, another tender was announced for the technological renewal of smaller horticultural plants, the Minister of Agriculture announced in Szentes on Thursday. Nagy István...

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Small farmers will have more space

Hungarian small producers, family farmers, micro, small and medium food enterprises are the basis of Hungarian agriculture. The Ministry has set a vision for giving these small entrepreneurs even more...

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K&H is urging the modernization of grain storage

Modern grain storage could reduce losses to a fraction, but most domestic storages have not been developed for decades – K&H told MTI. According to the financial institution, the development...

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The domestic food industry can count on the government’s support

Increasing the productivity of the Hungarian food economy is a key issue, for which it is of paramount importance to support digitalisation and the use of new technologies, said Norbert...

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(HU) Felfelé ívelő pályán az ökológiai gazdálkodás Magyarországon

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The harvest started in Békés county

The harvest has started in Békés county. Farmers expect excellent harvest from winter barley, but winter wheat is expected to be a medium to weak this year, the Békés county...

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AM: the result of this year’s tender supporting non-governmental organizations in the agricultural sector

NGOs have an important role to play in meeting the agricultural sector objectives of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM). The ministry intends to provide effective assistance for this with its...

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Lessons learned from the crisis can help to get back on our feet

The coronavirus pandemic put the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) to a great test, too. Our magazine interviewed NAK president Balázs Győrffy. – How did the coronavirus pandemic influence the...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the support of the beekeeping sector is a public interest

Hungary supports the review of the special protection objectives for bees by the European Food Safety Authority, Minister of Agriculture Nagy István said at the Luxembourg meeting of the Agriculture...

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Ministry of Agriculture Agreement reached on CAP reform in Luxembourg

An agreement has been reached on CAP reform in Luxembourg. Under the leadership of Hungary, the interests of small farms have been defended with enormous efforts, the Ministry of Agriculture...

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Nagy István: a close to average yield is expected

Product estimation data are encouraging. The Chamber of Agriculture’s forecast for this year indicates close-to-average quantities, with some of the area’s declining yields being offset by relatively favorable yields per...

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Agreement reached on CAP reform in Luxembourg

Hungary, he made great efforts to protect the interests of small farms. At the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting on 28 June, the Ministers of Agriculture agreed on the main...

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The Chamber of Agriculture: Friday’s cold front posed a major challenge to the national ice mitigation system

Friday’s cold front posed a greater challenge to the national ice mitigation system than ever before, the National Chamber of Agriculture told MTI. They explained that the generators were running...

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The Chamber of Agriculture initiated the proclamation of a period of persistent water scarcity

On the basis of hydrometeorological conditions and forecasts, the National Chamber of Agricultural Economy (NAK) initiated the proclamation of a period of persistent water scarcity at the Ministry of The...

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AM: In the next seven years, the government will spend 4,265 billion HUF on Hungarian agriculture

Over the next seven years, the government will spend 4,265 billion HUF together with EU funds for the development of the Hungarian countryside, Hungarian agriculture and the food industry, of...

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Hungary could be at the forefront of organic farming in a few years

Within a few years, Hungary can be at the forefront of organic farming, which is also facilitated by the tender funds of the Rural Development Program (VP) – the Biokontroll...

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