Tag "mezőgazdaság"

The war is a market risk for Hungarian agriculture

The Russian-Ukrainian war and its consequences interrupted the market and production security of agricultural production, which had strengthened in the last decade, moreover, it led to sales uncertainties and an...

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Farmers will receive further financial assistance

In order to deal with the grain crisis in Ukraine caused by the war, the government has decided on a new interest subsidy program, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced...

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AMC launched its melon consumption incentive campaign, the season can last until the end of September

The melon season is roaring, what’s more, today the old saying about Lőrinc’s day, which used to mean the end of the season around the middle of August, is no...

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Máté Lóga: another help for agricultural enterprises

In the difficult economic situation affected by war and sanctions, agriculture is a particularly important sector both from the point of view of the national economy and food security, and...

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Water restrictions have been ordered in several parts of Italy due to the drought caused by the heat wave

Temperatures are still around forty degrees in the central and northern parts of Italy, and due to the extreme drought, water restrictions have been introduced in Liguria and Sicily as...

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Choosing a Hungarian product guarantees quality and safety

Hungarian producers benefit from customer awareness, but this needs to be reinforced with attitude-shaping campaigns and trademarks. It is important to know that if you “choose a Hungarian product, you are...

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Gergely Gulyás: Hungary proposes to extend the EU import ban on Ukrainian grain products

Hungary proposes that the European Union extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain products, which expires on September 15, the minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office...

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Agrometeorology: a good crop of corn is promised in many places

There is still moisture in the soil, and corn likes heat, so it promises a good harvest in many places, the National Meteorological Service wrote in its agrometeorological analysis on...

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Ecologists: the quality of European fresh waters is not improving

According to a new international study published with the cooperation of Hungarian researchers, the growth of biological diversity in European fresh waters has stopped, therefore the attention of decision-makers is...

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Severe frost damage decimated this year’s peach crop

The spring frosts caused significant damage to the peach plantations in Hungary, so a much weaker than average harvest is expected this year, according to the joint overview of the...

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The quality of the fruits also depends on the presence of pollinating animals

Almost a quarter of the quality of fruits depends on the presence of pollinating animals, animal pollination plays a key role in determining the quality of agricultural production – concluded...

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Grain producers have to find buyers for their crops themselves

In the past 5-7 years, there was a demand market for grain, now there is a supply market, the producers have to find buyers for their crops themselves – said...

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Food supply in brief

The Short Supply Chain (REL) needs to be further strengthened, the essence of which is that production, processing and sales take place at the local or regional level, said Dr. Beáta...

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Wheat becomes life

Without the establishment of the sovereign, Christian Hungarian state founded by Saint István, today we would not be able to provide help to farmers in the organized way they expect...

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The plum season is in full swing, the star fruit of autumn is already available in the markets

This year’s plum harvest will be weaker than average, farmers can harvest around 40-50 thousand tons of the popular fruit – according to the joint market overview of the National...

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Donations are ongoing for the Bread of Hungarians – 15 million wheat grains program on the occasion of the Carpathian Basin Wheat Merger

Hungarians have an unbroken sense of belonging – the Minister of Agriculture emphasized on Saturday in Szolnok, at the bread of the Hungarians – 15 million grains of wheat program...

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National campaign to promote the consumption of rabbit meat

The next stop of the “Rabbit-go-bele” national campaign series to promote domestic rabbit meat consumption was at the Farmer Expo in Debrecen. At the event, Zsolt Papp, Deputy Secretary of...

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Agrometeorology: sunny, warm, dry weather helps the ripening of summer plants

There may still be sporadic showers and thunderstorms this week, and mostly sunny, warm, dry weather for most of next week will help the ripening processes of summer plants, the...

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The government is a strong ally of agriculture

The government is a strong ally of agriculture, producers, processors, universities, and strives with all its strength to provide assistance to the sector’s players, said the Minister of Agriculture at...

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The future of European production is threatened by the unlimited influx of Ukrainian poultry meat and eggs

The import of Ukrainian poultry meat and eggs must be stopped, because the products arriving in the European Union in unlimited quantities not only threaten the future of EU production,...

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In addition to excellent apples, there may also be a non-refundable grant

 There are few things better than a fresh, juicy, crunchy apple. Especially if it is of proven high quality. It is already possible for apple producers to have the apples they...

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In addition to NAK, the Czech, Polish and Slovak Chambers of Agriculture also support the citizens’ initiative

In addition to the NAK, the other three agricultural chambers of the Visegrad Four also support the European citizens’ initiative launched to preserve the values of the countryside. Nowadays, the...

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We have to pay slightly more for peaches than last year

According to Eurostat data, the peach and nectarine harvest increased to 21.8 thousand tons (+90 percent) in 2022. According to the publication of the Agrárközgazdasági Intézet Informative report on summer agricultural...

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Bread of Magyars – The wheat collected by the Hungarian farmers of Transcarpathia was merged in Nagydobrony

Almost 160 tons of wheat collected by Hungarian farmers in Transcarpathia in the Magyarok Kenyere-15 million grains of wheat program were merged on Saturday in Nagydobrony, Ungvár district. István Jakab,...

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The country’s bread is guaranteed

The country’s bread is secured, the bread grain is already in the granaries, and this is the most important and reassuring sentence for an agriculture minister – declared István Nagy...

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Notification of storm and downpour damage in agriculture

The extreme weather also caused a lot of damage to agriculture across the country, but the damage mitigation system provides assistance in the case of downpours and storm damage in...

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The 3rd National Biodiversity Strategy was created

The 3rd National Biodiversity Strategy provides a comprehensive framework for the long-term survival of domestic wildlife and natural resources, and defines the objectives to be achieved by 2030 and the...

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AKI: fertilizer turnover increased by almost 20 percent in the second quarter

Thanks to falling prices, fertilizer turnover increased by almost 20 percent in the second quarter compared to last year – read the summary of the Agricultural Economics Institute (AKI). In...

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The market difficulties of Ukrainian grain imports could be handled with transit support

With European Union transit support, Ukrainian grain could be delivered to its former traditional markets, said István Nagy, who held a meeting with Mykola Solský, Minister of Agriculture and Food...

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Poland estimates the costs of expanding Ukrainian grain transit at around one billion euros

Poland estimates the costs needed to expand Ukrainian grain transit at about 1 billion euros, confirmed Andrzej Sados, Poland’s permanent representative to the European Union, according to media reports on...

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