Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Our country is preparing full steam ahead for the EU presidency

The issue of artificial meat, the fight against food waste and animal welfare topics are also on the agenda of our country’s EU president, which István Nagy discussed in his...

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This year, it is expected that the rules for mandatory waste disposal will be eased

The data related to the uploading of the electronic management diary can be agreed until mid-March. For the submission of the unified application for 2024, the Ministry of Agriculture is already...

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33,000 farmers have already received payments this year

In connection with last year’s unified applications, the Hungarian Treasury has already paid HUF 42 billion to more than 33 thousand farmers this year, stated Lajosmizsén Lajosmizsén, Zsolt Feldman, State...

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According to Giorgia Meloni, the European Parliament elections will bring a change in agricultural policy

With the European Parliament elections, there will be a turning point in the Community’s agricultural policy, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced on Monday evening, after meeting with the delegations...

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The price of chicken breast fillets decreased by 19 percent

Based on data from the KSH, Hungary’s poultry meat exports increased by 2 percent to 200,000 tons between January and November 2023 compared to the same period of the previous...

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The conditions for ewe support will become more favorable

This year, the conditions for subsidizing production-bound ewes will become more favorable with the first amendment to Hungary’s KAP Strategic Plan. It is important to inform farmers about the two...

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MBH: Hungarian agriculture can expect a calmer year than last year

The agriculture and the food industry can expect a calmer year this year than in 2023, mainly the prospects of livestock keepers have improved, a more balanced period in agriculture...

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The agricultural chambers of six countries jointly call on Brussels: end the impossibility of European farmers!

In addition to the Hungarian National Chamber of Agriculture, the agricultural chambers of five other countries strongly warn the decision-makers of the European Union not to destroy Europe’s agriculture. The...

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The Hungarian meat industry faces a great opportunity

In addition to plant growers, animal breeders must also be put in a position, because in the Hungarian food industry, the greatest profit can be achieved with highly processed and...

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European Commission: producers can deviate from the rules on fallowing for one year

In 2024, EU agricultural producers can deviate from the rules of the common agricultural policy (CAP), which oblige them to leave certain agricultural areas fallow, i.e. fallow, the European Commission...

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Imports of live cattle increased by 33 percent

According to AKI’s slaughter statistics data, the slaughter of cattle in 2023, expressed in live weight, decreased by almost 10 percent compared to the previous year. The slaughter of cows, which...

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Tenders are open for the support of consulting services

The Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP), which contains the domestic support sources that can be used until 2027, also offers exploitable opportunities for professional organizations operating in...

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Subsidies for Hungarian farmers are also guaranteed in 2024

The Hungarian government recognizes the importance of domestic agriculture: agricultural subsidies have been provided this year as well, which give a significant impetus to the development of agriculture and the...

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There is no future without farmers! Producers demonstrating in Záhony demanded the introduction of an immediate import ban on Ukrainian goods from Brussels

Organized by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Unions and Farmers’ Cooperatives (MAGOSZ) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), domestic producers held a farmers’ demonstration at the border crossing in...

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Agrometeorology: continued mild weather disturbs the dormant phase of vegetation

The continuing mild weather disturbs the winter dormant phase of the vegetation, the plants have started to develop, but too early development increases the risk of spring frost damage –...

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Let’s choose Hungarian-grown ornamental plants for Women’s Day as well!

Despite rising prices, Hungarians are not giving up on buying flowers for the spring holidays, according to the joint market overview of the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Professional...

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The first calls for investment tenders will appear in the spring

Zsolt Feldman spoke about the tenders to be announced by the Ministry of Agriculture this year, the commitments that are more strongly evaluated during the evaluation, and the measures to...

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The national ice damage mitigation system protects 9.3 million hectares of land

The national ice damage mitigation system, which has been in operation since 2018 and protects 9.3 million hectares of land, will continue to be operated with HUF 2 billion government...

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ÖK’s research project helps protect wildlife from the harmful environmental effects of ivermectin

Grazed animals are treated with anthelmintics, which, if released into the wild, pose a threat to the local insect and bird life. The ecologists of the HUN-REN Ecological Research Center (HUN-REN...

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We are further strengthening cooperation in the field of agriculture with Slovakia

On Tuesday afternoon, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy discussed the market difficulties caused by Ukrainian grain, the European farmers’ protests, trade and animal health issues with Richard Takáčc, Slovakia’s new...

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EU Commissioner: it must be ensured that the agri-food sector remains competitive

The EU must ensure that the agri-food sector remains competitive and at the same time provides a fair income for all farmers, small and medium-sized enterprises, this is also important...

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AM State Secretary: precision production is inevitable for the competitiveness of agriculture

Farmers who want to remain competitive on the international market cannot avoid the use of data-based and precision technologies, said the Secretary of State responsible for agriculture and rural development...

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The immediate export of soybeans has increased in Ukraine

According to Tallage, US soybean spot export (FOB Gulf) fell $50 to $405/t, March $56 to $398, April $63 to $396, May $62 to $398/t November 17, 2023 and January...

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Digitization is the key to the competitiveness of agriculture

Farming using data-based and precision technologies is now inevitable for all producers who want to appear with their products and goods on global competitive markets, where prices are shaped not...

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The Chamber of Agriculture is launching a nationwide series of events on water conservation in February

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) will launch a series of national events in February on agricultural practices that conserve water, the chamber told MTI on Monday. The “Changing climate, adaptive...

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Fertilizer sales prices fell by more than half

In the months X–XII of 2023, compared to the volume traded in the same period a year earlier, 13 percent less fertilizer was delivered to farmers, despite the fact that...

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Rome was surrounded by tractors of farmers demonstrating against the European agricultural policy

Protesting farmers from all over the country surrounded the Italian capital with tractors, occupying the main roads leading to Rome at several points on Monday. You can see a row...

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Nébih seized forty tons of Ukrainian seeds contaminated with GMOs

Thanks to continuous inspections and strict food safety rules, 40 tons of GMO-contaminated corn seeds from Ukraine were seized by Nébih specialists. We will continue to protect Hungarian food safety...

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ELTE research: restoration of wetlands could alleviate the drought in the Great Plains

Due to the lack of water in the atmosphere, there is not enough precipitation in the Great Plains during the drought period. To alleviate this, the researchers of the Eötvös Loránd...

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Historical subsidies help agriculture

Last year, we set a new record, as the amount of agricultural subsidies successfully applied for and paid out exceeded HUF 1,300 billion in total – Minister of Agriculture István...

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